View Full Version : Camper's Beware

18th October 2011, 10:24 AM
Well its official lol.


18th October 2011, 10:26 AM
i knew it was true hahahahahahaha

18th October 2011, 11:17 AM
Ive been using this on backpackers for years...LMAO

Sir Roofy
18th October 2011, 11:47 AM
Always told ppl that they where about espesialy bushwalkers

18th October 2011, 12:07 PM
I don't eat Vegemite & I don't have hair to put a fork in.......

I guess that means im in the right royal sh1t then.....................hahahahahahahahahahaha

18th October 2011, 12:19 PM
Used to see a doco on the telly about drop bears, they were attracted to campsites where Bubdy Rum was being consumed, lucky I like Bourbon:clownredpuff:

18th October 2011, 03:37 PM
Used to see a doco on the telly about drop bears, they were attracted to campsites where Bubdy Rum was being consumed, lucky I like Bourbon:clownredpuff:

We get them here all the time, they knock me out all the time when I drink bundy....lol

18th October 2011, 05:07 PM
We get them here all the time, they knock me out all the time when I drink bundy....lol

:animierte-smilies-f the ROFL funny character wont work get this one instead

the ferret
18th October 2011, 05:29 PM
The only place you won't find drop bears is on Rottnest Island in WA.
They hate salt water and are scared of the Quockers.lol.
This is the Mandurah Drop bear, they are pretty mean.

18th October 2011, 05:57 PM
The only place you won't find drop bears is on Rottnest Island in WA.
They hate salt water and are scared of the Quockers.lol.
This is the Mandurah Drop bear, they are pretty mean.

Hahaha ya bloomin clown

18th October 2011, 06:06 PM
Haha, Thats classic, Good way ta keep a girl nice and tight to ya durin camping :P, I was always told your own urine works well, kinda like jellyfish :P.

18th October 2011, 06:17 PM
Haha, Thats classic, Good way ta keep a girl nice and tight to ya durin camping :P, I was always told your own urine works well, kinda like jellyfish :P.

I would have thought the smell of pee would have put any woman off!!!!!!! Lmao

18th October 2011, 06:24 PM
Haha ripper, good to see the Proper authorities have finally registered this Aussie Icon LMFAO

the ferret
18th October 2011, 06:56 PM
Yeah, this is the bear we have here in Mandurah,

This is their nest,

And this guy was lucky, the only thing that repells drop bears is Vegemite, but I havn't tried it, I just shoot em!!

Since the beginning of colonial recorded history, thousands of Australian deaths have been attributed to dropbear maulings, and no doubt tens - or even hundreds - of thousands of Aborigines perished in the time before that. There have been very few survivors. So it is with obvious concern that authorities have stepped up warnings about the recent dropbear increase in the suburbs. All the usual warnings are important to remember - don't go out at night unless you have to, and if you do, do NOT walk under any trees. Shamefully, the government keeps insisting that we do not mention dropbears in public, to tourists or other non-Australians. Despite the increased danger, they still maintain their greedy conspiracy of threatening us with penalties for disclosing any information that may harm the tourist industry. You can still be fined up to $5,000, or jailed for a period of six months just for warning a tourist about the dropbear menace.

Well, to hell with them! In my opinion, the menace has reached such a deadly state that I am prepared to risk legal punishment and post this warning. To all those foreigners thinking of coming to Australia: DO NOT GO OUT AT NIGHT! BEWARE THE DROPBEARS!

The shaping of the Dropbear claw has had an interesting effect on Australian architecture, of all things. If you are a visitor to Oz, no doubt you will have noticed the great attraction we seem to have toward a product known as "corrugated iron". This is a steel sheeting, rolled during manufacture to present an undulating surface. It has been in use since the early days of settlement here, the primary reson for which is that it is difficult for dropbear's to penetrate. It is often said that a dropbear's claws can easily tear into a piece of sheetmetal several millimeters thick. However, a dropbear can only do this by first driving the claw into the metal, and then tearing a rift after puncturing it. The continually curving surface of corrugated iron makes it difficult for the claw to initially penetrate the metal (it's like trying to stab a pea with a fork), which is why it has become such a popular building material. Indeed, in areas of high dropbear density (such as national parks, and outback cattle stations), almost all buildings are entirely sheeted with corrugated iron in order to provide protection (or at least, some time) in the event of a dropbear attack.

18th October 2011, 07:03 PM
Hahaha... Drop bears and hoop snakes... Love it :thumbup:

18th October 2011, 07:27 PM
The only place you won't find drop bears is on Rottnest Island in WA.
They hate salt water and are scared of the Quockers.lol.
This is the Mandurah Drop bear, they are pretty mean.

ROFPML at least now i know what im lookin for next time out bush, What a crack up Rod, nice work mate.
Bet he'd shink real quick with one of your deflators shuved up its @^$#....LMAO

18th October 2011, 07:51 PM
The only place you won't find drop bears is on Rottnest Island in WA.
They hate salt water and are scared of the Quockers.lol.
This is the Mandurah Drop bear, they are pretty mean.

That is one of them, last year when I was living in Mandurah I took the dog for a walk across the road to the park, it was about 1130 and the park lights were not working for some reason.
Well just a I walked under this massive Banksia this thing landed on the ground just behind me, well the dog yelped, I screamed and we both ran back to the safety of my garage and beer fridge.
Told only 2 people about it and they reckon I was ready for the looney bin....................YEAH NOW I HAVE PROOF THAT I HAVE NOT LOST IT COMPLETELY....THANKS HEAPS FOR THAT ROD MATE.

18th October 2011, 07:58 PM
That is one of them, last year when I was living in Mandurah I took the dog for a walk across the road to the park, it was about 1130 and the park lights were not working for some reason.
Well just a I walked under this massive Banksia this thing landed on the ground just behind me, well the dog yelped, I screamed and we both ran back to the safety of my garage and beer fridge.
Told only 2 people about it and they reckon I was ready for the looney bin....................YEAH NOW I HAVE PROOF THAT I HAVE NOT LOST IT COMPLETELY....THANKS HEAPS FOR THAT ROD MATE.

your secrets safe with us Doggy.

I can picture it now....Is this how you looked?...LMAO


18th October 2011, 08:01 PM
well i knew it was true because me and me mates when in the army used to sell drop bear skins to the yanks when they were over here on exersizeused to get a few hundred dollars a skin!!!! hunting them was the bloody hard part and if they werent dead skinning was a real issue,,,,,,,

the other item we would sell the yanks was alpine kangaroo feathers mounted in a sluch hat worth at least $800,00 US at the time agian dam hard to catch and even harder to pluck!!!!!!! true as i am standing here guys honest!!!

18th October 2011, 08:11 PM
well i knew it was true because me and me mates when in the army used to sell drop bear skins to the yanks when they were over here on exersizeused to get a few hundred dollars a skin!!!! hunting them was the bloody hard part and if they werent dead skinning was a real issue,,,,,,,

the other item we would sell the yanks was alpine kangaroo feathers mounted in a sluch hat worth at least $800,00 US at the time agian dam hard to catch and even harder to pluck!!!!!!! true as i am standing here guys honest!!!

Ahhhhh, Alpine Kangaroo feathers............pluck them you did...ROFLMAO

18th October 2011, 08:17 PM
Ahhhhh, Alpine Kangaroo feathers............pluck them you did...ROFLMAO

very hard to get dogman,,,,, none in wa its to flat and no snow if you want to see them in the wild you to go above the snow line in snowy mountains,,,,,, then maybe by the light of the camp fire in the wee hours you might get a glinps :)

the ferret
18th October 2011, 08:21 PM
Yeah, when we went to Singapore last year, we took some of the DOUBLE roo feathers, y'know the ones with the two points, ya get them around Mandurah as well if the drop bears havn't eaten them all, usually find a few tho, still, gotta watch out fer the bears, best ta go in daylight as Doggy says.
Made a fortune.

18th October 2011, 08:24 PM
i find them double rooo feathers a bit common the alpine ones are rarer and worth a lot more

the ferret
18th October 2011, 08:28 PM
The green ones are pretty rare tho!