View Full Version : Sheep

21st October 2011, 09:51 PM
It just occurred to me that most of the Eastern states have daylight saving as they obviously just follow each other but what I cannot understand is that the sun has disappeared hours ago over there and it is still daylight over here???????????????


We are individuals over here and do not follow like.................................the title says:first:

Yes I am bored, tired and may have had one too many...........goodnight all...HAHA

21st October 2011, 09:53 PM
It just occurred to me that most of the Eastern states have daylight saving as they obviously just follow each other but what I cannot understand is that the sun has disappeared hours ago over there and it is still daylight over here???????????????


We are individuals over here and do not follow like.................................the title says:first:

Yes I am bored, tired and may have had one too many...........goodnight all...HAHA

Watch it Doggy..... Or it'll be the chain & a bowl of kibble for you mate...........hahahahahahahahahah

21st October 2011, 10:01 PM
It just occurred to me that most of the Eastern states have daylight saving as they obviously just follow each other but what I cannot understand is that the sun has disappeared hours ago over there and it is still daylight over here???????????????


We are individuals over here and do not follow like.................................the title says:first:

Yes I am bored, tired and may have had one too many...........goodnight all...HAHA

Yer good point there Doggy.... But think of it like this mate, you might be still in daylight and go to bed 2 hours later than the rest of us,

BUT while your sleeping we're up and about enjoying the first nibble on the line, hookin a big one....LMAO2..........

21st October 2011, 10:02 PM
If we could split Australia in half mate we would....TRUST US...LMAO

21st October 2011, 10:05 PM
If we could split Australia in half mate we would....TRUST US...LMAO

hahahahahahahahahahahaha.................. Sh1t that heart... I spat that laugh out so hard me smoke landed out the office door...........hahahahahahahahahahaha

Finly Owner
21st October 2011, 10:13 PM
AAAAh Doggy, being so far west has caused you to loose memory , We in Qld on East side of OZ, don't follow any NZ pets, as we don't have Daylight Saving, but, are still ahead of WA, both in time and ................................


21st October 2011, 11:12 PM
It just occurred to me that most of the Eastern states have daylight saving as they obviously just follow each other but what I cannot understand is that the sun has disappeared hours ago over there and it is still daylight over here???????????????


We are individuals over here and do not follow like.................................the title says:first:

Yes I am bored, tired and may have had one too many...........goodnight all...HAHA

You have just proven Doggy that WA is officially BEHIND THE TIMES mate ;)

Its ok though bud, we'll wait for ya here, let us know when you catchup.

22nd October 2011, 12:41 AM
It's obvious really, the Daylight Saving Bank must be in Perth.

Some would say that the Daylight Robbery Bank has a certain A. Bligh as CEO. Pity the competition doesn't look that much better..... to me, anyway!

22nd October 2011, 07:45 AM
Yeah I would agree Silver, QLD needs daylight savings in summer more than the southern states. Its dark up here just after 7pm in summer.

22nd October 2011, 08:31 AM
First stubby down and WA still asleep :)

DX grunt
22nd October 2011, 09:29 AM
First stubby down and WA still asleep :)

Technically you are correct. BUT, we've been awake for 21hrs longer than you. We're not 3hrs behind, we're 21hrs ahead. Work that out? lol

We could both come to a compromise and work with GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) lolol

Wayne, you've moved on from Wagin, so stop thinking about sheep!!! lolol hahahahaha

22nd October 2011, 01:13 PM
Technically you are correct. BUT, we've been awake for 21hrs longer than you. We're not 3hrs behind, we're 21hrs ahead. Work that out? lol

We could both come to a compromise and work with GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) lolol

Wayne, you've moved on from Wagin, so stop thinking about sheep!!! lolol hahahahaha

Pay no mind to this ppls, its nothing more then the irreverent ramblings of a "Sand Groper". There not only lost to us there also lost to themselves & each other............ ROFLMFAO

DX grunt
22nd October 2011, 02:20 PM
Pay no mind to this ppls, its nothing more then the irreverent ramblings of a "Sand Groper". There not only lost to us there also lost to themselves & each other............ ROFLMFAO

Whatever!!! lol