View Full Version : Park light fuse?

17th February 2024, 08:47 PM
Hey all, recently fitted a bullbar to the y62. Had to wire the new bullbar blinkers in with the factory blinkers. Done the LHS fine, while doing the RHS I may have touched the Parker and negative together and shorted it out. (Not 100% sure)

I assume I blew a fuse for it as all park lights on the RHS are out now, left still works fine however. Can’t find a fuse for it, checked continuity across all fuses in the driver footwell, engine box near the battery and little box lhs of the engine bay..

Anyone got a location or even a wiring diagram? It’s a 2023 model

18th February 2024, 05:43 PM
Found the damn thing, it was in the engine bay fuse compartment … I didn’t see any of the fuses against the wheel arch because I wasn’t standing on my tippy toes :/