View Full Version : Been Missing - But for Good Reason ...

2nd November 2011, 04:30 PM

Well, what a draining and emotional last 4-6 weeks we've been having - as you may (or may not) have noticed, I have been somewhat "offline" for the last few weeks.

Some of you are already aware, however about 2 months ago, our daughter Keeley (7 in December) started complaining of headaches and blurred vision - she's a pretty switched on kid who has never showed signs of either problem previously. After a few 'routine' GP visits, he suggested we see an Optometrist as he felt she may be short/long sighted and subsequently, not having glasses to correct it would potentially be causing her to have headaches ... no biggie ...

Off to the Optometrist we go, and before we know it (2 visits about 4 weeks ago), the optometrist gives us the news that she is long sighted and needs glasses - this bit we were expecting, the rest of the news we were not prepared for ...

The Optometrist said she'd like to run some more tests on Keeley's vision as she was concerned about her responses from the right eye. Of course, as any parent would, we organised the tests. Long story short, the Optometrist gave us a referral to an Opthamologist as in her assessment, Keeley had less than 10% vision in the right eye, no peripheral vision, and of course no depth perception, and was now classed as legally blind in that eye. This somewhat rocked my world as you could no doubt imagine. No reason, no cause, no idea - just that she had for some reason started losing sight and we had to find out why.

We visited the Opthamologist on Tuesday 18th of October. Again, long story short after a range of testing, Keeley has Optic Nerve Atrophy in the right eye. For those not wishing to Google it - Atrophy is a reduction/degredation of the nerve (basically something has been/is killing it off). Problem being, is that there are many causes of Atrophy in young children, so isolating the cause is now the name of the game.

What rocked us next is that the leading causes of Childhood Atrophy (as a %) are Brain Tuma's; Optic Nerve Tuma's and Multiple Schlerosis - these causes take up about 68% of the leading causes. The Opthamologist booked her in for a range of tests including VEP's (Visual Evoked Potential - testing mainly for MS) in which she has to wear electrodes on her head with verbal, visual and electrical stimulus to create response (remember - she's 6), with the major test being an MRI scan. For those of you who've had an MRI, it's un-nerving for many adults, let alone kids with most children being placed under anaesthetic as they tend to freak out. The MRI was conducted Monday and she was a dead set soldier!!!! She was in the machine for 30 minutes and truth be told, had to be woken up as she was nodding off !!! :first:

More long story short (and if you've stayed with me this long, I'm greatly appreciative), is we got the test results back today ...

No tuma's!!! No foreign bodies, lesions or otherwise present on the optic nerve, optic pathways or in the brain ... you have no idea how emotional I was in hearing this!

Whilst not ruled out with more tests to be done (but certainly pushed waaaay down the list now) - No Multiple Schlerosis!!!! The myelin sheaths looked normal (myelin is the layer around your nerves in your brain, spine etc that MS attacks), and in the doctors words with the level of Atrophy there would be visual damage to myelin in the test results, but in a word - normal.

To put it simply, the simple causes were ruled out first and immediately. The sad reality though is the highest percentile causes in her age group are tuma's and MS and subsequently, she needed to be tested for the more critical causes immediately (many sleepless nights for dad). They have now 'mostly' been ruled out, with the remaining tests to identify if the cause is progressive (like degenerative eye disease), but again, the Opthamologist seemed fairly confident in his opinion that this too was well down the list, with the most likely cause being Hypoxy Ischemia - essentially a blood supply loss to the nerve at some point that critically impaired it at a key point of growth. If that's the case, then again in the doctor's words "she is a very lucky girl, falling into a category of about 8% of childhood atrophy causes" ... 8% ... today is a good day people!!!

She isn't out of the woods yet, and the sad reality is she will never have vision returned to the eye, however it shouldn't get any worse. She has to wear a patch for 6 hours a day for two primary reasons - firstly to stop her brain from shutting the eye down due to lack of information being received through it (and thus preventing her eye from turning inwards), and secondly to force her motor skills and senses to improve around her right eye. There is still a slight chance of something more sinister, but considering the "evil" causes were the likely outcome just days ago, I am more than confident of a positive end result and we are no quitters. It is the best of the worst outcomes.

To those who knew what was happening, I cannot thank you enough for your sincerity and support throughout what was one of the most emotional and draining times in my life. For those who didn't know, I sort of kept it quiet as I wasn't looking for sympathy and really had no answers to give at that point, but your prayers and well wishes to her (I'm going to show her this thread) are still more than welcomed and appreciated.

Some happy snaps of "Mudsy" (my nickname for her as she was a mud guts like her old man when she was a bub!! lol).




The first night with her new glasses and eye patch.

And nothing like throwing her in the deep end (nice one dad .. dipsh!t) ...

I'll update once I have more information, but to say we're relieved is an understatement. Amazing how your world literally shifts in an instant when you think your kids are in any form of danger.

For all those out there who've gone through it, are going through it, and/or know those who are (whatever the cause), my heart goes out to you - it is an all consuming process and one particular emotional rollercoaster I don't recommend.

Thanks again one and all from Keeley, all the family, and especially me ...

2nd November 2011, 04:39 PM
All the best wishes from me to Keely mate..to you and your family too.

2nd November 2011, 04:40 PM
She'll be alright..I can feel that looking at her face

2nd November 2011, 04:44 PM
She'll be alright..I can feel that looking at her face

Yep - she's a stunner ... just like her old man!!! lol

Thanks a million mate!!

2nd November 2011, 04:55 PM
All the best for Keeley, and thanks for the update Scotty. Tough times but good to have eliminated cancer and MS, and that the atrophy is stable.

I'd almost bet that a solution will be available some time for Keeley's vision, given that she's only 6, with the progress of medicine these days.

2nd November 2011, 04:55 PM
All the best for Keeley buddy. What a crap few weeks you must of had, I feel for you Scooty and Mrs Scotty. Nothing worse than watching your kids going through an ordeal like that especially at such a young age. Thoughts are with you and your family Scotty. Hope the out come is a good one for the youngster mate and for you and the miss"s.
And yes have noticed a quiet absence online.

Good luck and best wishes Scotty

Cheers Pete and family

2nd November 2011, 04:59 PM
Old mate, Thanks heaps for dropping me a line earlier to fill me in I've been doing back flips all afternoon just knowing me new sidekicks gonna be alright....

To Keeley.... Just wait till I get up there sweetheart & I'll teach ya how to milk it for all its worth........hahahahahahahahahahahaha

You know where I stand old mate..... "To the right of me new side kick".........hahahahahah

2nd November 2011, 05:01 PM
All the best for Keeley, and thanks for the update Scotty. Tough times but good to have eliminated cancer and MS, and that the atrophy is stable.

I'd almost bet that a solution will be available some time for Keeley's vision, given that she's only 6, with the progress of medicine these days.

That's our thinking too mate - the cancer (to sound awful about it) was probably something I could have dealt with as even though the chances of it in childhood atrophy are high, the prognosis for treatment and successful removal is also high. MS on the other hand ... that would be a sever blow ...

2nd November 2011, 05:01 PM
All the best for Keeley buddy. What a crap few weeks you must of had, I feel for you Scooty and Mrs Scotty. Nothing worse than watching your kids going through an ordeal like that especially at such a young age. Thoughts are with you and your family Scotty. Hope the out come is a good one for the youngster mate and for you and the miss"s.
And yes have noticed a quiet absence online.

Good luck and best wishes Scotty

Cheers Pete and family

Thanks champion!!! I say again .. what a top community we have here ... you're a star!!

2nd November 2011, 05:06 PM
Old mate, Thanks heaps for dropping me a line earlier to fill me in I've been doing back flips all afternoon just knowing me new sidekicks gonna be alright....

To Keeley.... Just wait till I get up there sweetheart & I'll teach ya how to milk it for all its worth........hahahahahahahahahahahaha

You know where I stand old mate..... "To the right of me new side kick".........hahahahahah

What can I say to you ... you have been a rock in this and we've never even bloody met!!! To say I owe you a few coldies is probably somewhat shy of what I really owe you!!

To others out there - Paul has been in communication with me about this, and even went to the extent of talking to Keeley on webcam to show her his patch and make her feel that she wasn't alone out there (although the rest of his head freaked her out a little!!! roflmfao!!!). I can't commend an individual like Paul enough who goes out of their way to show sincerity, understanding and hope to a little girl (and her dad) that he doesn't know from a bar of soap.

To you old mate - I am in debt.

2nd November 2011, 05:12 PM
Jump into the introduction section BigRig and say hello.....hold on, oh yeah it Scotty, welcome back mate...lololol

Must have been an exhausting few weeks for the family mate, glad it's turned out the way it did but still not out of the woods.
Looks like Keeley has been a little trooper through all this and she deserves a medal mate....not a bloody horse ride ...LOL

Anyway mate, pass on my all the best to Keeley and family mate. You go and have a coldie mate, you deserve a few mate


2nd November 2011, 05:13 PM
Thanks for letting us know the results mate, thats great news !

Wish all the best to the whole family Scotty.

Like i said a few weeks ago mate, the way you conduct yourself while this is going on, is a real testament to your character, don't know how you do it, you are a true champion ! :first:

2nd November 2011, 05:14 PM
Big fella, I read that with my heart in my mouth, your little baby girl Keely is a trooper and there is no doubt from your words you are so proud of her.
I admit it let out a gasp of relief when you said "No tuma's!!!...."
Mate only best wishes and positive thoughts for Keely, and your family.

the ferret
2nd November 2011, 05:17 PM
HEY MUDSY, You are such a pretty girl, hang on tight to Daddy sweety, he's the one that will help you through this, he is almost as special as you are.
God bless you little darling, my name is Rod, and my dog's name is Molly, she says hello Mudsy and here is a picture of her.

Gotta bolt Bigrig, feel a tear a com'n, hang in there mate.

2nd November 2011, 05:22 PM
Well after the convo's and beers Scotty you know me and Bec are there always( and trapsing over there to wake you to have a couple of drinks one emotional evening). Hope she is there this week end

2nd November 2011, 05:22 PM
What can I say to you ... you have been a rock in this and we've never even bloody met!!! To say I owe you a few coldies is probably somewhat shy of what I really owe you!!

To others out there - Paul has been in communication with me about this, and even went to the extent of talking to Keeley on webcam to show her his patch and make her feel that she wasn't alone out there (although the rest of his head freaked her out a little!!! roflmfao!!!). I can't commend an individual like Paul enough who goes out of their way to show sincerity, understanding and hope to a little girl (and her dad) that he doesn't know from a bar of soap.

To you old mate - I am in debt.

Old mate, you owe me nothing.... Nothing at all....

That beautiful little princess of your is a heart melter hands down & now part of a exclusive club "The Patch Club" & I plan to take her very firmly under my wing.

2nd November 2011, 05:28 PM
All the best to you Keely and to your Mum, Dad and Family.

Our thoughts are with you

Keep you chin up Scotty

Bob & Lorraine

2nd November 2011, 05:33 PM
Jump into the introduction section BigRig and say hello.....hold on, oh yeah it Scotty, welcome back mate...lololol

Must have been an exhausting few weeks for the family mate, glad it's turned out the way it did but still not out of the woods.
Looks like Keeley has been a little trooper through all this and she deserves a medal mate....not a bloody horse ride ...LOL

Anyway mate, pass on my all the best to Keeley and family mate. You go and have a coldie mate, you deserve a few mate


Thanks mate!! Was a pretty emotional time (lot's of sleepless nights, and me being me quite stupidly, lot's of drinking to drown my sorrows).

Was thinking about posting up an intro too!!! lmao

2nd November 2011, 05:35 PM
Thanks for letting us know the results mate, thats great news !

Wish all the best to the whole family Scotty.

Like i said a few weeks ago mate, the way you conduct yourself while this is going on, is a real testament to your character, don't know how you do it, you are a true champion ! :first:

Thanks a million mate - funny thing is, I was feeling like I was being a sook and not handling it well at all - the meltdown will come now no doubt, but I have beer in hand, so should be able to "cool" things down somewhat!!!

2nd November 2011, 05:36 PM
HEY MUDSY, You are such a pretty girl, hang on tight to Daddy sweety, he's the one that will help you through this, he is almost as special as you are.
God bless you little darling, my name is Rod, and my dog's name is Molly, she says hello Mudsy and here is a picture of her.

Gotta bolt Bigrig, feel a tear a com'n, hang in there mate.

Thanks Rod!! Muds loves dogs, and will no doubt be keeping a happy snap of this one in her room I would bet!!! Greatly appreciate the kind words mate!!

2nd November 2011, 05:37 PM
Well after the convo's and beers Scotty you know me and Bec are there always( and trapsing over there to wake you to have a couple of drinks one emotional evening). Hope she is there this week end

You're a loud, obnoxious, angry, poisoned little dwarf ... but we love ya!!!! lmao

You my little friend are a island of reality in an ocean of bullsh!t and I can't thank you and Bec enough.

2nd November 2011, 05:39 PM
Big fella, I read that with my heart in my mouth, your little baby girl Keely is a trooper and there is no doubt from your words you are so proud of her.
I admit it let out a gasp of relief when you said "No tuma's!!!...."
Mate only best wishes and positive thoughts for Keely, and your family.

Very proud of her champion ... apple of daddy's eye (yes, yes .. I know ... you're not supposed to have favourites ... so sue me!!! lmao).

2nd November 2011, 05:40 PM
Old mate, you owe me nothing.... Nothing at all....

That beautiful little princess of your is a heart melter hands down & now part of a exclusive club "The Patch Club" & I plan to take her very firmly under my wing.

Hmmmm ... OK ... but I draw the line at having her gut a pig before she's 10!!!!! roflmfao!!!

2nd November 2011, 05:41 PM
All the best to you Keely and to your Mum, Dad and Family.

Our thoughts are with you

Keep you chin up Scotty

Bob & Lorraine

Thanks so much mate ... glad to see you hanging around also, and seriously would love to catch up one of these days and share a couple.

2nd November 2011, 05:41 PM
Hmmmm ... OK ... but I draw the line at having her gut a pig before she's 10!!!!! roflmfao!!!

Why????...... I could.............LMFAO

2nd November 2011, 05:44 PM
Is all good mate you know that. But we shall have many a bev on Saturday to celebrate 2 great stories. The minor a birthday and the great that the great kid Keeley is fairing better than what could have been. I don't mind having a grown...........We will keep that to ourselves. Mate is great to hear. She is a top kid even know she likes to steel (Caidens pushy when camping). Is that a generic thing? lol. Seriously I am over the moon

2nd November 2011, 05:46 PM
Why????...... I could.............LMFAO

Lmfao!!! No doubt!!!

2nd November 2011, 05:49 PM
Is all good mate you know that. But we shall have many a bev on Saturday to celebrate 2 great stories. The minor a birthday and the great that the great kid Keeley is fairing better than what could have been. I don't mind having a grown...........We will keep that to ourselves. Mate is great to hear. She is a top kid even know she likes to steel (Caidens pushy when camping). Is that a generic thing? lol. Seriously I am over the moon

Thanks champion!! Yes, a few coldies indeed!!

the ferret
2nd November 2011, 06:03 PM
You might like this one Mudsy, cheers.

2nd November 2011, 06:07 PM
You might like this one Mudsy, cheers.

Guaranteed she will mate!!

the ferret
2nd November 2011, 06:21 PM
For Mudsy.


2nd November 2011, 06:23 PM
Mate dunno what to say............good onya all for having the right attitude from the word go. ive got kids freom 16 down to 20mths and can only imagine what u r all goin through. We have friends whos 15yr ol daughter just had a stroke and has a tumour in her brain that caused it. They all have a really positive attyitude and things are lookin good for them! Thoughts and best wishes to you an yours mate

Edit PS a Big Thumbs up to ya Mudsy :thumbup::bigthumbup::icon_victory::bigthumbup::th umbup:

2nd November 2011, 06:34 PM
Thoughts and prays are with you and your family mate, going through this would be a very draining and emotional time for you all.

Keeley you are a very brave girl, just the thought of a hospital makes me cry like a big cry baby.

Chin up, can only get better from here on in.

Sending lots of love from afar

The Rhind family

Sir Roofy
2nd November 2011, 07:04 PM
All the best keeley what a brave little girl you have been and a strong dad and mum to help you through this
wishing you a quick and fast recovery

all the best for the future

jane and craig
roofys boss &roofy

2nd November 2011, 07:36 PM
Mate dunno what to say............good onya all for having the right attitude from the word go. ive got kids freom 16 down to 20mths and can only imagine what u r all goin through. We have friends whos 15yr ol daughter just had a stroke and has a tumour in her brain that caused it. They all have a really positive attyitude and things are lookin good for them! Thoughts and best wishes to you an yours mate

Edit PS a Big Thumbs up to ya Mudsy :thumbup::bigthumbup::icon_victory::bigthumbup::th umbup:

Thanks mate - so sorry to hear about the friends daughter, that is simply tragic and obviously wish them the best also.

2nd November 2011, 07:37 PM
Thoughts and prays are with you and your family mate, going through this would be a very draining and emotional time for you all.

Keeley you are a very brave girl, just the thought of a hospital makes me cry like a big cry baby.

Chin up, can only get better from here on in.

Sending lots of love from afar

The Rhind family

She'll be more than pleased to know that some of daddy's mates are big fairies!!!! lmfao ...

Thanks mate!!

2nd November 2011, 07:39 PM
All the best keeley what a brave little girl you have been and a strong dad and mum to help you through this
wishing you a quick and fast recovery

all the best for the future

jane and craig
roofys boss &roofy

On ya Mr and Mrs Roofy!!! Thanks a million - she is a brave little trooper. Was telling Patch today that she is a thrillseeker ... so impressed was she by the MRI machine that she decided to nod off in it!!! lmao

2nd November 2011, 07:46 PM
That's great news mate, I bet that was just a massive weight off the shoulders!!!

Shame mate, I can't imagine the stress you guys would have been going through!!!

Thanks for letting us all know mate!!!

2nd November 2011, 08:17 PM
That's great news mate, I bet that was just a massive weight off the shoulders!!!

Shame mate, I can't imagine the stress you guys would have been going through!!!

Thanks for letting us all know mate!!!

HUUUUGE weight off the shoulders boss ... just feel so relieved for her - she doesn't even know what the hell was going on!! Turns out that is a good thing!!!

2nd November 2011, 08:22 PM
nothing like dropping a bomb shell on us mate!!!!! wow i know right where your coming from scotty as we almost lost Rhiannon at birth as she wasprem and issues with her heart rate spent over a month in neonatal ECU!!!!

all our thoughts and and prays are with you all and if there is anything you need just call and we will be there pass on our best to keeley

Sir Roofy
2nd November 2011, 08:24 PM
on ya mr and mrs roofy!!! Thanks a million - she is a brave little trooper. Was telling patch today that she is a thrillseeker ... So impressed was she by the mri machine that she decided to nod off in it!!! Lmao

haha mate i been in a few of them and abig mother at monash hospital
and you tend to drop off good on her for just chilling in there as it goes round

2nd November 2011, 08:41 PM
I know i said it as a text earlier, but we are really happy for you all and your great news. Lots of love and big hugs to Keeley from all the Peacocks.

2nd November 2011, 09:12 PM
The MRI was conducted Monday and she was a dead set soldier!!!! She was in the machine for 30 minutes and truth be told, had to be woken up as she was nodding off !!! :first:

Good on ya Keeley! My 24 year old brother had one of those MRI's a few months ago and he was bricking it! (he's fine too :smile:)

Good on ya Scotty. You have a great family and I can't imagine what the last few weeks have been like.

Bloody great news. :cheers:


2nd November 2011, 09:17 PM
Gee whizz . opened this thread imagining to see pictures of a fishing or hunting trip or family 4x4 adventure to kakadu or uluru . but it all got
real serious and my heart sunk , throat swelled and the eyes well they started to well up . Goodluck to the Bigrig family and Keeley for the future
from boots .

2nd November 2011, 09:25 PM
Mate not much to say, nearly in tears....................have been thinking of you and your family, well done Keeley......oops here come the tears, not such a big brave Dogman when it comes to kids mate.........I am out of here for today, just can't handle it.
Well done Keeley you are one brave little princess.

2nd November 2011, 09:42 PM
She'll be alright..aren't you Keeley? You're one tough little Mudsy Princess Keeley.

Best regards from my wife and both of our daughters mate..

Finly Owner
2nd November 2011, 09:58 PM
Well Mudsy, seems like your Dad has been hiding some of himself from us, and there is a lot of him isn't there? Never for a momement guessed there was a terrible cloud hanging over you and your fantastic family. But you guys can begin to smile , breath and laugh again. Yes things are still a little unfavoured your way, but there is a lot of hope there now.

I thought your Dad (who by the way, I look up to for for his inter personal character) was busy with big contracts for work or something. How wrong was I?

I am glad you are going to be OK Keeley. I like your glasses they make you look real smart! Hey don't tell him, but I think your Daddy needs a kiss from you about now! Cause he loves you! And, don't forget Mum.

Scott and Sandra, there ain't much I can say, except I and Dia are truly glad that things have swung to the better side of news rather than the dreaded path. I am sincere in saying I am thinking of you guys and only wish for things to continue improving for that little girl of yours.


2nd November 2011, 10:14 PM

This big pink lips fella is something right Keeley...lolololololol

2nd November 2011, 10:36 PM
Gee whizz . opened this thread imagining to see pictures of a fishing or hunting trip or family 4x4 adventure to kakadu or uluru . but it all got
real serious and my heart sunk , throat swelled and the eyes well they started to well up . Goodluck to the Bigrig family and Keeley for the future
from boots .

LOL .. sorry mate - didn't really think of that when I came up with the title ... but you're right, it's somewhat misleading!! Thanks for the wishes mate!!

2nd November 2011, 10:38 PM
Mate not much to say, nearly in tears....................have been thinking of you and your family, well done Keeley......oops here come the tears, not such a big brave Dogman when it comes to kids mate.........I am out of here for today, just can't handle it.
Well done Keeley you are one brave little princess.

Thanks Doggy ... trust me mate, plenty of the wet stuff was flowing from the eyes over at this household throughout the last few weeks ... same stuff flowing today, but for good reason - bizarre thing crying, isn't it??!! lol

2nd November 2011, 10:40 PM
Scotty, mate, I have noticed your absence and wondered what might have been keeping you away from here and was glad to see a new post from you tonight. But my heart skipped a beat when I began reading and something happened to me that has never happened from when I read most of your other posts.........I wasn't laughing. And far from it. Mate I am wrapt to hear the outcome was the best you could hope for and I hope for continued good news in the weeks/months/years ahead.

Keely I've never even met you before but I can tell you are a very special little girl from the photos your daddy showed us. We are all very proud of you for being such a great kid. In fact you're probably the best kid in the neighbourhood aren't you?

Anyway I heard you like dogs so here's another one for you. Make sure you try to smile just like this fella as much as you can! Be happy!!


Greatly appreciate the kind words Plassy - and yes ... she is the best kid in the neighbourhood ... just don't tell her brothers and sisters I said that as they live here too!!!! lmao

She'll love the piccie no doubt ...

2nd November 2011, 10:43 PM
Hey Scotty, man this brought a tear to my eyes, had to close it down and compose myself before opening it up again. She sure is a beauty mate and a credit to you and the missus. From one doting dad to another, I know exactly how you feel coz i know how I'd be with my 2 little girls.

Best wishes to Keeley, yourself and you family Scotty, keep your chins up and keep looking forward.................. and being a man of few words I'll stop right there before I start off again.

Take it easy

2nd November 2011, 10:43 PM
Well Mudsy, seems like your Dad has been hiding some of himself from us, and there is a lot of him isn't there? Never for a momement guessed there was a terrible cloud hanging over you and your fantastic family. But you guys can begin to smile , breath and laugh again. Yes things are still a little unfavoured your way, but there is a lot of hope there now.

I thought your Dad (who by the way, I look up to for for his inter personal character) was busy with big contracts for work or something. How wrong was I?

I am glad you are going to be OK Keeley. I like your glasses they make you look real smart! Hey don't tell him, but I think your Daddy needs a kiss from you about now! Cause he loves you! And, don't forget Mum.

Scott and Sandra, there ain't much I can say, except I and Dia are truly glad that things have swung to the better side of news rather than the dreaded path. I am sincere in saying I am thinking of you guys and only wish for things to continue improving for that little girl of yours.


Thanks Tim - truly appreciate the thoughts and words. I reckon the glasses make her look a bit "Mr Magoo as a kid" (and female!! lol) ... I'll have to edit this post out of the thread when I cut and paste it (going to make a scrap book for her with all the responses)!!

2nd November 2011, 10:46 PM
Hey Scotty, man this brought a tear to my eyes, had to close it down and compose myself before opening it up again. She sure is a beauty mate and a credit to you and the missus. From one doting dad to another, I know exactly how you feel coz i know how I'd be with my 2 little girls.

Best wishes to Keeley, yourself and you family Scotty, keep your chins up and keep looking forward.................. and being a man of few words I'll stop right there before I start off again.

Take it easy

Thanks champion - kids are never easy work, and without wanting to start world war 3, it's something about little "daddy's girls" that usually tend to break even the strongest men down ... they are just precious.

2nd November 2011, 10:50 PM
g`day Scotty
wow knocked my socks off mate, just read through this thread ,has left us realing .
all our best to young Keeley, your family and your self mate,
give her a big hug fom us please
Lynette and Paul

2nd November 2011, 10:51 PM
Thanks champion - kids are never easy work, and without wanting to start world war 3, it's something about little "daddy's girls" that usually tend to break even the strongest men down ... they are just precious.

I hear ya mate, I was a wreck for the first 4 weeks after my eldest was born, 8 weeks early, in a humidycrib, tubes and drips and what not...... not being able to hold her but all is good now and whoa betide anyone who upsets her coz daddies a watchin!!!!!!!! hahahahaha

2nd November 2011, 10:51 PM
g`day Scotty
wow knocked my socks off mate, just read through this thread ,has left us realing .
all our best to young Keeley, your family and your self mate,
give her a big hug fom us please
Lynette and Paul

Consider it done mate - she's loving the offerings of big hugs from everyone!!!

2nd November 2011, 10:53 PM
Consider it done mate - she's loving the offerings of big hugs from everyone!!!

make it three hay ....and a big kiss

2nd November 2011, 10:56 PM
I hear ya mate, I was a wreck for the first 4 weeks after my eldest was born, 8 weeks early, in a humidycrib, tubes and drips and what not...... not being able to hold her but all is good now and whoa betide anyone who upsets her coz daddies a watchin!!!!!!!! hahahahaha

Yep - you know exactly what I'm talking about mate!! I figure Keeley's first boyfriend will come to the door for introduction - "good evening Sir, I'm such and such (their name won't matter)" ... and my response ... "have my daughter home by 7:30pm" ... and his response, "but it's 7:20 now Sir" ... followed by, "well .. best you just come on inside for ten minutes till you need to leave" .... lmfao!!!

2nd November 2011, 10:56 PM
make it three hay ....and a big kiss

Done deal mate!!! lol

2nd November 2011, 11:01 PM
Yep - you know exactly what I'm talking about mate!! I figure Keeley's first boyfriend will come to the door for introduction - "good evening Sir, I'm such and such (their name won't matter)" ... and my response ... "have my daughter home by 7:30pm" ... and his response, "but it's 7:20 now Sir" ... followed by, "well .. best you just come on inside for ten minutes till you need to leave" .... lmfao!!!

Mate you're just way tooooo generous........... they'd be lucky to get 10 minutes, in fact he'd be lucky if he got to the door!!!!! hahahahahaha

as Nowoolies just said mate, keep on giving them hugs mate.............. coz one day they won;t want them as much

2nd November 2011, 11:34 PM
Yep - you know exactly what I'm talking about mate!! I figure Keeley's first boyfriend will come to the door for introduction - "good evening Sir, I'm such and such (their name won't matter)" ... and my response ... "have my daughter home by 7:30pm" ... and his response, "but it's 7:20 now Sir" ... followed by, "well .. best you just come on inside for ten minutes till you need to leave" .... lmfao!!!

10 minutes your being rather generous i would say .

and would you be cleaning the shotgun on the kitchen table at that time hahahahahahahahahahaha

3rd November 2011, 08:16 AM
prayers hopes and well wishes with you and your family mate all the best from across the ditch.

3rd November 2011, 09:12 AM
Keely here is another to add to your collection.

Hope you like them

3rd November 2011, 09:34 AM
Damn! mate that is a tragedy, i am glad she is on the up though and i hope as others have said that medical development will sort it out long term.

Damn, i have a 6 year old boy and i am at a conference now, i am between sessions and read this thread for the first time, i shed a tear for ya mate, I am at the National Bridges Conference with Engineers everywhere and i'm that bloke sitting here trying to hide watery eyes,

Mate Keeley is a stunner, she has a great dad, my thoughts are with you for the next round of tests bud, I hope your through the worst of it.

3rd November 2011, 06:11 PM
Scotty, mate, I don't really know what to say.

There is nothing I could say that would make it better.

Just remember that we are all here for you and are more then willing to help.

I know there is no worse a feeling then when one of your little ones is sick, you just want to get in there and fix it or change places with them.

Keeley I would just like to echo what has already been stated above, you are a brave little princess.

Best wishes from the whole Yendor clan.

3rd November 2011, 06:50 PM
My families thoughts and prays are with yours and we are sure it will all work out. Keep us up to-date with any progress.
Keeley, stay brave and strong, your dad will need you to be as he is a bit of a softy..:wink:


3rd November 2011, 07:59 PM
Thanks a million mate - funny thing is, I was feeling like I was being a sook and not handling it well at all - the meltdown will come now no doubt, but I have beer in hand, so should be able to "cool" things down somewhat!!!Mate, in no way are you being a sook.
Ive had a few drama's with my kids, and when it's your kids i don't care how big and tough bloke's think they are it will always bring you to your knees,It did to me.
Any parent that don't get upset and cry a tear or 10 has got something very very wrong with them.

The thing i hated was the feeling of not being able to help,we feel like we have to protect them and in situation's like this we can't.

Don't ever think your being a sook buddy,it's you daughter your allowed to be.

Thought's are with Keeley and your family,glad to hear thing,s are getting better.

P.S at least you know you never alone mate.

3rd November 2011, 08:26 PM
What can I say to you ... you have been a rock in this and we've never even bloody met!!! To say I owe you a few coldies is probably somewhat shy of what I really owe you!!

To others out there - Paul has been in communication with me about this, and even went to the extent of talking to Keeley on webcam to show her his patch and make her feel that she wasn't alone out there (although the rest of his head freaked her out a little!!! roflmfao!!!). I can't commend an individual like Paul enough who goes out of their way to show sincerity, understanding and hope to a little girl (and her dad) that he doesn't know from a bar of soap.

To you old mate - I am in debt.

Scotty, little Keeley is one of a kind mate and she will come through this a stronger individual. Your words above are so true mate, I had the honour of meeting Paul a couple of weeks ago and i do meen it was an honour, i have never met a more selfless person as Paul is, he just does what he does and that is help people, even though he has his own prob's to also deal with. I to commend the man with the big heart. Your a champ Pauly, Well done mate... But this is about Keeley and little Keeley is one tuff chick, for a six year old to come face to face with the super mod' & not run screaming...LOL she's got spunk! and that and the support of her family and friends is what will get her through this, Hang in there Keeley,
Fingers crossed for the next round mate,

Sir Roofy
3rd November 2011, 08:27 PM
hi keeley hope you like this one THEY ARE CUJO& LEROY



3rd November 2011, 09:28 PM
After reading your post it has taken all day to reply as all I could feel was your pain.

When it's your kids involved as a parent it's the hardest thing to go through. (We had a drama with our youngest when he was 4)

Our thoughts are with you and your family Scotty. Hope the out come is a good one for all concerned.

To beautiful little Keeley, the glasses look great sweetheart. Wear them with pride. ( I had to wear them when I was a kid too.)

3rd November 2011, 09:53 PM
Hi Keeley..

This is Axl..saying woof woof to you :smile:

Dark 1
3rd November 2011, 10:38 PM
Sorry to hear about the littley bigfella, hopefully it all goes well & you & your family know WE ARE ALL HERE SUPPORTING YOU ALL.

Mal H
4th November 2011, 07:44 AM
Our thoughts are with you, family is everything mate.

Best wishes, Mal and Dee.

DX grunt
4th November 2011, 10:46 AM
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family, Scotty.

I share your pain and anxiety, as I was at my 17yo son's bedside in ICU for 8 days, not knowing an outcome.

All the best to you and your family. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.

Take care out there.


4th November 2011, 06:23 PM
Many thanks for the words of encouragement and support one and all !!! Immensely appreciated ...

I'm actually going to cut and paste the whole thread out and make a scrap book for her (keepsake) - not a artsy person by any means, but worth giving it a go for this.

I'll have a little something special up over the weekend from the girl herself letting you all know how she's going and no doubt thanking you all for your support - she doesn't know this yet of course!!!! lmao ... bless her ...

4th November 2011, 06:26 PM
Go Well Scottie

8th November 2011, 05:17 PM
Thanks again from the whole BigRig clan and especially from Keeley ... here's a quick video from the young lady herself.


8th November 2011, 05:30 PM
you have a great night 2 Keeley :)

8th November 2011, 05:38 PM
Good on you Keeley, you're a brave girl ...we all love you.

Sir Roofy
8th November 2011, 06:23 PM
well done keeley glad to see a happy smiling face

8th November 2011, 07:00 PM
Well i know what Santa will be bringing Keeley! 2 Front Teeth!!!!


Glad to see your happy little one and just like my 6 year old. Have a great day.

8th November 2011, 08:37 PM
Well done Keeley, your most welcome.Thank you for letting us know your doing great.
Great to see you happy and smiling.

8th November 2011, 08:53 PM
Thank you heaps Keeley for the video.
Love from The Dogman.....WOOF WOOF

A photo of my dog Chase (the Blue Dog) after a ball, she loves just loves chasing anything that I throw.

the ferret
8th November 2011, 09:20 PM
Thank you for the video Keeley, very special, just like you.
Cheers, the ferret.

8th November 2011, 09:37 PM
Good news mate. Best wishes from the Frenzy clan.
See you soon.

9th November 2011, 06:17 AM
What a lovely young lady you are, you are going to grow up to be really special.
Our best thoughts and wishes.
The Macca's

9th November 2011, 08:47 AM
what a beautiful young little lady you are Keely,
and those glasses look fantastic,
thank you very much for telling us that you are much better
a big, big hug, and a hugh KISS from Lynette and Paul

Finly Owner
9th November 2011, 10:45 PM
Thank You
Showing Me True

9th November 2011, 11:52 PM
Nice seeing you smiling Keeley. Be one good little Mudsy Princess..

16th November 2011, 05:55 PM
Well, you may have noticed I've been a bit yappy on the forum this arvo. If you ask why, the answer is simple - I'm having a few!! Why am I having a few?? Another simple answer - I got awesome news today!! What awesome news?? Well ...

Got Keeley's last batch of tests/results done today and it is 99.99% assured of being ischemia (trauma from birth, etc) and whilst she'll not recover vision in her right eye, it shouldn't get any worse and will need to be managed throughout her life, but is the absolute best outcome from a situation that was proving pretty bleak only a few weeks ago ...

From her, from me and from my whole family, my sincerest of thanks for your support, prayers and well wishes - I have no doubt they made a difference!!

She has to go back in a few months for more scans to fully rule out degenerative disease, but she's predominantly out of the woods.

My thanks seems not enough and I'm indebted to you all ...

16th November 2011, 06:25 PM
awesome news mate ... awesome

16th November 2011, 06:32 PM
Sh1t hot mate that's the best news I heard for a while

16th November 2011, 06:45 PM
Great news mate, good to here the little darling is gonna keep her sight. Ill have a beer also me thinks.

16th November 2011, 07:08 PM
Absolutely great news there mate, A BIG DOGMAN HUG FOR YOU AND THE LITTLE PRINCESS

16th November 2011, 07:34 PM
Scotty, that is the best news you will hear for decades mate. Soak up that happiness and enjoy!

That has bought some happiness into my dark day mate so well done!!!!!!!

16th November 2011, 07:52 PM
Great news Keeley, Scotty, and Sandra!!

AB hope your day improves

16th November 2011, 08:00 PM
Thats awsome news ole mate ! :bananarock:

And im sure anyone that knows you in person will agree, just having you back into your normal character, will be reward enough, and will undoubtedly far "outshine" any unnecessary thanks you may feel you owe anyone !

Maybe "usual" is a better word to describe you than than "normal" :clapping:

DX grunt
17th November 2011, 12:08 AM
Fantastic news, bro.

All the best to you and your family.

Take care out there.


17th November 2011, 04:17 AM
Glad all is looking up. Take care of your family.

Finly Owner
17th November 2011, 10:40 PM
Keeley I bet you are glad you are not sick, just special. Glad things are turning out better for you and all your family. Now your wussy Dad can get back to ramblin on with total utter chit chat here again. LOL

OK Scott and Sandra, you now have permission to sleep restfully.


the ferret
17th November 2011, 10:48 PM
You must be one relieved Mum & Dad, that is awesome news, please give Mudsy a hug and kiss from Rod & Ann.
God bless her.
Cheers, the ferret.

20th February 2012, 10:17 PM
Hey Scotty, how is our/nissanpatrol.com.au little angel going mate, all good we hope

20th February 2012, 10:24 PM
Hey Scotty, how is our/nissanpatrol.com.au little angel going mate, all good we hope

Thanks for asking mate ... as said tests have cleared her of tuma's and multiple sclerosis, and she had her last tests for degenerative eye disease last month - all clear this far but has to test every 6 months. Until science proves otherwise with advancements, she officially has lost 95% vision on her right eye and struggles a bit as she gets tired at the end of the day, but best of the worst possible outcomes. Legally classed as blind, but young enough to not know any different and getting on with it (coz she's tough and beautiful!!!

This is her last weekend going to a party!!!! Told you she was beautiful!!! lol


20th February 2012, 11:43 PM
BIG HUG from The Dogman please Scotty...................................NO not to you, to Keeley the Beautiful One....haha

2nd May 2012, 11:49 PM
Been a while and I'll close this thread off after this, but just because someone asked me today how she was fairing, I thought I'd throw up an update ...

She's marvellous!! Same as before, the vision is essentially gone in the right eye, but her left is 'over compensating' and you wouldn't know otherwise (just small things like trying to catch a ball, colouring in where after a while the eye tires and she finds it hard to make out the lines between colours, the occasional headache, stuff like that). She actually has some more tests scheduled now, but same as before - just ensuring no degeneration of the current problem and no 'migration' as such into the left eye also ... but more a formality (and one that I'll happily cater to for her sake).

Once again, a HUGE thanks to everyone for their support and hopefully you'll all get the chance to meet her in person at the forum meet in October (see, now you have another reason to attend!!! lol).

3rd May 2012, 12:02 AM
Good stuff mate, thanks for keeping us informed bud....... she's a beauty for sure and a tuff one to boot

3rd May 2012, 12:14 AM
Ah Man! bought a tear to my eye before for sorrow and concern, brings a tear to my eye now for wonder and joy.

Great to hear that she is overcoming this demon and climbing her mountain of life.

May the Sun shine on her always mate, yes she is a Beautiful one.

3rd May 2012, 01:36 AM
Thanks for the update mate, big HUGS to Keeley.

3rd May 2012, 04:26 AM
Hey mate thats f@#$#n great news to hear Im going all teary reading it over again fantastic news
Cheers Russ

3rd May 2012, 05:27 AM
good to hear things are looking up :)

3rd May 2012, 05:23 PM
All the best mate!

3rd May 2012, 05:27 PM
Great to hear mate!!
One thing i dont get is how someone that looks like you can sire a pretty lil angel like that. hahahahhahahaha

3rd May 2012, 05:52 PM
Like the others have said that is good news, all the best to you guys.
Happy thoughts from us to you.

18th May 2012, 06:53 AM
Mate I don't get on here much and mostly only do reserch but keeley your a very brave little girl.. And i can tell u will be a very pretty young lady those glasses look great to I reckon. Well done to you and yours mate great news with the end result by the way