View Full Version : From Cold Canada

12th November 2011, 09:18 AM
G`Day from cold Canada. I have been an active member on Patrol4x4 for some time and am just spreading my wings. Currently own 3 Y60 Safaris with the TD42 and TD42T, lots of parts in my stock and I like to help out. I run Nissan FAST and have a fair knowledge of the Y60s. I perform all my maintenance and help out the Canadian Safari Club where I can.

Currently drinking a nice Shiraz to be followed by a few rummies after cutting and splitting wood all day.....

Zo, cheers.

12th November 2011, 09:24 AM
Gday mate welcome aboard, gotta good friendly mob here full of great info and advice

12th November 2011, 10:33 AM
G'day mate and welcome aboard...... Hope canuck didn't drag you over kicking and screaming. They're a good bunch of friendly guys n girls on here mate, join in and enjoy.

12th November 2011, 11:23 AM
Haha, kicking but screaming from the cold! I took a short term contract in the Arctic and have one more frigid tour to go. Some Aussies there as well.

12th November 2011, 12:16 PM
G'Day and welcome to the forum mate....

12th November 2011, 02:10 PM
G'day mate and welcome aboard...... Hope canuck didn't drag you over kicking and screaming. They're a good bunch of friendly guys n girls on here mate, join in and enjoy.

Yes, I couldn't help it. LOL

Great bunch of people here!

Oh, .... and welcome to the forum you old Polar Bear. :1062: You better enjoy all the drinks you can get before your back in dry camp. :xxxx:

12th November 2011, 02:18 PM
Haha, kicking but screaming from the cold! I took a short term contract in the Arctic and have one more frigid tour to go. Some Aussies there as well.

To bloody cold up there for me mate..... How do they manage to stop their blood from freezing ?????? Roflmao

12th November 2011, 02:45 PM
How do they manage to stop their blood from freezing ?????? Roflmao

He can't. Dry camp means no body antifreeze. :shivering:

12th November 2011, 04:34 PM
G'day buddy and welcome aboard
Great bunch around here mate, great advice, heaps of knowledge & experience and some great laughs too, Oh and plenty of warmth...lol
Feel free to join in where ever you find interesting mate.

Welcome aboard.Enjoy the ride

Cheers Pete

Finly Owner
12th November 2011, 10:16 PM
Hi and Welcome to Nissans Nut House Zo


12th November 2011, 10:22 PM
G'day mate - Welcome aboard. Great people, information and laughs to be found on the forum, so don't be shy and join to make the most of it. Enjoy!

12th November 2011, 10:44 PM
Welcome to the forum mate

12th November 2011, 10:44 PM
Oh great another nut house.....

12th November 2011, 10:56 PM
Thanks all. Just started snowing here at home, blah.

DX grunt
13th November 2011, 07:51 AM
G'day and welcome to the forum

Take care out there.


13th November 2011, 08:14 AM
g`day mate
welcome on board
heaps of laughs and bucket loads of info here enjoy
p:s piccies we luv piccies

13th November 2011, 09:06 AM
I have lots a piccies.

13th November 2011, 09:12 AM
piccies we luv piccies .....keep em comming mate

13th November 2011, 10:51 AM
and some whilst I consume a rummie

13th November 2011, 10:56 AM
and some whilst I consume a rummie

sweet as mate
and whats this having a rum at this hour hahahahahahahaha

13th November 2011, 11:04 AM
just finished a feed of maple smoked rum ribs...time to wash em down.

13th November 2011, 11:05 AM
just finished a feed of maple smoked rum ribs...time to wash em down.

im sitting here starving and your bragging off that feed
hahahahah.......mongrel lol

13th November 2011, 11:13 AM
and they are goooood! Swing by I'll smoke a batch hah.

13th November 2011, 11:17 AM
and they are goooood! Swing by I'll smoke a batch hah.

ill wait at the airport only just behind me
you can fly some over as pennance hahahahahaha

13th November 2011, 11:25 AM
pennance for what/ if you eat at maccas it's your own fault.

13th November 2011, 11:30 AM
pennance for what/ if you eat at maccas it's your own fault.

i absolutly abhor maccas
and your pennance is for putting up piccies of tucker that looks that good
so whats for afters ????lol

13th November 2011, 11:33 AM
pumpkin cake and ice cream washed down with more rum.

13th November 2011, 11:36 AM
pumpkin cake and ice cream washed down with more rum.

bugga ...bugga ....and bugga !!!!!hahahahah..roflmfao

we are comming over to the states next year, and my mate there is setting up a hunting trip up your way
ill be stopping by for a feed hahahahahaha and a few rums lol

13th November 2011, 11:40 AM
Hunting what?

13th November 2011, 11:46 AM
Hunting what?

people bragging excellant looking tucker hahahahahahahahahahah

i am not sure, he will be here on tuesday, ill ask him then

we have a hunting trip set up down his way for bear and buffalo and a bit of fishing in between,
then up your way , he did mention Polar bear hahahahahahahahah no chance of that i would`nt and could`nt shoot one of those

what is up there for hunting ??? and do you hunt??

13th November 2011, 12:08 PM
There are no buffalo in North america and polar bears are a long ways away from where I live. Yes I do hunt but have to make time for it. Been busy with a 4 year old and a 9 month old. Might try some wild chickens if the weather goes a bit colder. It's deer season now but too warm for any real hunting.

13th November 2011, 12:28 PM
There are no buffalo in North america and polar bears are a long ways away from where I live. Yes I do hunt but have to make time for it. Been busy with a 4 year old and a 9 month old. Might try some wild chickens if the weather goes a bit colder. It's deer season now but too warm for any real hunting.

do you get turkeys up there as well
and what about moose and elk are they up there ????

the ferret
13th November 2011, 12:32 PM
Onya mate, good to see you over here.
Cheers, the ferret.

13th November 2011, 01:37 PM
Hi ferret. Good to be here

Lotsa wild Turkeys in and outta the bar...moose, deer and a few elk in Ontario but the real hunting is up north or out west.

14th November 2011, 08:46 AM
Welcome to the forum mate, good to have you onboard!

Feel free to ask any questions and join in the conversations.

20th November 2011, 01:06 AM
G'day Mate - Welcome aboard join in when you are ready and have fun mate plenty to do see and if u have any problems just ask and im sure u will get an answer !! Bucket loads of usefull information here plenty to read so join in meet the great bunch of guys and girls on our wonderful forum !!

You will not be disapointed !!



20th November 2011, 08:26 AM
Nice to see how many Patrol maniacs are all around the world. Ha, ha.

Nice beauties You've got up there. Is this turbo set for TD42? What particular make is it?

20th November 2011, 10:39 AM
Godspeed turbo with and aftermarket highmount manifold for the TD42

20th November 2011, 12:54 PM
Welcome aboard! Ribs are one of my favourite feeds. Do you call em USA ribs over there?

20th November 2011, 01:15 PM
That's a fair bit of an insult frenzy!

20th November 2011, 01:22 PM
That's a fair bit of an insult frenzy!

I dunno - in Brazil they just call them 'nuts' ... not Brazil nuts ... lmao

I'd go one further, do they call it American Rancho sauce ... or just Rancho sauce ... coz American ribs with American Rancho sauce is somewhat a favourite of mine ...

Mmmmmmm ... ribs .... lol

Try and guess what I've got a hankering for now!!!!

20th November 2011, 02:23 PM
These ribs are CANADIAN DAMMIT.

20th November 2011, 02:32 PM
Welcome aboard! Ribs are one of my favourite feeds. Do you call em USA ribs over there?

hay frenzy he aint any where the u.s of a mate hahahahahahaha
he a canuck

20th November 2011, 04:50 PM
hay frenzy he aint any where the u.s of a mate hahahahahahaha
he a canuck

Actually, he isn't that far from the USA. But not as close as me. Most Canadians live within an easy drive of the border. The USA has good ribs but not maple ribs. Thankfully it has some very good microbreweries to wash it all back with. There regular market beer is more like p!ss water than beer. I am sure Twinnotter is enjoying his drinks right now before heading back up north to a dry camp.

20th November 2011, 10:42 PM
Don't remind me. Still feeling the last rummie after staying up and playing with the wife. In the airport now for my last frigid rotation. One more night of beer/booze before 21 dry days in the dark.

I am here: http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=45.321033,-75.665647
Sent from my Shoephone

22nd November 2011, 08:58 AM
Arrived at the mine. Flew a Twin Otter up from Yellowknife. -30 C and dark at 3pm.


Sent from my Shoephone

22nd November 2011, 10:02 AM
That is actually warmer than a few places on the prairies this weekend. But it is suppose to get better later on in the week.

No woman and no drink... Hmmm? I'd say keep warm but I can't see how in those circumstances. :shivering: :wink:

22nd November 2011, 10:54 AM
Yeah I can sympathize with you guys, but hey its not all bad your beers always chilled...............................
Me I have to put it in a fridge........
Cant stop off to the beach with the dog, we gonna have a cool down swim ...........c u

Sir Roofy
22nd November 2011, 02:43 PM
Welcome aboard zo enjoy your stay