View Full Version : Do i have to leave the forum?

Dark 1
19th October 2011, 09:36 PM
Well boys & girls it seriously looks like i'm going to have to buy a crapota. I know i know what am i doing but the mighty ole gu just can't handle the monster of a van that the missus made me buy. I've been trying to buy a brunswick diesel fitted gu but they all only have 3.2 tonne towing & are SO EXPENSIVE, so it looks like i'm getting a turbo diesel v8 cruiser.
So even tho i may be owning the wrong car, CAN I PLLEEEEAASSEE STAY A PART OF THE FORUM & still play with you all. [don't be rude Scotty]
please please please let me stay & play.

19th October 2011, 09:53 PM
Well boys & girls it seriously looks like i'm going to have to buy a crapota. I know i know what am i doing but the mighty ole gu just can't handle the monster of a van that the missus made me buy. I've been trying to buy a brunswick diesel fitted gu but they all only have 3.2 tonne towing & are SO EXPENSIVE, so it looks like i'm getting a turbo diesel v8 cruiser.
So even tho i may be owning the wrong car, CAN I PLLEEEEAASSEE STAY A PART OF THE FORUM & still play with you all. [don't be rude Scotty]
please please please let me stay & play.

P!ss off you filthy yota owner ... we don't want your type around here ... dirty, good for nothing back stabber ... so, tell us, if your missus packed on a bit of weight, I assume you'd be gone rather than "try and make things work"?? You're a disgrace to the Patrol fraternity and all I can hope for is that the bootiful GU you have goes to someone far more grateful than yourself ...

Other than that, you get my vote to stay!!! Love having you around!!!!

ROFLMFAO - I'm seriously having a giggle!!!!!

19th October 2011, 09:57 PM
Hmmmmm....... Thats a hard one.........

I think there may need to be a special Tojo Tax charged to use of the forum, "unless"

youstick a Nissan badge one both bonnet & barn door,

an "I love Nissan best" spare wheel cover,

Nissan center caps

& a BIG NISSANPATROL.com.au sticker front & back & on the back of the van.

Oh & piccies of you parked outside every Nissan dealership in every town you stop at looking completely heart broken........................... hahahahahahahahahahaha

19th October 2011, 10:01 PM
I think I should lock this thread for your own protection........................hahahahahahahaha hahah

19th October 2011, 10:07 PM
Hmmmmm....... Thats a hard one.........

I think there may need to be a special Tojo Tax charged to use of the forum, "unless"

youstick a Nissan badge one both bonnet & barn door,

an "I love Nissan best" spare wheel cover,

Nissan center caps

& a BIG NISSANPATROL.com.au sticker front & back & on the back of the van.

Oh & piccies of you parked outside every Nissan dealership in every town you stop at looking completely heart broken........................... hahahahahahahahahahaha

Classic!! That's an awesome concept!!

Soooooooo ... Kelvin ... are yours big enough to follow through with this??? lmfao!!

Dark 1
19th October 2011, 10:09 PM
OH such warm reception after all the valuable posts i've submitted, i suppose one of the mods will change my status to "bloody crapota owner'.

Honestly Patch i was pissin myself laughing cuase i would probably do that you know.

19th October 2011, 10:16 PM
Well mate that's a hard one to decide, a landcrab owner on a NISSAN PATROL FORUM ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????

Oh hell why not, seeing as you seem to be a good bloke.....LOL

the ferret
19th October 2011, 10:20 PM
Nah, that's cool mate, we forgive you but you must promise to tell us what crap of a run you get from the t......., and tell us how many times you get bogged with it and what the running costs are, and how many Nissan owners laugh at you, You must understand that any Nissan owner would be very happy to recover you provided you post video evidence.
Last but not least, you will have to send all WA members a carton of export stubbies and their wives a nice bottle of red, other than that, we'd love to have you as one of our members.
Cheers, the ferret.

19th October 2011, 10:25 PM
OH such warm reception after all the valuable posts i've submitted, i suppose one of the mods will change my status to "bloody crapota owner'.

Honestly Patch i was pissin myself laughing cuase i would probably do that you know.

"bloody crapota owner"?? I was thinking:

Back stabber
Two timer
Toyota rabbit (you know what rabbits do)
Bottom feeder
Two faced
Poopy pants
Stupid head ...

Ok, ok ... getting a bit childish towards the end, but you get my point!!!! lmfao

19th October 2011, 10:31 PM
judas! :smile:

Dark 1
19th October 2011, 10:38 PM
"bloody crapota owner"?? I was thinking:

Back stabber
Two timer
Toyota rabbit (you know what rabbits do)
Bottom feeder
Two faced
Poopy pants
Stupid head ...

Ok, ok ... getting a bit childish towards the end, but you get my point!!!! lmfao

Well if i'm not welcome i suppose that it then.

19th October 2011, 10:42 PM
Well if i'm not welcome i suppose that it then.

I feel like piano music is playing, a montage is scrolling through everyone's mind, and the end of an era (with appropriate heartbreak) has arrived ...

That said, look forward to happy snaps of the new rig ...

We love ya brother ... you're officially not allowed to leave ...

Dark 1
19th October 2011, 10:54 PM
I feel like piano music is playing, a montage is scrolling through everyone's mind, and the end of an era (with appropriate heartbreak) has arrived ...

That said, look forward to happy snaps of the new rig ...

We love ya brother ... you're officially not allowed to leave ...
Thanks mate, don't worry i think i'll have have some very stiff drinks when i hand over the money. I'll probably be a sobbing mess when ole tuff goes to a new home. I'm even tearing up now. DAMN CRAPOTAS.

19th October 2011, 10:57 PM
Thanks mate, don't worry i think i'll have have some very stiff drinks when i hand over the money. I'll probably be a sobbing mess when ole tuff goes to a new home. I'm even tearing up now. DAMN CRAPOTAS.

Feel for you mate - just remember, we're here for you .... just hope you don't fall for the "Helsinki Syndrome" ... you know ... hostages who fall for their kidnappers!! lmao

19th October 2011, 10:59 PM
You will probably have to strengthen it up a little. You could put Patrol running gear in mate. Then you won't feel as bad.

19th October 2011, 11:06 PM
You will probably have to strengthen it up a little. You could put Patrol running gear in mate. Then you won't feel as bad.

And I have a spare NISSAN badge as per my build thread that you could substitute on the front!!!

19th October 2011, 11:10 PM
please follow this link hahahahahahahahahahahahaha

oh what a feeling toycrapmota roll over

by the way what was your name again hahahah

onya mate

20th October 2011, 06:14 AM
What are you thinking Kelvin ?????????????????? Mate, haven't you looked at the 4.8l Patrol???? Lots, lots of power and 3.5t towing !!!whack it on gas and off you go!!!!!

20th October 2011, 07:23 AM
What he said

Difference in price between a Patrol 4.8 and a crapota must buy a lot of fuel for the incredibly greedy 4.8.
4.8 on road will give between 17 and 25 L/100km - depends how you drive. Mine returns between 19 and 22 and I am not gentle with the accelerator.

So work out :-
1. How much is Crapota
2. What fuel consumption in Crapota
3. What Oil consumption in Crapota (Yes big probelms here with them drinking oil)
4. How much is new engine if I forget to check 3
5. How much is Patrol 4.8
6. How much fun is Patrol 4.8

Dark 1
20th October 2011, 07:24 AM
What are you thinking Kelvin ?????????????????? Mate, haven't you looked at the 4.8l Patrol???? Lots, lots of power and 3.5t towing !!!whack it on gas and off you go!!!!!

Yeh mate i have, i've even negotiating with a bloke on one & he uses it for towing a 2.5t boat. He gets around 32lts/100 now, my van is not as areodynamic & all of 3.5t, i would be almost 35/100 it's just not feesable plus i'm spending 10 grand more getting a just on 2 year old vehicle much lower k's & already decked out with factory lockers, winch & barwork, black widow draws, airbags, long range tank, snorkel & v8. -roofrack. I actually don't mind the shape of it & it's nice to drive but those DAMN toyota badges are really hard to deal with.

Dark 1
20th October 2011, 07:30 AM
What he said

Difference in price between a Patrol 4.8 and a crapota must buy a lot of fuel for the incredibly greedy 4.8.
4.8 on road will give between 17 and 25 L/100km - depends how you drive. Mine returns between 19 and 22 and I am not gentle with the accelerator.

So work out :-
1. How much is Crapota
2. What fuel consumption in Crapota
3. What Oil consumption in Crapota (Yes big probelms here with them drinking oil)
4. How much is new engine if I forget to check 3
5. How much is Patrol 4.8
6. How much fun is Patrol 4.8

What you guys have to remember is where towing our 3.5t house around all over australia for an extended ammount of time. f
Feul economy is likely to be around the 10-15 litres per 100 better & we'll probably to a good 100-150 000 klms like that so it does make a difference. I love patrols & if the house wasn't so big then we wouldn't be having this conversation, but there the facts.

20th October 2011, 07:42 AM
My ol mans just bought a 3t van and is towing it with a GU td42t and is happy ad a pig in poo with it

20th October 2011, 09:29 AM
Funny thread, had a good laugh...lol

Shame Kelvin, I hope you just make the right choice mate!!!

DX grunt
20th October 2011, 09:47 AM
Kelvin for PM.

This is one gutsy thread, mate!

I've weighed up the pro's and con's of saying "yes" and "no" and base my decision on the following:

1. Interchangable rims/tyres. lol
2. Ability to tow a yota and possibly a van - at the same time.
3. Still have Kelvin's wisdom and knowledge for mods - excluding reference to engine
4. Watch him mod his truck and steal his ideas. lol

Thinking, thinking.......YES, BUT, I draw the line at you putting a 'Nissan Recovery Vehicle' sticker on you truck.

If I get one sniff of that sticker on your new truck, I'll drop you quicker than your tyre pressure. lol.

Welcome aboard, bro!

Take care out there. Midge and I still love ya. lololol hahaha lololol


20th October 2011, 09:52 AM
Should have bought a slightly smaller house then a sh*tbox wouldn't have been required..... Lmao

20th October 2011, 02:30 PM
Once a Toyota owner always a Toyota owner, I knew it was only a matter of time till you returned to the darkside.

Even if you are my little brother my vote is still YES you do have to leave. :)

OORH OK you can stay for a little while longer but I will be watching you!!

20th October 2011, 03:06 PM
Nup! Get Out! Bring back my stubbie holder from those Cretins and i might change my mind though........ No Charity here.


Gheee I'd love a Twin Turbo V8 Diesel under the hood on my Nissan though damn it!!! NISSAN Lift your Game! PLEASE!!!!

20th October 2011, 06:58 PM
yeh why not, you won't be the first Tojo driver 2 grace this forum Kelvin,

But there is a catch 2 you staying, after you have purchased the your new poorly designed.... crappy.... useless Tojo, you have 2 let us set fire 2 it, so you can quickly get back out and buy a real 4WD.

20th October 2011, 07:26 PM
Hey Kel, in fear of getting rocked at the 2012 meet up, got a mate with V8 turbo diesel cruiser and is one tuff truck,

but for the $$$ involved it still wont here the Trol goes, COZ it might get scratched.....LOL
More power to ya mate, my veiw on you hanging around, YER your always welcome to bag yotas as a NISSANPATROL.COM member.

Cheers Pete

Dark 1
20th October 2011, 08:19 PM
Well the deal is done. I am still a patrol owner at the moment,[until my baby goes to a new home], so i don't get what all the negativity's about.[sad excuse of a fightback there].

Dark 1
20th October 2011, 08:23 PM
Hey Kel, in fear of getting rocked at the 2012 meet up, got a mate with V8 turbo diesel cruiser and is one tuff truck,

but for the $$$ involved it still wont here the Trol goes, COZ it might get scratched.....LOL
More power to ya mate, my veiw on you hanging around, YER your always welcome to bag yotas as a NISSANPATROL.COM member.

Cheers Pete

I don't think i'll being going to the meetup now in fear of what will happen to me & the new truck.

DX grunt
20th October 2011, 08:31 PM
I don't think i'll being going to the meetup now in fear of what will happen to me & the new truck.

Changing vehicles is about as palatable as sucking lemons, but, I can't guarantee your safety if you rock up with a 'Nissan Recovery Vehicle' sticker!!!! lol

Mate, you can share my campfire, anytime.


20th October 2011, 08:40 PM
Should have bought a slightly smaller house then a sh*tbox wouldn't have been required..... Lmao

Maybe need a bigger house to be more comfortable while camping next to a bog hole waiting for the toyo to get fixed!
But i cant talk much can i Clunk? Too many tojo pics have i posted!!

Go hard Dark, "give it the berries".......

Dark 1
20th October 2011, 09:00 PM
Changing vehicles is about as palatable as sucking lemons, but, I can't guarantee your safety if you rock up with a 'Nissan Recovery Vehicle' sticker!!!! lol

Mate, you can share my campfire, anytime.


Thanks Rossco, we'll see how the transition goes, one thing tho will try & get tuff a "good" home to go to.

20th October 2011, 09:22 PM
I don't think i'll being going to the meetup now in fear of what will happen to me & the new truck.

Your still welcome mate, we all might sling a bit of dirt on yota owners.... like yourself..*L*
But the bottom line is all about the people mate,

You still need a home even though your an orphan..
Please come so we can get footage of many Trols lining up to recover your new rig..

DX grunt
20th October 2011, 09:36 PM
But the bottom line is all about the people mate,

That is so true, Pete. We may all pull the peace out of each other, but at crunch time, mates do what mates do!


20th October 2011, 09:56 PM
That is so true, Pete. We may all pull the peace out of each other, but at crunch time, mates do what mates do!


Yer mate, sure if any of us saw Kel or anyone else for that matter on the side of the road in trouble because they chose an inferior mode of transport, we would stop to laugh i meen help them out

Finly Owner
20th October 2011, 10:37 PM
Why not put the tojo parts in the gu (mods needed) and then only we will know, and you cans till be seen driving a Patrol.


21st October 2011, 07:29 PM
Something to consider.....http://ohwhatalemon.com/

or some thing to stay away from......

21st October 2011, 10:54 PM
Why not put the tojo parts in the gu (mods needed) and then only we will know, and you cans till be seen driving a Patrol.


Im so gonna wash your mouth out one day Tim.....................hahahahahahahahahahaha