View Full Version : Bio Deisel

22nd October 2011, 10:12 PM
Just wondering if anyone out there is making their own bio fuels, i was thinking about doing it for a while did a lot of research etc, but lost interest due to lack of spare time.
I have heard that some people have even run diesel engines on filtered unprocessed old chip oil :)

the ferret
22nd October 2011, 10:28 PM
A mate of mine runs his Disco on it, makes his own but is finding it hard to get the chip oil as the big mobs buy it from the fish n chip shops.
He has a set up that we built and may even want to sell it.
Cheers, the ferret.

25th October 2011, 09:51 PM
I was just flicking through a few threads, and read this one, which leads me to this question...
Has anyone run a ZD30 on Bio Deisel? i would love to know.

25th October 2011, 10:27 PM
I also have a mate... He runs his furniture truck on bio he makes himself. Works fine when he's in QLD, where it's a bit warmer.. But, down here he has to warm the engine on diesel first... Gotta say, I love it when he comes to visit !! You can smell the truck before you hear it !

26th October 2011, 12:15 AM
Around my way a few of the farmers run on Canola oil. I wouldn't know the first thing about there setup but given the amount of Canola grown around here it makes sense.