View Full Version : Delonix customer service

10th November 2011, 12:19 PM
Hi everyone,
just wondering if anyone has had any history with Delonix,
I ordered 2 HID spotties and rang them to explain i work away and would not be home to receive them, they said that they will not be left at home if no one is there being registered post. WELL apparently they were and now are not there when my g/f got home from work (living in a new estate with construction going on all around i am not suprised). I am being told they are trying to sort it out with australia post who wont take responsibility for them. The guy is getting annoyed when i keep calling and is saying something will be sorted by the time i flow home tuesday!!
Has anyone had issues like this with them before?????


14th November 2011, 07:26 PM
If it`s redgistered post, Austraila Post will not deliver with out a signiture but will leave a note as to where you can pick the parcel up from