View Full Version : Q bond

11th August 2011, 09:03 PM
Google q bond. This metal and plastic bonding glue has saved me on dozens of occasions! I highly recommend you guys get some of this!!!

I've even bonded small windmill blades onto shafts and its still holding after years of punishment.

I'm using tapatalk at the moment but I'll post up some pics and specs tomorrow.

11th August 2011, 09:08 PM
thanks mate a good glue is aways welcome

12th August 2011, 12:59 AM
Google q bond. This metal and plastic bonding glue has saved me on dozens of occasions! I highly recommend you guys get some of this!!!

I've even bonded small windmill blades onto shafts and its still holding after years of punishment.

I'm using tapatalk at the moment but I'll post up some pics and specs tomorrow.

Its ripper stuff AB, have used it at work and unbelieveable what it will hold!!

12th August 2011, 07:14 AM
Just had a look at their web site, what a ripper...I think I have to get me some

12th August 2011, 09:03 AM
Here is a demo video....

Just throw some in your car, you never know, it could save your a$$ in the bush thats for sure!


Sir Roofy
12th August 2011, 09:58 AM
here is a demo video....

Just throw some in your car, you never know, it could save your a$$ in the bush thats for sure!


hi andy i was going to try this one its almost the same
but seems less waiting time
have a look at this one
at rapid fix.com.au

Sir Roofy
12th August 2011, 10:01 AM
hi andy i was going to try this one its almost the same
but seems less waiting time
have a look at this one
at rapid fix.com.au

cant be far from where you are either some where near piranah on dorset road

12th August 2011, 10:07 AM
Hi Roofy, whats the website address?

I tried www.rapidfix.com.au and nothing happens?

Sir Roofy
12th August 2011, 10:16 AM
rapidfix australia.com.au
try that its on there

12th August 2011, 10:40 AM
You got to love the random photo of an attractive blonde in a Bikini with a hard hat and drill....LMAO

Looks like a similar product, love this stuff!

Sir Roofy
12th August 2011, 10:48 AM
should be ok ill get some today and see what its like
were going down this arvo