View Full Version : 2010 DX GU Cruise Control

6th September 2011, 06:10 PM
Hi All
My Cruise control seems funny
If I drive and settle down at highway speed then select cruise then set it invariable won't 'set'
However if I wait till I have been at highway speed for around 5 minutes it always 'sets' and works perfectly.
Does any one else have this issue?
Or is my cruise faulty

13th September 2011, 09:49 PM
Is it factory? or is it aftermarket e.g. autron. I know with autron cruises, you will have to take it to an autron dealer and they can plug in a programmer. They will test drive and check for fault (stop) codes. This will point you into the direction as to why it won't engage first up. I would assume nissan can do a similar test to their factory optioned vehicles.

14th September 2011, 10:38 AM
Hi GUterra
Yes factory as supplied cruise control
Confusing as when it does not work if I coast and turn off engine count 10 then turn back on wait for a few minutes then retry all ok which makes it hard to fault find till it is always in fault
Just thought it may have happened to some one else
Doesn't seem much point trying Nissan Service for a fault scan as it resets the fault when restarting engine
I have a Scan Gauge so if it becomes a permanent fault it should show up on the scan gauge and may be able to be tracked down

15th September 2011, 08:03 PM
Bugger. Not sure with factory units.... Not sure if the cruise is 'integrated' with the BCM or if it has its own module. - If it has its own module, fault codes may not appear on your scan gauge. Nissan may have another device specifically for cruise modules.... All the cruise really needs is a speed pulse and drive by wires attached. Worth a shot at asking Nissan I guess.

Sounds like one of those annoying faults...

16th September 2011, 06:22 PM
Hi GU terra
Yes, just had a spin to Canberra and back, same old problem but fine if you take your time to select cruise and set
Will try Nissan service soon
Thanks for your responces and thoughts

16th September 2011, 09:41 PM
Hi GU terra
Yes, just had a spin to Canberra and back, same old problem but fine if you take your time to select cruise and set
Will try Nissan service soon
Thanks for your responces and thoughts

Mate, when you find out what the issue is, post it up here for reference. Just in case mine ever fails..LOL

17th September 2011, 05:10 PM
Hi Joe,

When your cruise control doesn't set what does you scan gauge show regarding the vehicle speed? is it stable? or is it fluctuating?.

Maybe there is electrical interference, just a thought, may pay to check all the earths.

I believe Nissan can do some programming with the cruise controls, but to me this doesn't sound like a programming issue.

In my experiences with Nissan they don't seem to keen to try and sort out problem like this, they just seem happy to take your money for the service.

Good luck with it.

Cheers Rodney

17th September 2011, 06:22 PM
Thanks Rodney
Will set speed on the Scan Gauge and try it tomorrow
Try any thing
I also note the cruise will not 'set' under 48kph
I assume this is normal but annoying with school zones being 40 and most back streets and may towns 50

17th September 2011, 07:23 PM
I also note the cruise will not 'set' under 48kph

Yes its normal. A lot of manufactures will disable the cruise unless you are doing more than 50km/h.

It is annoying. Maybe the police have invested in this....

19th September 2011, 12:16 PM
Just went for a spin cruise worked 9/10 times at all times scan gauge showed steady speed
When it failed to 'Set'' I tried dropping speed to below 40km/hr then re accelerated to 90km/hr
pressed Set and what do you know it worked fine so it would seem some times it doesnt latch on to the speed above 40km/hr trigger
so will try this trick every time and see if it works again!
Still a pain though as it will be impossible to fix

19th September 2011, 11:34 PM
Could the problem be a dicky set switch????

21st September 2011, 08:04 AM
Possible it is the set switch but it never fails to work once the initial set is achieved

15th December 2011, 01:45 AM
Gremlin found
Seems you have to test the brakes AND then be over 40km/hr before you can "set"the cruise control
Now that I always touch the brakes before trying to set it works faultless