View Full Version : Close the car with mechanic key and the rest of the key inside

10th March 2023, 04:47 PM

Maybe someone can help me out, I'm trying to work out if there is a way to close the car with the key inside and only have the mechanical key with me.
Maybe it has already been discussed, but I could not find such a thread. Please point me to it if it exists, thanks!

I mean this part of the key:

What I'm trying to do: take out the mechanical key and leave the rest of the key inside and then close the doors and lock the doors with the mechanical key.
It seems that it doesn't work :(
When I use the mechanical key it only locks/unlocks the driver door.

What I've already tried:
* Closed the doors and locked with the mechanical key the driver door, it only locks this door, all other doors stay unlocked.
* Locked the doors before existing the car, however Patrol is "super smart" and detects the key inside and opens ALL doors, so even if I lock the driver door, other doors keeps unlocked

Thanks in advance!

10th March 2023, 06:46 PM
Would a metal container work to block the fob key signal? Biscuit box or similar?

10th March 2023, 06:53 PM
This is either super level spam (probably)...or legit.
The solution is to invest in a vehicle about 30 years old when "none of this bullshit existed"

Or there's probably an app for that...


10th March 2023, 06:57 PM
Would a metal container work to block the fob key signal? Biscuit box or similar?

Microwave ovens (vis a second-hand, bric a brac, thrift shop) depending your locality... are the best if you want a "faraday cage" (aka: "block the signal from") most modern, high frequency, devices:

cellular, UHF, 5G, wifi...

14th March 2023, 02:46 PM
This is either super level spam (probably)...or legit.
Do you mean the question or the answer? My question is legit.

I wonder if there is a solution to this problem...

17th March 2023, 03:35 PM
Do you mean the question or the answer? My question is legit.

I wonder if there is a solution to this problem...

I meant the question. And my apologies if you're not a spambot.
Just... first post, no introduction, and a branded/linked picture. Tripped my spam-sensors.

As above.
A "faraday cage" should work. You'd want to be very sure though. They also sell "faraday wallets" etc to prevent your paywave cards being skimmed, which a key might fit in...

Otherwise you might be able to hack the computer by software/app. But pretty sure the makers put that "feature" there for a reason.
Rip the electrics out. Buy a GQ :D

17th March 2023, 03:40 PM
I meant the question. And my apologies if you're not a spambot.
Just... first post, no introduction, and a branded/linked picture. Tripped my spam-sensors.

As above.
A "faraday cage" should work. You'd want to be very sure though. They also sell "faraday wallets" etc to prevent your paywave cards being skimmed, which a key might fit in...

Otherwise you might be able to hack the computer by software/app. But pretty sure the makers put that "feature" there for a reason.
Rip the electrics out. Buy a GQ :D

The feature's there so you can't lock the vehicle via the press button on the door handle with the key still inside. If that feature wasn't there you might lock it, but then anyone could unlock it too.

18th March 2023, 09:12 AM
I meant the question. And my apologies if you're not a spambot.
Just... first post, no introduction, and a branded/linked picture. Tripped my spam-sensors.

Makes sense, sorry for that, just thought that googling an image would be faster than making one myself. :)

As above.
A "faraday cage" should work. You'd want to be very sure though. They also sell "faraday wallets" etc to prevent your paywave cards being skimmed, which a key might fit in...

Otherwise you might be able to hack the computer by software/app. But pretty sure the makers put that "feature" there for a reason.
Rip the electrics out. Buy a GQ :D
Didn't understand the answer first, but yeah, totally makes sense, why I didn't think of this one. Will try to buy one to see if it works.

22nd March 2023, 03:37 AM
You could take the battery out of the remote this will disable the proximity sensing, the mechanic will have to hold the remote up to the start button to start the car (same procedure for a flat battery in the remote)

The other one is to put the remote in a plastic bag and hide in the engine bay, (under the lid of the fuse box is a place ive used), you wont be able to start the car with the remote in the engine bay (normally the windscreen wiper is the only place "outside" the cabin ive found that will trick the start systems) however, you will have to test if the external door handle button will work to let a stranger in, if it does, you can normally deactivate the door button function/operation in the vehicle settings menu, or experiment with metal containers and different locations in the engine bay.

Obviously you only use key placements that require the bonnet to be opened (so you still need entry to the car) pulling a IGN fuse etc is a back up defense against theft, and should be not too much hassle for a mechanic to follow instructions on how to get the car going.

22nd March 2023, 09:10 PM
Why do you want to do this?

23rd March 2023, 05:22 PM
Why do you want to do this?

Going surfing?

Used to be keys in the sunvisor...doors unlocked.
Then society went to shit, so it was locked doors with the keys tucked in the bumper... then society got shitter again and they made electric keyfob things...

23rd March 2023, 06:23 PM
If you want to go surfing, I've seen people use a key safe hanging from the tow bar.
Doing a search for that image, I also found this cool keysafe product!