View Full Version : Cooloola National Park/Double Island Point

31st October 2011, 12:23 PM
Hey guys,

I am heading up to the sunshine coast next weekend, and will be doing a day trip up the beach from Noosa North Shore, up to Double Island Point and on to Rainbow Beach.

Here is a link to a map and also to visitor info



31st October 2011, 08:08 PM
Would love to come but would take me a week to get there!! hahahaha

31st October 2011, 08:42 PM
hahah i was there for 5 days a few weeks ago. its a ausome place make sure u have a look at ground water road road its the 26km one thats in the middle that has beach access it is much nicer to drive sorta like driving threw a rain forrest. there is nothing there that a patroll cant do
its also a good idea to stop at the park infomation place and ask if any roads are closed its always quicker lol

1st November 2011, 09:11 AM
Yeah I have been there once before but not inland so I will have to check it out. Yeah I was gonna go past the great sandy information centre to check all those things.

1st November 2011, 11:01 AM
Yeah I have been there once before but not inland so I will have to check it out. Yeah I was gonna go past the great sandy information centre to check all those things.

we did it the long way lol . i was quite suprised with how nice the inland tracks where. i took some pics if u want to look at the thred i made

2nd November 2011, 08:02 PM
i was up there last weekend camped on the beach was sensational oooh the serenity lol ifyou are going to do the run right up to rainbow check your tides. we went to honey moon bay which is the start to rainbow at high tide we got our wheels wet just getting onto the beach at honeymoon and the beeach at high tide was just wide enough for one car to pass enterance to leisel track this goes from teewah beach to honey moon over the double island point head land,, is VERY soft in the enterance and needs to treated with respect as is the bottom of the first dip on the track running north up teewah on the out going tide watch the creek crossings some can be deeper then they appaer and steep drop offs also watch for soggy sand near the water edge trap for beginners as is the dry sand very soft also

the other access track that we used was the freshwater track bad corrigations at the start then a few steep bits and also closer to the beach you get the deeper the sand on the track gets and softer but very seinic drive

soo good luck have a great day

7th November 2011, 09:32 AM
Heres what your missing if you haven't been there.



7th November 2011, 09:38 AM
Heres what your missing if you haven't been there.



this is so not fair to post piccies like this
us westerners are crying in our beers lol

27th November 2011, 07:05 PM
AWESOME TRIP isn't it - we just literally got back from 3 days of camping on Teewah Beach. Did the full run from Tewantin to Inskip Point and a couple of 4x4 tracks on the way ... Kings Bore track back out to the beach was washed away but OOOPSIE didn't know till we got to the top of the last decent on the one way track!! Awesome fun getting down & out onto the beach!!

27th November 2011, 07:10 PM
Great shots Warnie. Just love the beach. Will defiantly have to go there one day.

28th November 2011, 11:23 AM
Kings Bore track back out to the beach was washed away but OOOPSIE didn't know till we got to the top of the last decent on the one way track!! Awesome fun getting down & out onto the beach!!

Isn't that a great track, the very end is pretty much always a bit of a drop off into the washout, sometimes it can turn into quite a boggy little hole, sounds like you had a great trip !

Great shots Warnie. Just love the beach. Will defiantly have to go there one day.

Yes you should, but let us know if you do plan to go, im sure myself and few of our QLD locals would be happy to show you and hubby around.

29th November 2011, 11:44 AM
used to live just up the road from the area for most of my life, you can go the inland way through boreen point behind tewantin up an old loggin trail and goes past the turnoff for harrys hut, it eventually comes out just up the rd from Rainbow beach so is a good way to go if the tide is high and takes half the time. Lots of tracks branch off behind the dunes from this old dirt rd aswell and you can do some interesting tracks to say the least. one track we cam across lead us all the way to the top of one of the massive dunes so we could look right up and down the beach from the highest view point. You will also find lots of fresh watter creeks and holes out that way that are great for a swim if ya dont mind the tee tree stained waters, mrs reakons its good for ya skin so may be a good place to take the chooks along.

Their is more than meets the eye in that area if you take the time to explore.

29th November 2011, 12:20 PM
Are you talking about "Cooloola Way" Dozer , the track between Kin Kin road and Rainbow beach road ?

29th November 2011, 01:48 PM
used to live just up the road from the area for most of my life, you can go the inland way through boreen point behind tewantin up an old loggin trail and goes past the turnoff for harrys hut, it eventually comes out just up the rd from Rainbow beach so is a good way to go if the tide is high and takes half the time. Lots of tracks branch off behind the dunes from this old dirt rd aswell and you can do some interesting tracks to say the least. one track we cam across lead us all the way to the top of one of the massive dunes so we could look right up and down the beach from the highest view point. You will also find lots of fresh watter creeks and holes out that way that are great for a swim if ya dont mind the tee tree stained waters, mrs reakons its good for ya skin so may be a good place to take the chooks along.

Their is more than meets the eye in that area if you take the time to explore.

Are these tracks on maps?? I got a Cooloola coastal map which has a fair few tracks marked - gonna do every single one before I die .. LOL (of fright that is)

12th February 2012, 10:45 PM
I was up this way again yesterday to show by brothers from Melbourne some of the natural beauties that are so close to those of us who live up this way. Had a great time again. Went from noosa all the way up to rainbow via double island point. Had a good swim at the point, catching/getting bowled over by some decent sized waves.

Word of warning the beach is a little eroded at the moment and should not be tackled at high tide. I saw a lot of tyre tracks on the high side of the eroded beach on very narrow passings. This reminded me of what happened to Steve (04OFF) and the dangers that come with it. So be careful out there so everyone can continue to enjoy the things we like.to do.

13th February 2012, 05:32 PM
I was up this way again yesterday to show by brothers from Melbourne some of the natural beauties that are so close to those of us who live up this way. Had a great time again. Went from noosa all the way up to rainbow via double island point. Had a good swim at the point, catching/getting bowled over by some decent sized waves.

Word of warning the beach is a little eroded at the moment and should not be tackled at high tide. I saw a lot of tyre tracks on the high side of the eroded beach on very narrow passings. This reminded me of what happened to Steve (04OFF) and the dangers that come with it. So be careful out there so everyone can continue to enjoy the things we like.to do.

We just had our (late) chrissy party at rainbow beach caravan park. I went for a surf at the freshwater track entrance, you might of seen me

14th February 2012, 10:48 AM
Na mate didnt see you, did you see me? I got heaps of waves and gdays up there. Must be the NissanPatrol.com.au sticker on the windscreen

15th February 2012, 07:10 PM
Na mate didnt see you, did you see me? I got heaps of waves and gdays up there. Must be the NissanPatrol.com.au sticker on the windscreen

nah mate I didnt. I just drove down freshwater, found a pretty good bank at the entrance to the track and stayed there and came back through freshwater tide was too high to get back to rainbow along the beach

17th January 2013, 06:36 PM
Great place but don't go in the Easter holidays or Christmas. Gets very busy.

21st January 2013, 06:33 PM
One of the best places in this fair land to camp. I can't get enough of this place.

6th June 2013, 11:31 AM
Looking at going up this long weekend. Going to be great.