View Full Version : Block face inspection, before fitting head

8th September 2022, 02:53 PM
Ready to fit the new head.
scraped off block face and noticed shiny rings around cylinders and other places , possibly just a witness mark from the gasket.
Gave it a good rub with a large flat sharpening stone and noticed odd places where the shiny mark was missing and the surface seemed to be ever so little lower. It might only be one or two thou lower.
Will the new gasket accommodate and fill this,,,, or is more preparation needed.

9th September 2022, 12:20 PM
That would be a question for an engine builder mate. I'd hate to be the one who advises you on this and they get it wrong.

12th September 2022, 01:14 PM
Although it seemed only high spots were clean, the fact was, that the dark places had not been cleaned enough.
I had been too gentle, not wanting to damage the face.
Got stuck in with 180 paper on a sanding trowel and before i knew it the whole face was looking really good, continuous shiny rings all the way around cylinders and other important parts.