View Full Version : RD2.8 Front injector weeps oil around base

16th October 2011, 07:49 AM
Just discovered the front injector on my RD 2.8 1996 GQ is weeping engine oil around the base where it screws in to the cylinder head. its not much at the moment but its very strange, there are no visible cracks and no leaks any where else but there has been a patch where it looks like a small weld job has been done and dressed up but its a good inch and a half up and away from the injector. Sounds bad to me.
Any ideas anyone ?

19th October 2011, 09:48 AM
mate i have the same issue on another engine and it has new injectors only just doing it so havent fixed it

the ferret
19th October 2011, 10:17 AM
Not looking good if it's been welded near the injector, there could still be a crack.
Does the repair run from the injector or across?
Cheers, the ferret.

24th October 2011, 10:08 PM
Sorry to take so long to get back, no the patch up is away from the injector and there seams to be no visible cracks near it at all, under the surface maybe ?
Could go for another 60 000 km yet but i just thought it was strange and maybe has happened to other 2.8's so just inquiring.
I will just keep my eye on it and keep driving.
Thanks for your help.
Steve Brown

24th October 2011, 11:45 PM
I had same problem with my rd2.8 had been repaird but mine was a bit more dodgy ended geting new head and no more leaks runs better as well.. o and my weld job was infront of injector 2