View Full Version : GU takata airbag settlement

8th October 2023, 06:41 PM
Ok for those of you who are patiently waiting for your settlement Takata announced that they had settled with the lawyers in Sydney earlier this year for $52 million dollars . lt turns out the Legal fraternity took the best part of 30 million acting on our behalf and even the Presiding judge cocked an eyebrow. But because they all lie in bed together he let it slide . Now the remaining $22 million approximately gets divided between every one else which is across different vehicle manufactures. Now they announced the legal fraternity that settlement will be in the 2nd or 3rd quarter of this current year 2023. Then they said it will be done and dusted by the end of September. Yep still no coin dont they know that beers expensive. Anyway l beleive people and others like myself are to receive around $850 . Well hello if your airbag explodes and takes out your left eyebrow along with half of your brain box congratulations here $860 FOR COMPENSATION . YOU WILL NEED ALL OF THAT JUST FOR BEER TO GET OVER IT , anyway has anyone received the cash or know whats going on. Cheers

9th October 2023, 02:28 PM
Ok for those of you who are patiently waiting for your settlement Takata announced that they had settled with the lawyers in Sydney earlier this year for $52 million dollars . lt turns out the Legal fraternity took the best part of 30 million acting on our behalf and even the Presiding judge cocked an eyebrow. But because they all lie in bed together he let it slide . Now the remaining $22 million approximately gets divided between every one else which is across different vehicle manufactures. Now they announced the legal fraternity that settlement will be in the 2nd or 3rd quarter of this current year 2023. Then they said it will be done and dusted by the end of September. Yep still no coin dont they know that beers expensive. Anyway l beleive people and others like myself are to receive around $850 . Well hello if your airbag explodes and takes out your left eyebrow along with half of your brain box congratulations here $860 FOR COMPENSATION . YOU WILL NEED ALL OF THAT JUST FOR BEER TO GET OVER IT , anyway has anyone received the cash or know whats going on. Cheers

Mine arrived unexpectedly in my bank account last Thursday. Forgot all about it and did a search on the name. We had two cars impacted so don’t know which one it is.


Unexpected bonus

10th October 2023, 02:00 PM
I got the same. At first I had no clue what it was for and thought that the bank made a mistake and expected the $$ to be taken out of my account. It wasnt until I googled the Quinn Emanuel Takata that the penny dropped.

10th October 2023, 03:49 PM
Well surprise surprise Takata payment made lastThursday the 5th of October $845.55 sme as the other gents but the legal fraternity picked up the best part of $30 million. Obviously should have been a lawyer

10th October 2023, 07:49 PM
Here’s the actual breakdown:

Under the terms of the settlement, the defendants would pay a combined sum of $52 million, equating to approximately $1,558 per vehicle when divided amongst the 33,400 participating class members. Following the proposed deductions of $16 million in legal costs, $13 million in funder’s commission and $2.5 million for administration costs, the net payment to class members was estimated to be approximately $600.