View Full Version : Using an old tray after pod fitting

10th September 2011, 09:30 PM
If you have followed my build you will be aware I ditched the tray and made a frame for the pod that bolts direct to the chassis.
The discarded tray is in the back yard on 205ltr drums.
SO..... I decided to build a trailer specifically to mount it on, I had 5 standard rims off MacTrol and a few bits in the shed. Mainly beers.
We started a week ago with what we had, doing a litle after work or when we were quiet.
The hitch arrived yesterday and is sitting on some temporary braces. The BIG holdup is the suspension, should have been here Wednesday. Can't do alot untill we see what hieght we are working with.
It's sitting approximately level to get a bit of an idea, the pics will explain most of whats going on.
In front of the spares is a mock up of a allum tool box 1700 wide x 450 deep x 500 high
It's an ongoing project so might take a while :1062: we tend to discuss what to do next... then talk about lots of other stuff and forget all we planned untill tomorrow :cheers:
Here are the pics



Mods, If im in the wrong spot; please relocate.

11th September 2011, 07:19 AM
Very keen to see this unfold mate, nice job so far!!

I'll move it into the DIY section as this one is a keeper...lol

11th September 2011, 08:28 AM
now thats a nice workshop!!!!!! better than mine lol and your a sparky i see.

back to the trailer.. what are you going to do for suspension.... axle or independant

11th September 2011, 09:18 AM
looking good so far mate

keep them piccies comming

11th September 2011, 12:22 PM
The suspension is an independant system from Smooth Ryders which is now called Cruisemaster. Rated at 1200Kg with Gabriel Shocks.
If it is not able to support the wieght, the front spring set from MacTrol are ready to go in, They are rated at 1560Kg I think which will be plenty.
Had some top end Koni's in the back of my Lux that were a few years old when we were heading to the Anne Beadell last year, got nervous and put new shocks all round so these are plenty good enough for the trailer and will be used.

Figured if I want to sell the ute I can put the tray back on it and the pod will go on the trailer, sort of camper trailer I guess.

Yes mate I am a sparky, the plan is to put all our mains cables (3 heavy rolls) on permanent racks and connection equipment on the tray or in the allum box. Then when we have a Level II job all the gear is in one place.
Will try and find a hydraulic hoist to lift the drums from the ground to the racks saving our backs.

Keep you all posted.


GUtsy ute
11th September 2011, 12:58 PM
Another top job Macca,
Exellent design and workmanship in the build.
Looking forward to some more progress pics and the beer count!

11th September 2011, 03:06 PM
Gonna love to see this when its finished........

11th September 2011, 06:12 PM
You're a very clever man, Macca...

Finly Owner
11th September 2011, 09:46 PM
The suspension is an independant system from Smooth Ryders which is now called Cruisemaster. Rated at 1200Kg with Gabriel Shocks.
If it is not able to support the wieght, the front spring set from MacTrol are ready to go in, They are rated at 1560Kg I think which will be plenty.
Had some top end Koni's in the back of my Lux that were a few years old when we were heading to the Anne Beadell last year, got nervous and put new shocks all round so these are plenty good enough for the trailer and will be used.

Figured if I want to sell the ute I can put the tray back on it and the pod will go on the trailer, sort of camper trailer I guess.

Yes mate I am a sparky, the plan is to put all our mains cables (3 heavy rolls) on permanent racks and connection equipment on the tray or in the allum box. Then when we have a Level II job all the gear is in one place.
Will try and find a hydraulic hoist to lift the drums from the ground to the racks saving our backs.

Keep you all posted.

MaccaYou can buy hydraulic cable drum jacks, I have had them at work, you need a pair of them obviously.


12th September 2011, 07:53 PM
Thanks Tim, I was thiking about something like this


Need to lift from ground up onto tray then onto cable stands. 1200mm lift?
If I have it right you are talking about just high enough off the ground to allow cable to come off drum?
If you have something else in mind, would like to hear what it is.
Lifting wieght is dangerous so want to do it the safest way possible.
Thanks Macca

22nd September 2011, 07:41 AM
Progress has not been too good, We were away for a week and when we got home some stuff had arrived.
The suspension was needed to align everything around. The package was opened with great exitement to find it is a very inferior imitation.
The travel on one side is 50mm the other 100mm. Brakes a Digga Imports (Chinese?) instead of ALCO. Parts are missing, the springs are supposed to be King but have no branding....
Put in a PayPal claim last night so it should be sorted eventually. It was sold by a bloke in Queensland, not overseas thankfully.
Ordered a suspension from an Aussie company, for more $, and should get that next week




The tool box turned up and has been mounted, it is a ripper. Seem to have got that right.


Will keep posts coming as things get done


17th October 2011, 07:25 PM
Well I have got it all done, put it all togeather and loaded it with some 205litre drums full of water and tyres etc to about 800kg worked out level with the Patrols towbar.
Welded coupling in final situ. Did a wheel alignment then took it for a run.
Everything worked well, towed straight and was stable on a potholed dirt road also over speed humps, maybe better than the empty Patrol!
There was no heat in tyres, bearings or brakes so that one was a pass.

Took it back to the shed and dismantled it for welding the bits I couldn't get to and painting.

Here is the pics,

Tray is jacked up so the chassis could be pulled out from underneath

Chassis rolled into shed for painting and stripped of bits that wont be painted

Unpainted suspension

The bling stuff on the bench, dont want it covered in overspray



Better looking independant suspension

Independant again

Ready to push under tray, it is so high to get mudguards over tyres.

Lined up ready to lower

Using HiLift to lower a brick at a time, one side then the other

Finished need to put toolbox back on and take into town for blue slip and rego

Thanks for looking

17th October 2011, 07:55 PM
Outstanding fella!!! When are you coming round to overhaul the camper trailer?? lol

17th October 2011, 08:11 PM
You are very clever................looks awesome and very professional !!

17th October 2011, 08:25 PM
Outstanding fella!!! When are you coming round to overhaul the camper trailer?? lol

All negotiations are done with the beer economy :cheers:

17th October 2011, 08:28 PM
You are very clever................looks awesome and very professional !!

Cheers Snicko, its a change from my trade/normal job so its a bit of fun, not sure about professional though :bigthumbup:

17th October 2011, 08:34 PM
Bloody nice job macca. Very proffesional looking job.It seems you've been gifted with the fabrication hormone.. When are they going in production? Lol

17th October 2011, 08:39 PM
hey how much did it all set u back ?

17th October 2011, 08:40 PM
Another top job Macca,
Exellent design and workmanship in the build.
Looking forward to some more progress pics and the beer count!

Well Dad waits untill the Extra Dry is on special at $33.00 a carton and then he buys 10 - 12 at a time,
I estimate we have consumed 1 shipment :drunk:
No wonder it has taken so long :oops:

17th October 2011, 08:46 PM
hey how much did it all set u back ?

A bit over 3, with the crane and tiedowns and allowing a bit for the tray and wheels 4000 would be what it has to owe me.
Never get it though :redface:
That doesn't count the brain storming inspirational refreshements

17th October 2011, 08:47 PM
All negotiations are done with the beer economy :cheers:

Lock it in Eddy!!! Beers will flow like the ancient rivers of Babylon ...

And subsequently, I'd say it'll take a while to complete the project!!! lmao

the ferret
17th October 2011, 09:58 PM
Nice welding job mate, keep up the good work.
Cheers, the ferret.

17th October 2011, 11:14 PM
looks blooming brilliant Macca, fantastic stuff mate!!!!

18th October 2011, 06:29 AM
Bloody nice job macca. Very proffesional looking job.It seems you've been gifted with the fabrication hormone.. When are they going in production? Lol

OK Bates, lets get that tray of yours into the shed and get into it, got Big fellas camper to do as well... this might take a while :rolleyes:

18th October 2011, 07:46 AM
OK Bates, lets get that tray of yours into the shed and get into it, got Big fellas camper to do as well... this might take a while :rolleyes:

Sort Bates out mate - we can do the camper anytime ... and it doesn't detach from the chassis (all welded into place - super strong, super heavy!! lol).

18th October 2011, 08:36 AM
OK Bates, lets get that tray of yours into the shed and get into it, got Big fellas camper to do as well... this might take a while :rolleyes:

Haha, with all the beer flowing, we just need to be welding steel not all the used beer cans..hehe.. But maybe I should sell my wagon before I venture out on any new projects. Hmm

18th October 2011, 05:16 PM
Put it over the wiegh bridge today, came in at 660 Kg.
No crane base, crane or spare tyres.
Going for blue slip in the morning and then we will be registered..... hopefully.
Wound it up to 110kph and sat a straight as an arrow, you little beauty.
Stopped at the shops here at home and some bloke said "good lookin trailer mate" bit proud I was :thumbup:

18th October 2011, 05:27 PM
That's some nice looking work there fella.

19th October 2011, 06:50 PM
All went well today, got the blue slip without a worry, all boxes ticked and no defects or whatever.
Took an age for the VIN number to come through something like 4 hours, got the compliance plate engraved and then to the RTA.
Started at 8.30 and was home at 2.30 and $362.00 lighter. Did "income generating activities" while I was waiting so not as bad as it sounds.
All good
Now we have to sort the cable handling bits and ladder / conduit racks then is can start to pay me back.
Very bl##dy happy Jan

19th October 2011, 06:53 PM
well done Macca. Good to see when something pulls off without a hitch :-)

19th October 2011, 07:01 PM
well done Macca. Good to see when something pulls off without a hitch :-)

Thanks mate, only downer copped a migraine this morning so dont feel like celebrating in our normal fashion, have to play catch up tomorrow.....

19th October 2011, 07:11 PM
Haha, it's always a good day if all the RTA gave you was a migrain..lol.. All I usually get is please empty your wallet sir, we would like everything exept for your filthy smokers lungs.. On a side note, I wouldn't mind doing the same thing, with my spare Trak Shak suspension. Maybe one day..

19th October 2011, 07:22 PM
Been toying with different cable rollers, found these on the net.


They fit the bill for what we have in mind...... except the price, just got an email; $800 - phew thats more than I thought.

Talk to the crew tomorrow and see what they think, they are the ones who have to use it. :gossip:

19th October 2011, 07:33 PM
$800 - phew thats more than I thought.

Ouch....that's a whole lotta coin... Maybe a forum discussion for cheaper ideas is in order and some engineering time with a mig and XXXX :-)

27th October 2011, 05:04 PM
Made a cable stand that works fine and had some RolaCases in the shed from busier days so got the trailer sorted pretty well now.
Got an engineer making something for my camera so no photo's sorry. (Another DIY coming up)
Had it out on a few jobs and it has been well worth doing.
Bought a brake controller from Tekonsha, a great bit of gear but no room to fit it and me and my lovely lassie in the cab, so it went in the work van.
Today got a redarc with remote control and seperate status light, so they will fit a lot better. And save my knees and shins as well.
Didn't know they made remotes like that, hope it works ok. I need some switch blanks to fit the controls....
$155 delivered on eBay $288 in the local shops, would like to support the locals but 86% or $133 dearer is a bit much.
When I get the camera back I will sort out some piccy's

18th February 2012, 06:26 AM
nice job it looks great