View Full Version : Photo advice????

11th November 2011, 08:46 PM
Hey guys just a question
Can someone take a photo of you without asking your permission?
Ive had issue's of a person taking pic's of me and my patrol.
Approching the person is NOT an option.
They have a number of photo's of myself,can the police do anything about it?


11th November 2011, 08:49 PM
I believe it's not illegal to take someone's picture, but to publish ot post on the web, would require your permission. If it is published or placed on the web, without permission, and it causes you harm, embarrasment, or inconveinence I believe you would have a lawsuit.

11th November 2011, 08:53 PM
"Copyright Council of Australia


Copyright is granted on this document free for non-commercial use.

Do I need permission from people I photograph?

A person’s image is not protected by copyright. However, in some cases, using a person’s image without permission may be prevented under other laws, such as the law of passing off, the Trade Practices Act 1974 and State and Territory fair trading laws. These areas of law concern conduct which may mislead or deceive the public and may particularly come into play if the photograph you are taking is of a well-known person, and is to be used, for example, as a poster or as a postcard or in advertising. In some cases, uses of photographs may be defamatory of people in them.

If you are commissioned to take photographs, it should not generally be your job to check these issues. However, it may be a good idea to alert clients to the fact that they may need to seek advice from a solicitor with the relevant expertise (note that the Copyright Council does not advise on these other areas of law). Generally, if you have asked somebody to sit for you, you should get a “model release” from that person which will allow you (and others) to use that person’s image for purposes which will generally include commercial uses. (For a sample photographer's model release, with explanatory notes, see the Arts Law Centre of Australia website http://www.artslaw.com.au/).

In other cases, photographers may take more casual shots—for example, photographs of people in the street or at markets, or playing sports. If you know that you might later be using such a photograph commercially, it’s generally a good idea to get a model release from the people you have photographed. If it’s impractical to get the people in your shots to sign model releases, or if they refuse to do so, your ability to use or license the use of the photograph in certain ways might be limited because of the laws discussed above.


It is generally not an invasion of privacy to take another person’s photograph. However, in some circumstances, you may be required to comply with the National Privacy Principles in the Privacy Act 1992 (Cth). For further information on this issue, contact the Office of the Federal Privacy Commissioner or see the website http://www.privacy.gov.au/. The Copyright Council cannot advise on this area of law. "

11th November 2011, 08:59 PM
Would have to agree with Bel on this one.

Could always try your local police station and see what they have 2 say. But I doubt they will do anything about it.

Big brother is spying on you Chester

My dad had the same problem when he done his back in... compo claim I think, had guys taking pics of him and following him when he left the house for weeks on end. Nothing he could do about it

11th November 2011, 09:06 PM
I have to ask though. Why are they taking photos of you and your Patrol.

What do you say when they take a photo?

What do they say why they are taking a photo of you, etc....lol

Is this a friend or a stranger.

I would be approaching this person if not a friend and asking questions but I obviously don't know what situation you are exactly in at the moment.

Finly Owner
11th November 2011, 10:00 PM
My understanding is that it's legal to photograph a person in a public place (ie outside of private property) but not legal if they're trespassing on private property to take it. Not a lawyer though Chester so maybe you should get some legal advice on this issue. Drop into your local community legal service for some free advice.

Plassy, it is only illegal to take photos of people in public if it could be seen as breach pornography laws especially children. Otherwise it is only illegal to use a persons image for any public display without their consent.


11th November 2011, 10:05 PM
Plassy, it is only illegal to take photos of people in public if it could be seen as breach pornography laws especially children. Otherwise it is only illegal to use a persons image for any public display without their consent.


So Chester what Tim is saying is if you you start running around starkers you should be able to tell the policeman that is arresting you for streaking in public that the man across the road is taking photo's of you.

Finly Owner
11th November 2011, 10:06 PM
And I am going to ask the obvious question,Is your Patrol an awesome rig that appeals to people? If you appreciate your Patrol, they probably do to.

I have asked many people if they mind if I take a pic of their vehicle as I appreciate many different vehicles and they can appear anywhere.

Vehicles on display are generally accepted as open for photography, while part of a public display. This may also be the general conceived thoughts while in use at 4WD parks.


12th November 2011, 08:04 AM
Hey guys just a question
Can someone take a photo of you without asking your permission?
Ive had issue's of a person taking pic's of me and my patrol.
Approching the person is NOT an option.
They have a number of photo's of myself,can the police do anything about it?


Drop your dacks and give him a brown eye mate.

50/50, he could stop or get exited......sorry mate that's the only advice I have

13th November 2011, 08:42 AM
Thanks guys,The person is taking the photo's not because they like my patrol or because ive hurt myself at work.

I can't say to much sorry

13th November 2011, 08:48 AM
Thanks guys,The person is taking the photo's not because they like my patrol or because ive hurt myself at work.

You must have a sexy body *L*

Start stalking them and taking photo's of them, see how they like it.

13th November 2011, 09:22 AM
break his camera over the tossers head , thats what i would do .........................sorry my thoughts

13th November 2011, 09:30 AM
Thanks guys,The person is taking the photo's not because they like my patrol or because ive hurt myself at work.

I can't say to much sorry

Take photos of them taking photos of you ... then let them know how capable you are with photoshop!!! lol

Finly Owner
13th November 2011, 10:52 PM
Thanks guys,The person is taking the photo's not because they like my patrol or because ive hurt myself at work.

I can't say to much sorry I'm reading between the lines, and this now sounds like a legal case could be started against the snapper. It would be either harrassment or stalking! Hope this helps. Seek Legal Advice now and start record on paper when, where and who, be specific with accurate times and location.
