View Full Version : Help finding injector hoses

18th November 2011, 11:48 AM
Hey all,

Any ideas for a wrecker / dealer anywhere that I could source the metal tubes that deliver fuel from the injector pump to the injectors?

Mine have been tightened once too many times so all are leaking.

They are engine specific and Nissan says it's a 5 week wait to get some from Japan for my RD28TD in a GQ.

Cheers, Lachie

18th November 2011, 03:40 PM
Try PetroJect in Newmarket in Brisbane - they may not have them, but should at least know where to get them.

18th November 2011, 04:42 PM
Thanks Bigrig, been calling wreckers in Sydney all day.

18th November 2011, 05:31 PM
Thanks Bigrig, been calling wreckers in Sydney all day.

No worries mate - hope they can help. They are pretty switched on as I dealt with them for my new injectors and they were the only ones (of three) that were spot on the money.