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View Full Version : Hellp from WA. 1994 GQ TDI Patrol requireing spare parts

2nd June 2010, 03:54 PM
Hello all,

I had the fortune of receiving a yellow sticker on my patrol this morning for a having a ripped driver seat?

Does anyone know if other model seats fit this one and where I may be able to get second hand ones for a reasonable price?



2nd June 2010, 04:02 PM
Hi Dror, welcome to the forums!

Any model GQ seat will fit your seat rails. GU's and MQ's seats i would highly doubt would fit straight up, but anything can be made to fit.. but then technically you need an engineers certificate.

GQ seat should be easy to find. It's probably the most popular and common patrol model. Check your local trading post for anyone selling one. Alternatively you could ring an apolsterer and see how much it is to get the seat fixed. Might be cheaper/easier to do that than replace the whole seat.. that's a maybe though.

There's always Ebay as well.


Finly Owner
24th August 2010, 12:21 AM
Tim has just popped in to say Hi to Dror