View Full Version : Aussie license plates

15th November 2022, 12:50 PM
Good morning folks!
Please help me elucidate one curiosity I have regarding Aussie traffic and licensing rules:

When you buy a new car out of the dealer and register it, does that license plate (and numbers) are attached to that car for its life?
Or when you sell the car, you retain the license plate (physical) and numbers?
Or your retail the license plate (physical) and the numbers go back to the system to be reused?

When you buy a used car, does it come with the license plate (you take over the registration for those numbers) or do you get new plates and numbers when you transfer the car to your name?

15th November 2022, 12:54 PM
For the sake of illustration, here in Brazil, when you buy a new car out of the dealer and take it to the DOT to register under your name, you get a licence plate/number for your car, that will ride with it for its life.

When you sell the car, the new owner take it to the DOT to transfer the registration into his name. He can even get new plates in case the old ones are bashed/fainted/etc but the numbers will be the same.

When registering a new car, the regular fees you pay allow for a number to be randomly generated. If you wish, you can pay an extra fee to choose the numbers (in case available). But just the numbers, there are no vanity plates here.

15th November 2022, 01:25 PM
The plates will go with the vehicle when its sold. You can request to retain the plates if you wanted to keep them for your next ride. My personalised plates I have had to 25 years. They were on my first MK shorty I had, I then sold the MK, held the plates for around 10 years, on no car, then put them back on my current Patrol.

But usually. The plates go with the car when sold.

15th November 2022, 02:40 PM
Most interesting info of them all is the possibility to hold a plate unassigned to a vehicle! I would have never thought of that!

15th November 2022, 04:28 PM
Most interesting info of them all is the possibility to hold a plate unassigned to a vehicle! I would have never thought of that!

And it didn't cost me anything. It probably does now though...