View Full Version : Harsh comments

18th November 2011, 05:53 AM
I just got this sent to me on an email when this member signed up....

Burn in hell.
How do you expect someone to post 25replys when all they want is a manual to fix their bloody car, thanks for wasting my time.

Pretty damn harsh I think....Also, why do I deserve Karma? What is the actual Karma going on???

18th November 2011, 05:59 AM
I know we have been through this a thousand times. Here is my reply below for new members anyway so they understand.

When I get back from the meet up I will do a proper sticky on the manuals section or a big link somewhere on the forum so every new member can see it and understand the rules and why before they sign up, etc....So they are not "wasting their time"...

That's a bit harsh.

I run this forum for free and make no money off it. I used to have the manuals for free and the amount of people who would come on board, sign up, download and piss off again was incredible.

I ended up paying $250 a month to keep the forum going and I simply could not afford to keep this forum running like that with a young family and single average wage.

This was the only way to restrict the downloads to enable me to keep the forum running for free.

That really hurts mate, thanks!!!

18th November 2011, 06:04 AM
AB, some people think the world owes them everything in their hand without having to do anything. I hope you banned him and told him to go buy a Land Rover.

Sir Roofy
18th November 2011, 06:08 AM
I just got this sent to me on an email when this member signed up....

Burn in hell.
How do you expect someone to post 25replys when all they want is a manual to fix their bloody car, thanks for wasting my time.

Pretty damn harsh I think....Also, why do I deserve Karma? What is the actual Karma going on???

thats a shame mate we all found this site wanting info on our rigs some go but most of us have stayed
there is so much infomation on here and look at what has been achieved dont let one person upset your day mate

18th November 2011, 07:01 AM
now we just need to send worms virus and trojens to his ip address

my third 256
18th November 2011, 07:05 AM
if his time is so valuable to him , he should stop waisting his time on the internet and go and purchace a manual

18th November 2011, 07:22 AM
if his time is so valuable to him , he should stop waisting his time on the internet and go and purchace a manual

Exactly right.
He's pissed because he couldn't get what he wanted easily and for free, he can either buy a manual online or go to his local Nissan dealer and buy one there. Spending an hour or two on the forum getting to know other Patrol owners and their cars would not only have got him his manuals for free but also a gained him other peoples knowledge and experience that you won't find in any manual.

Don't let it get to you AB, you're doing a great job keeping this forum running and we all thank you for it.


18th November 2011, 08:10 AM
Getting 25 posts is really not that hard.
Hopefully when the new users start posting, they will find this is the best forum on the net :D

That's why I stayed.

DX grunt
18th November 2011, 08:13 AM
Isn't it sad that it's mostly the minority that spoil it for the majority?

Of the 500 things we do, somebody always remembers the one thing we don't do, or that one mistake we make, and coincidentally, always manages to drag it back up at a time that puts you in a spot?

I've been a "yes" man nearly all my life, and have recently started saying "no." Mind you, it's always for a good reason and really, I don't have to justify myself to anybody, except the wife. lol

Andy, you're doing a brilliant job on this forum and none of us will never know or fully understand how positive you've influenced so many lives since bringing Nissan Patrols into our homes - at an affordable price!

It's forged friendships, wisdom, knowledge and 'power' in many aspects. Testimony to this, is the amount of 'reads' some threads have. A couple are surging towards 300,000 reads. I'm happy with that.

Maybe have a "terms and conditions" tick a box when signing up. That way, everything is as clear as rainwater - transparent, with no hidden secrets - not that there was, anyway.

Many of us know some newbees hammer that keyboard, and in less than 15 minutes, have access to a manual. I applaud these people. It's not that hard.

I'd feel absolutely sh@t on reading comments like the one you have posted. It does hurt, but time will heal. Most of us know you have put your heart and soul into this Forum - thank you.

Take care out there.


Edit: If you receive any more inappropriate comments, I'd suggest you simply hit the delete button and move on. They will eventually get the message.

18th November 2011, 08:30 AM
Keep doing what you are doing Andy, we all enjoy your work. Thats a great thing.
When Mr Turkey opened the manual section I wonder what he would have said if manuals were $25.00 or free after 25 posts?
Ynot and Plassy and Muddy and Ferret and heaps of others are way better than any manual...

Ooops I forgot Biggus :blowup:
I'm going to get the matches........
I'm a clown :clownredpuff: ROFLMAO

18th November 2011, 08:36 AM
I would have responded with HOW'S GET F!@#ED SOUND if i responded to the pr!k at all

18th November 2011, 08:57 AM
Hmmmm .... naahhh ... I'm going with the 'burn in hell' guy ...

Now hang on, and hear me out ...

Had I have just got on here to download the manual (and gotten it for nothing) then just like the manual I've downloaded ages ago and never used, so too I would have never used the free one BUT I would have saved literally thousands of dollars and countless hours by not having done anything to my truck - that's right, it all your fault (collectively all members) as 99% of the work I've done isn't even in the bloody manual ... starting to feel like I was conned onto the site by the allure of the supposed "Good Book", and from there haven't stopped working and spending on my rig since!! All the information available on here from so called 'wonderful' people (you know who you are - I'm watching you!!) has done nothing but cause me to question the way I was going to do things, and subsequently do them different (and better - ok, you get a tick there). Furthermore, all the mods I have done are only because you all inspired me so much to have a lash (damn you) and again, I just ended up spending more money and time.

The end result of your conniving, dastardly means of getting me to join in the first place is:

1. A tough as nails rig that is pretty much up to any challenge
2. Heaps of money saved on mods BUT I still had to spend to save (as it were) ... don't try to turn this one into a positive you spin doctors - I'm onto you!!!
3. A large group of new friends whom share my interests
4. A more active 4wd lifestyle going out with others and continuing to learn, and
5. Self satisfaction at helping others also

Now I challenge any of you to look at that list above and tell me what's good about it!!! That's right, nothing!!!! Who'd want any of those things??!! What is wrong with you people??!!

I should have just paid $25 for the crappy Gregory's manual at the outset and saved myself all this trouble ...


p.s. ok, ok ... the sites alright I guess ... and yes, you do a great job AB ...

Tell 'burn in hell' to bash it in his ring gear - the gene pool will flesh out people like him over time!!!! lmao

18th November 2011, 09:09 AM
Yes I too only originally came here for a manual. But damn, I have only looked at it a couple of times and it was not even for my benefit. How ever I do have to say that this is a great place. It may have turned me into an alcoholic but I think I have made a few good friends here and probably would not get out as much if I were somewhere else and not found this place.

Keep up the good work Andy and the many contributors to this very easy going home we call NissanPatrol.com.au

18th November 2011, 09:14 AM
Thanks Biggus... I think ?????

18th November 2011, 09:22 AM
i did`nt even know about the manual for at least a couple of months
tell the tosser *&^%$#@#$%^&* and ^%&$*(^%$#@$%^

you run a wonderful place here Andy forget the moron and smile ..............its his loss

18th November 2011, 09:26 AM
Thanks Biggus... I think ?????

Hahaha .. yep, I'm a confused soul hey??!! lmao

18th November 2011, 09:31 AM
I would have responded with HOW'S GET F!@#ED SOUND if i responded to the pr!k at all

I like te way you think Growlers.

18th November 2011, 09:32 AM
I just got this sent to me on an email when this member signed up....

Burn in hell.
How do you expect someone to post 25replys when all they want is a manual to fix their bloody car, thanks for wasting my time.

Pretty damn harsh I think....Also, why do I deserve Karma? What is the actual Karma going on???

The karma is coming to him for being so bloody rude!!!! Morons like this deserver everything they get coming to them.

To this person I say this: "In life, there are always choices to make. You right now have two choices.

1. Have a look around the forum, post a few friendly replies and you never know, you might actually enjoy your self and when you get to 25 posts, you can DL the manuals to your hearts content.

2. Go and purchase the manual from an Auto store!!

As I said, there is always a choice to make. If you want to be rude to people you will get nothing. It pretty straight forward"

AB, great job on this forum mate. To the moderators and regular contributors to this forum, well done in making this one of the most user friendly places on the web to visit.

To the rude buggers that just want to cause strife, you will not break the iron resolve that is this online community. We pride ourselves in helping our mates, even though most of us have never met face to face, they are still our mates!!



18th November 2011, 09:34 AM
Hmmmm .... naahhh ... I'm going with the 'burn in hell' guy ...

Now hang on, and hear me out ...

Had I have just got on here to download the manual (and gotten it for nothing) then just like the manual I've downloaded ages ago and never used, so too I would have never used the free one BUT I would have saved literally thousands of dollars and countless hours by not having done anything to my truck - that's right, it all your fault (collectively all members) as 99% of the work I've done isn't even in the bloody manual ... starting to feel like I was conned onto the site by the allure of the supposed "Good Book", and from there haven't stopped working and spending on my rig since!! All the information available on here from so called 'wonderful' people (you know who you are - I'm watching you!!) has done nothing but cause me to question the way I was going to do things, and subsequently do them different (and better - ok, you get a tick there). Furthermore, all the mods I have done are only because you all inspired me so much to have a lash (damn you) and again, I just ended up spending more money and time.

The end result of your conniving, dastardly means of getting me to join in the first place is:

1. A tough as nails rig that is pretty much up to any challenge
2. Heaps of money saved on mods BUT I still had to spend to save (as it were) ... don't try to turn this one into a positive you spin doctors - I'm onto you!!!
3. A large group of new friends whom share my interests
4. A more active 4wd lifestyle going out with others and continuing to learn, and
5. Self satisfaction at helping others also

Now I challenge any of you to look at that list above and tell me what's good about it!!! That's right, nothing!!!! Who'd want any of those things??!! What is wrong with you people??!!

I should have just paid $25 for the crappy Gregory's manual at the outset and saved myself all this trouble ...


p.s. ok, ok ... the sites alright I guess ... and yes, you do a great job AB ...

Tell 'burn in hell' to bash it in his ring gear - the gene pool will flesh out people like him over time!!!! lmao

Still having a winge I see...............hahahahahahahahah

18th November 2011, 09:36 AM
There's always Patrol4x4...

They like he's kind there......................hahahahahahahahahaha

Truth be told, given what he's sent you old mate just on that alone, something tells me he wouldn't last long here anyway before one of us booted his arse back from where it came.

We know what you've done for all us by creating this monster, you know what you've done for us by creating this monster.. (lol)... & the figures???... Well they speak for themselves, don't they.

18th November 2011, 09:50 AM
keep up the good work AB.

A bloke I worked for a long time ago said to me 'When evaluating criticism, the first step is to evaluate the critic.'

Of course comments like the one you received sting, but really, they are beneath your notice. Delete and smile as you think all our lives are better off without input from people like that.

18th November 2011, 09:58 AM
Yeah AB dont let it get to you. 25 posts is no big deal. The guys a drama queen!
I admit that I came "to the forum lookin for THE MANUAL", if and when you have a problem we can jump on the computer and try chase a solution. The manual may have held the answer.
I got my answer from you guys NOT the manual, and I thank you all.
Listen AB I used to run a shop and deal with the general public everyday, now and then theres someone who takes their own problems in life out on you. It really stuffs up your day, you dont get used to it but you must not let it get you down.

Suggestion...... go have a read through the joke thread, it works for me. After a couple of mins I am usually laughing fit to bust, you have a good day mate, dont let the bastards wear you down!


18th November 2011, 10:00 AM
The karma is coming to him for being so bloody rude!!!! Morons like this deserver everything they get coming to them.

To this person I say this: "In life, there are always choices to make. You right now have two choices.

1. Have a look around the forum, post a few friendly replies and you never know, you might actually enjoy your self and when you get to 25 posts, you can DL the manuals to your hearts content.

2. Go and purchase the manual from an Auto store!!

As I said, there is always a choice to make. If you want to be rude to people you will get nothing. It pretty straight forward"

AB, great job on this forum mate. To the moderators and regular contributors to this forum, well done in making this one of the most user friendly places on the web to visit.

To the rude buggers that just want to cause strife, you will not break the iron resolve that is this online community. We pride ourselves in helping our mates, even though most of us have never met face to face, they are still our mates!!



Here here old mate!!!!

18th November 2011, 10:03 AM
Still having a winge I see...............hahahahahahahahah

Hahahaha - you know me, couldn't let it slide without a bit of p!ss taking!!! lol

the ferret
18th November 2011, 10:47 AM
I just got this sent to me on an email when this member signed up....

Burn in hell.
How do you expect someone to post 25replys when all they want is a manual to fix their bloody car, thanks for wasting my time.

Pretty damn harsh I think....Also, why do I deserve Karma? What is the actual Karma going on???

He's just one idiot out of the worlds population Andy, don't stress mate. Fkim!
It Makes you wonder what makes some people so mean and nasty, but in the end, they get their's.
So you've thwarted him, so that's ya karma mate.
Cheers, the ferret.

DX grunt
18th November 2011, 12:30 PM
Isn't it sad that it's mostly the minority that spoil it for the majority?

Of the 500 things we do, somebody always remembers the one thing we don't do, or that one mistake we make, and coincidentally, always manages to drag it back up at a time that puts you in a spot?

I've been a "yes" man nearly all my life, and have recently started saying "no." Mind you, it's always for a good reason and really, I don't have to justify myself to anybody, except the wife. lol

Andy, you're doing a brilliant job on this forum and none of us will never know or fully understand how positive you've influenced so many lives since bringing Nissan Patrols into our homes - at an affordable price!

It's forged friendships, wisdom, knowledge and 'power' in many aspects. Testimony to this, is the amount of 'reads' some threads have. A couple are surging towards 300,000 reads. I'm happy with that.

Maybe have a "terms and conditions" tick a box when signing up. That way, everything is as clear as rainwater - transparent, with no hidden secrets - not that there was, anyway.

Many of us know some newbees hammer that keyboard, and in less than 15 minutes, have access to a manual. I applaud these people. It's not that hard.

I'd feel absolutely sh@t on reading comments like the one you have posted. It does hurt, but time will heal. Most of us know you have put your heart and soul into this Forum - thank you.

Take care out there.


Edit: If you receive any more inappropriate comments, I'd suggest you simply hit the delete button and move on. They will eventually get the message.

Big Rig's correct......I think. lol

I prefer the 'hands on' option to reading.

18th November 2011, 01:07 PM
Big Rig's correct......I think. lol

That's because I'm right!!!

What did I say again??? lmao

18th November 2011, 01:43 PM
That's because I'm right!!!

What did I say again??? lmao

hahahahahahahahahahaha................... I really shouldn't be laughing cos I know well enough to know you usually are................lol

White Elephant
18th November 2011, 01:58 PM
I just got this sent to me on an email when this member signed up....

Burn in hell.
How do you expect someone to post 25replys when all they want is a manual to fix their bloody car, thanks for wasting my time.

Pretty damn harsh I think....Also, why do I deserve Karma? What is the actual Karma going on???

This is deadset, without a shadow of a doubt, the No. 1 Patrol...actually I'm gonna put it out there, the best forum fullstop on the interwebs. I've only been a member for a short time, but in that short time it has been easy to see what a great bunch of people frequent this site, and the information that is available is second to none. As most have already said, you have indeed done a great job AB.

I think it would be amusing if said person's email address mysteriously ended up in the hands of all of the members on this forum, then karma would indeed find said person in exponential quantities! Seriously, some people just shouldn't be allowed to breed...Anyway, nuff said, we all know who the real waste of space is and quite frankly doesn't even deserve your time AB, or anyones time for that matter! Deep breath...and moving on!

18th November 2011, 03:44 PM
This is deadset, without a shadow of a doubt, the No. 1 Patrol...actually I'm gonna put it out there, the best forum fullstop on the interwebs. I've only been a member for a short time, but in that short time it has been easy to see what a great bunch of people frequent this site, and the information that is available is second to none. As most have already said, you have indeed done a great job AB.

I think it would be amusing if said person's email address mysteriously ended up in the hands of all of the members on this forum, then karma would indeed find said person in exponential quantities! Seriously, some people just shouldn't be allowed to breed...Anyway, nuff said, we all know who the real waste of space is and quite frankly doesn't even deserve your time AB, or anyones time for that matter! Deep breath...and moving on!

HHmmmmm...... gets me thinking I could setup an SMTP server here at work and run a script that sends an email anywhere I want every ... Oh... lets call it every 2 minutes.... HHHmmmmmmmmm.........

White Elephant
18th November 2011, 03:55 PM
HHmmmmm...... gets me thinking I could setup an SMTP server here at work and run a script that sends an email anywhere I want every ... Oh... lets call it every 2 minutes.... HHHmmmmmmmmm.........

Lol! That would be p!ss funny.

18th November 2011, 04:24 PM
HHmmmmm...... gets me thinking I could setup an SMTP server here at work and run a script that sends an email anywhere I want every ... Oh... lets call it every 2 minutes.... HHHmmmmmmmmm.........

hahahaha I like your style Rob.

AB.....me and my bourbon says do exactly what I said 2 do in the first place, Manual section 4 paid forum sponsors only.... You are not charging 4 manual downloads....Its just a restriced area for non forum sponsors....

A lot of websites do it.........Penthouse 4 example, I don't get the good stuff without paying for it *LMAO*

Unfortunately this is the only way 2 stop what is continually happening.

What does one want the manual for anyway??? Yep I originally joined 2 get the manual the same as duck and probable a fair few other members......I have not really looked at it. Ask a question and your friendly forum members will give answers ( where they can ) and if they can't answer a question..... the info they are after is probable not in the manual either!

Ok got 2 go get another bourbon now...... will be back soon

Mods please close this thread before I come back *LMAO*

18th November 2011, 04:28 PM
Mods please close this thread before I come back *LMAO*

Nah, I'll leave it open. You and your bourbon just keep going and if it's innappropriate I'll edit it as required!


18th November 2011, 05:08 PM
Nah, I'll leave it open. You and your bourbon just keep going and if it's innappropriate I'll edit it as required!


No you bloody wont.... We're not a baby sitting service.

If he's being a naughty boy then kick him in the hiney, thats an order................lol

18th November 2011, 05:10 PM
HHmmmmm...... gets me thinking I could setup an SMTP server here at work and run a script that sends an email anywhere I want every ... Oh... lets call it every 2 minutes.... HHHmmmmmmmmm.........

What did he say????? Must be good cause its piss funny. :trink13:

Finly Owner
18th November 2011, 10:10 PM
AB I came here looking for Manuals on MK Patrols with SD33T. Wasn't one here. Was a general MQ one but nothing for MK SD33T. So I joined and asked about exhausts. Was treated respectfully. Allll who were active members made me feel welcome. We were smaller and had lots of in only a few threads.

Under your financial Support and your continue guidance we have a forum that has grown and never lost its direction. You have a forum that has gained lots of Respectful, Knowledgable, Fun Loving, Safety Conscious, Sharing, Friendly, Caring Members that have become like a family who support pople we have sometimes never met when they are in a crisis.

So Karma is getting you Andy, because Karma is a energy that reflects your attitude, and you are now reaping the positive Karma energy you have earned.

Forget the rude prick.


the ferret
18th November 2011, 10:17 PM
Too right, x2, move on, he's gone!!

18th November 2011, 10:30 PM
Dont let them get to ANDY they are not worth it and the 25 posts arent that hard to do its not as if its costing them anything they should be greatful that the manuals are here for free in the first place

18th November 2011, 10:58 PM
don't let the B**TARDS get you down AB. It's been said many many times before, you're a top bloke mate with a top site full of top members (well mostly)!!!!!!

And Todds idea is a good un, stick em in the members only area

18th November 2011, 11:37 PM
OK I'll add my 2 cents worth too...

Have to admit I joined to access the manuals as well. I did download one and I'm sure its somewhere on my PC. Kinda lost it somehow..

I reckon I've learned more from asking questions and reading posts than I ever would from the manual anyways.
Always had fantastic replies and no BS... well the kind you don't want anyhows....

Whilst I don't post much I do trawl a fair bit. Hunkered down last night and read ALL of Bigrigs mod post.... Holy crap I thought it would never end !
Fantastic read, not just words from a Mod-mad Patrol nut, but the interaction between all of the regulars. Great stuff and thoroughly enjoyed......

Big thanks to AB for running a top notch forum. I'm regularly on a watersports forum too, and all I can say is there are a$$holes there too. They soon fade out.

Keep it up mate....


19th November 2011, 12:11 AM
What a Dog! (no offence Doggy)

He is a LEECH! Lets talk Karma since he bought it up!..

He is a Pig and does not deserve a running Nissan Patrol.. Fark Him! Ban Him! Send him a Trojan! What an Arrrrse Hole!

Filthy Angry that someone like that could be such a low life Self Righteous Dog!..

We have wasted 5 pages of this forum on him. post his email up here and i will forward my spam to him daily. Others will do far worse.

KARMA Will sort him out!

the ferret
19th November 2011, 12:38 AM
Nah, leave it, end of story, move on, we have more important things to talk about, like NISSANS, yeah!!, and most of us can get the manuals ANYTIME ha ha , rock on guys, all over red rover eh Andy?
Cheers, the ferret
PS, the missus got me a nice plagon of red tonight, can you tell??