View Full Version : Seeking Advice

17th November 2011, 09:05 PM
My sis in QLD went through a nasty break up about 10 months ago, My sis is very late 40's, very conservative,works with kids, dosnt smoke ciggys or other, has never touched drugs in her life and the only time she drinks is 3 cruisers at chrissy.

The X involved has been hacking into her puter and draining bank acc's,
Thats all good $$$ have been returned by the recipients, (charaties).. There is honest people out there. She has now closed her acc's and opened new ones.

Now he has accessed her email acc and has been sending threatening emails to all her contacts, and she has been getting threatening phone calls,
it got out of control, almost daily so now she has changed her phone # and got an AVO against him.

Tuesday she almost reached breaking point after recieving this, which was signed by a prominent national MC, Yer right, the MC's i know wouldnt waiste their time sending threats. They would just make it happen
There was also another one similar to this one.
She has spoken to the local police and they said nothing they can do???

As there is a broad range of members on site with a broad range of occupations and experiences, i thought maybe some one could throw me some advice.
Yer i know what i'd like to do but have a family to think of.

17th November 2011, 09:09 PM
pay somebody 2 do for you, that what hit man are for, easily solved


17th November 2011, 09:10 PM
p.s, very sorry 2 hear you sis is going through this crap :(:(:(

17th November 2011, 09:15 PM
Mate I would like to help but know nothing about that sort of stuff, all that I can suggest is bypass the local cops and go to the Police Headquarters with the letter.

17th November 2011, 09:16 PM
pay somebody 2 do for you, that what hit man are for, easily solved


Your a crack up Toddsta, was thinkin about tying him to the Trol and headin bush....LMAO

p.s, very sorry 2 hear you sis is going through this crap :(:(:(
Thats cool buddy, she'll pull through it if she's related to me....hahahah

17th November 2011, 09:20 PM
Mate I would like to help but know nothing about that sort of stuff, all that I can suggest is bypass the local cops and go to the Police Headquarters with the letter.

Wayne mate, how the hell are ya buddy, good to see ya font again.

Good thinkin mate, the locals didnt help at all, Cheers

17th November 2011, 09:25 PM
Your a crack up Toddsta, was thinkin about tying him to the Trol and headin bush....LMAO
Thats cool buddy, she'll pull through it if she's related to me....hahahah

Somebody has 2 make ya laugh in times like these.

I would tell you sisters ex not 2 mess with a Croatian family!

If she has an AVO out on him, can't she ask ( tell ) the police 2 fingerprint the threat and see if there are any finger prints on it????? it there is and it matches his, then that would mean he has broken the avo?

17th November 2011, 09:40 PM
I can see how that would be very scary for her, but IMO that note wouldn't be from 1%ers. And they wouldn't even consider work like that for 5k.

Can't understand why the local cops aren't interested, especially with an AVO in play. Like doggy said she needs to take it higher or to a different dept if the locals aren't interested. She's obviously distressed and needs some help. Sorry can't offer any hard advice but hope this gets under control for her soon.

X2 Plas, cheers mate

the ferret
17th November 2011, 09:43 PM
Go around to his digs with a few big (BIG) mates and convince/ persuade him to behave (putting it nicely a this is a family forum) you know what I mean.

17th November 2011, 09:44 PM
FARK man that is heavy. Hope he is all talk. The police really have their hands tied in allot of respects.. My father inlaw was recieving death threats for twelve months on his phone from a bloke in prison. He went to the police for months on the build up to this guys release and they did nothing. We pleaded with his to get out of town for a bit or come stay with us. To proud to run. Sure enough three days after this nut was released I had the police on my door step with "We are very sorry to inform you"... I don't tell you this in exchange for simpathy. I just want to highlight that there are poeple out there who are just not right and should not be allowed to continue on this planet. We thought it would all blow over. If I had my time over I would have flown to Gunnedah and been waiting with REX and my shotty. Hard one man. How do ya know if he is serious???? There are nut cases out there. You get a bit of road rage and get stabed by some nut who doesn't like your tone. My bet mate, better to take it seroius than regret not. Trust me. The police have to act though if she takes that letter, emails, texts to them. He is breach of his AVO just contacting her let alone sending that shit. They are required by law to act. They should be placing charge for AVO breach or at the very least giving an official writen warning in person. I really hope for all your sakes he is just trying to scar her but if you think otherwise get her out of his way. PM if you need more advice mate.

17th November 2011, 09:48 PM
Is she still getting phone calls?
If so is she 100% sure it's him?
If the answer's to the above is yes,take note of the time and date and what was said.
Then go to the police and say you want him charged with assault.
If he made threats to hurt her say to the police what he said and that she honestlly belives he will and can,and she fears for her life.

I think your right about the note if it was a MC the job would have been done by now.

If that fails a bat will work well,start with the knees LOL.

17th November 2011, 09:54 PM
Go around to his digs with a few big (BIG) mates and convince/ persuade him to behave (putting it nicely a this is a family forum) you know what I mean.

Know what you meen Rod, Know what you meen, but like you say it is a family forum.....:blowup:

Finly Owner
17th November 2011, 10:04 PM
I'm no law man, but, these days a threat like that is terrorism! They have to act or they can loose their jobs, I'm pretty sure. As already said fingerprinting would definately be worth a go.

I would go see a solicitor and they should be able to put the heavy on the cops and get some testing done. Worth that bit of money to have your sister feeling safe again.

Maybe there is someone on here like you say that may have spent some of their life in the circle they may be able to throw some light on you and your sisters rights.


17th November 2011, 10:09 PM
If you are certain it's him then he's not only in breach of the AVO (serious), then he's also falling foul of multiple online/computer fraud laws, AND can be taken for assault based on the threats ...

I'd be recording call times etc as said and the police MUST act on the intimation of the threats ...

There's multiple site dedicated to this but they all say essentially the same thing - the police have to act.


Good luck with it mate, and if you do end up needing some big, pipe bending lads to pay a visit as a final resort, I'm sure something can be organised!!! lol

17th November 2011, 10:16 PM
Is this f$#%^& in Brisbane? If so I am sure there is a member here that may be able to throw a little bit of weight around. Other wise give us his details and we can cyber f#$% him back.

18th November 2011, 12:00 AM
my advice - and its not worth it really
call the Fed's, not the locals
just say you know he has "Primer Cord" hidden in his house

they will search
and maybe turn over something else as well

feel sorry for your Sis man, not fair at all


18th November 2011, 05:15 PM
Wild 98, I'd advise her to stick within the law [at least for the moment]. There are other avenues yet to explore.
1. Legal advice. Has she exhausted this avenue? If finances are a problem either the local Chamber Magistrate or a Legal Aid lawyer are probably available to assist. Enquire at her local court house.
2. There are women's support groups such as Family Support who operate to assist in situations like this. They also can usually recommend solicitors who are not only very capable of taking on this type of person, but actually relish the chance to right the obvious bullying.
3. It may be that the police genuinely think that they do not have enough information to act on, but if your sister thinks that they are dismissing her lightly, tell her to go to her local State Member of Parliament with her complaint. In any government organisation enquiries by the Minister bring surprisingly quick results.
I hope this is of assistance to you both.

18th November 2011, 08:38 PM
Thanks for all the advice and support guys,
It's now obvious there are a few avenues sis can try to solve her prob', but it wasnt until you guys/gals started throwing options out there that made me understand just how diverse the members of this site are.
Spoke with one of our nearest and dearest today and honestly i have been overwhelmed with options to get this joker sorted.

Will be speaking with sis on weekend to discus her options and will let you all know the outcome.
Honestly guys/gals i thank you all sincerely, gives me a lump in my throat just knowing you are all such genuine caring members,
As one said today, Pete you are family, just from becoming a member on the best forum around. That really hits home.

There is 2 members in particular i would like to especially thank, and you guys know who you are without mentioning names.
You are true champs and i wish we were closer to thank you in person.

Again Thanks to all, will keep you informed.

18th November 2011, 09:12 PM
Hope it all works out 4 your sis Pete.....Would blow u a kiss but that is just gay! *LMAO*

18th November 2011, 09:20 PM
Hope it all works out 4 your sis Pete.....Would blow u a kiss but that is just gay! *LMAO*

Back at ya mate..

Finly Owner
18th November 2011, 09:43 PM
Pete Best luck and tell your Sister that we consider her as extended family as she is your blood line Mate.


18th November 2011, 10:08 PM
Hope it works out for the best mate,A**wipes like this bloke should be charged for stealing oxygen.

I don't know this bloke but in my exprience most scum like this fall to peice's when confronted.