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View Full Version : ** 4WD's being defected in SA ***

15th August 2010, 03:57 PM
Currently in SA there is a crackdown on modiified 4wd's.
Myself, a mate of mine and a customer of my work have all been defected in the past month for supension lift, oversize tyres, inappropriate lighting and various other technicalities.
The defecting officer informed me of new laws regarding vehicle standards and modifications that have come into affect in SA.

http://www.transport.sa.gov.au/pdfs/personal_transport/light_vehicles_pdfs/MR1136_Requirements_for_Lowering_or_Raising_Vehicl e_Ride_Height.PDF

If you thoroughly search transportSA's website the latest info can be found. I am now currently in the process of organising an engineer to certify my vehicle as the extent of my modification would require a lot of effort to return to standard, and i would like to drive it as it is currently on a daily basis.

15th August 2010, 04:21 PM
Good post mudrick,..... Makes for interesting reading.....

This is gonna upset a lot of ppl's apple carts for sour.

DX grunt
15th August 2010, 05:25 PM
I think all the states are trying to line up with a National standard. I know over in WA, you're not allowed any more than 4 spotties.

15th August 2010, 06:30 PM
The area I live in has a lot of highly modified 4WD's, and in the last 12 months the Police and transport department have done a lot of random blitzes and issuing defect notices. I've been lucky so far, but my luck will only hold out so long. That's one of the main reasons I want to drop my GU down to a 2 or 3 inch lift.
The last thing I heard about the national modified vehicle standard came from the 4wd association. Apparently the authorities that want to bring in the laws got hold of a standard 4WD and did lane change testing, then fitted an aftermarket 2 inch lift and retested it. The modified suspension completely out performed the standard suspension. The authorities put their new laws on hold!


Finly Owner
15th August 2010, 09:03 PM
Last time I checked Qld Transport litrature, It plainly states max, 4 driving lights evenly spaced, as well as a pair of fog lights must be yellow light, with the option of of two spot lights. That was some years ago though.