View Full Version : Barriers for dogs or gear.

3rd November 2011, 01:37 AM
Sorry for starting a new thread. I know I discussed I would give details on the one I was purchasing but could not find the thread. Early hours of the morning, that’s my excuse and I’m stuck with it. Lol

The barrier I purchased is totally adjustable and can easily be fitted and removed as required without drilling holes or damaging anything. Here is the URL hope it helps a few people. I purchased mine at Auto Barn. The one I purchased is model DB-07726 and paid $100.00 with a bit of haggling.


Sir Roofy
3rd November 2011, 03:39 PM
Looks the goods mate guessing you got the mesh inserts
throw up some pics when you have instaled it

3rd November 2011, 03:51 PM
they wont hold back to much but will stop the dog from jumping over and could help in a acedent if u have things in the back.

Sir Roofy
3rd November 2011, 03:54 PM
they wont hold back to much but will stop the dog from jumping over and could help in a acedent if u have things in the back.

was thinking the same but he maynot be carrying that much in the back for this type of barrier

3rd November 2011, 04:21 PM
was thinking the same but he maynot be carrying that much in the back for this type of barrier

as long as its fit for purpose it will b fine.
would b good or dogs and shopping but not filling for camping

4th November 2011, 12:24 AM
I think for camping gear it would work fine too. Once you have a layer against the bottom legs of the barrier it would add to its strength. The top also fits firmly inbetween the ridges in the roof so would hold fairly well. It would not be as strong as the full bolt in version but you have the advantage of being able to adjust and remove it easily.

In my case it was bought to keep my dogs from jumping over the seats. I have a harness on them in the back but they are just able to throw themselves over and hang over the back seat from their harness. Now of course they can’t. I’ll throw some photos up during next week as I am off up the highway in the next couple of days.

4th November 2011, 12:28 AM
good one mate and if they serve the purpose that you intended them for, then gotta be good mate

4th November 2011, 12:38 AM
I think for camping gear it would work fine too. Once you have a layer against the bottom legs of the barrier it would add to its strength. The top also fits firmly inbetween the ridges in the roof so would hold fairly well. It would not be as strong as the full bolt in version but you have the advantage of being able to adjust and remove it easily.

In my case it was bought to keep my dogs from jumping over the seats. I have a harness on them in the back but they are just able to throw themselves over and hang over the back seat from their harness. Now of course they can’t. I’ll throw some photos up during next week as I am off up the highway in the next couple of days.

it will b fine if u did stack it with camping gear if u dont have a acedent the materials are just not as strong. u will no this when u compare the weight.
just keep in mind that it the steel will be thiner and not as strong. any weight that is against it is greater under breaking or sudden stops. im not trying to b a prick in any way but i would hate to see any 1 overestemate what the thing it could hold back and send things flying threw the car. if it was me this barrier would be great for keeping the dogs back and shopping etc away from the cabin but i wouldnt trust it with a fully loaded car especialy with my daughter in the back. to me with camping gear its not worth the risk not when so much can go rong. if u think its strong hut it with a hammer see how the steel holds. u are more then welcom to come round and compare the hammer test on mine to compare

just as a dog/shoping and light stuff this would be a ausome investment.

Sir Roofy
4th November 2011, 08:30 AM
this unit will be excellent for your dogs mate, happy and safe motoring