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1st September 2022, 09:47 PM
Australia 2022, put your hand up here if you want to have a Decent GO at your and our shared FUTURE [emoji1696]

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1st September 2022, 10:09 PM
What the heck are you on about bro?

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1st September 2022, 10:29 PM
What the heck are you on about bro?

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1st September 2022, 10:53 PM
Apologies Chrisso Mate, had to finish off this months $20 treat [emoji26]

Last I counted there were almost 75 million sheep [emoji207] in this country?

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1st September 2022, 10:59 PM
Quit smoking and you won't have an instant size comparison tool at hand :icon_bonk:

1st September 2022, 11:01 PM
Whoops, meant for the Cookies and or Baking thread [emoji23]
Back on topic, is anybody else out there self employed and these days having to budget for employees chewing up their “deserved” sickie poo poo days? Don’t kid yourselves Folks, employers have to replace your efforts for the day and that eats into Australian company losses even further.
Anyone old enough here to remember the days of being PROUD of NOT chewing up days for the sake of IT [emoji26]?

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1st September 2022, 11:25 PM
FWIW: Without a word of a lie, illegally favouring no doubt, behind the scenes everybody’s Australian employer’s are promoting the Trojan Warriors that still remain old school [emoji123][emoji123]

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2nd September 2022, 07:43 AM
I can't remember the last sick day I've had. Hmm actually maybe four years ago I remember had a chest infection, I can't remember the actual name of it but I was on 1/4 % lung capacity and couching up golf ball size "speed balls" that took me out for two weeks, I took two days off in that time, only because we are so stretched thin at work it wasn't fair on the others. Four years down the track, still stretched thin, actually worse now as we lost a worker and he's not getting replaced, I try to get the "spicy flu" just so I can have 5 days off. You think I can?

2nd September 2022, 08:00 AM
As a young bloke I have 4 wisdom teeth removed at once with local anaesthetic and then walked across the road and did a 4 hour shift pushing trolleys at Safeway, then rode the pushbike home 5klm - no time off expected or taken even back then, hold the same work ethic today. Still remember trying to eat sausages for dinner with a mouth packed with cotton wad, parents didn't give much slack either, 'finish your meal and you can leave the table'. Not saying its entirely the right approach, but its possible. The problem today is the soft cock mentality that causes people to give up before they even try.

2nd September 2022, 08:02 AM
I only have 5 staff at work including myself and due to sick days I have not had full staff for 2 months. The one who takes the piss the most is in his 60s.
They all get shitty with each other for making them all have to cover for the person who is "sick" but have no issue in doing it themselves.

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2nd September 2022, 09:35 AM
Never took a sick day in my life. Only work day I have ever missed was for mourning. My boss sent me back home because I was clearly disturbed.

On the other hand, I totally understand when it is someone's child sick, not themselves. There is nothing more valuable and purposeful on the life of a decent human then their children. I´ll take my peers work any day any night if they´re suffering for their kids.

2nd September 2022, 09:37 AM
Not sure if it is allowed these days, but a place where a friend used to work was paid their sick leave 'entitlement' on top of their usual pay so when they had a day off they did not get paid for that day. Oddly enough, it made a big difference to absenteeism.

2nd September 2022, 09:41 AM
Not sure if it is allowed these days, but a place where a friend used to work was paid their sick leave 'entitlement' on top of their usual pay so when they had a day off they did not get paid for that day. Oddly enough, it made a big difference to absenteeism.

Here in Brazil it is like that. You are paid 30 days work in a month, although not working on Sundays. Sunday is called "paid rest". When a person miss a days work, on his paycheck he will have two days less - the one he missed and the paid rest. It is assumed that the person has had enough rest already and don't need the Sunday...

2nd September 2022, 01:38 PM
I only have 5 staff at work including myself and due to sick days I have not had full staff for 2 months. The one who takes the piss the most is in his 60s.
They all get shitty with each other for making them all have to cover for the person who is "sick" but have no issue in doing it themselves.

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Yeah that would piss me off. The good thing at our work, even though we are stretched thin, if someone is away, we all just step up to the plate and get the job done, no complaints from anyone.

3rd September 2022, 03:41 PM
Got to take sickies to go hunting, don’t you?[emoji2369]

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3rd September 2022, 05:37 PM
Got to take sickies to go hunting, don’t you?[emoji2369]

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But what about Golf and fishing cause the bay will be glassy tomorrow?! Surely that qualifies?

3rd September 2022, 08:02 PM
But what about Golf and fishing cause the bay will be glassy tomorrow?! Surely that qualifies?

100% mate, any excuse works for me[emoji23]

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3rd September 2022, 11:15 PM
25 years ago I ran my own business. I had about 25 full time staff and covering lost time was nearlly impossible. I decided sick leave sucked so I offered every employee their full sick leave entitlement broken down into an hourly rate on top. This meant that for those that never took sickies got paid for them regardless, those likely to take a sickie would loose a day. It was cheaper to pay everyone their full entitlement than cover the lost time. Every staff member signed up and I had a remarkably healthy workforce that never took sickies!!! Saved me a fortune. Lol

4th September 2022, 09:50 AM
All giggles aside...
While I don't share the enthusiastic soldier-on machoism, i can imagine it being a absolute cu#t for smaller / family business when theres a no show. Missing cog in the gear box and tail shaft ain't spinning, at best of times. Let alone in these last few years. A relative recently shut his sparky business of 23 years down, much fed by not being able to find bodies to work and the rest fed by minor sniffles requiring a 20 minute strip test which somehow apparently take 48 hours for some people... It's s#it.

I'm mighty guilty of "soldier on" princess attitude. 2 decades of current job and can count on 2 hands the sickies i HAD to pull, much of them , as Brazilian said, because my son needed me. I've climbed poles and towers with horrible colds, shivering and shaking, partly broken thumb, badly sprained ankles and a fukced back.
At some point i thought, you absolute morron. Who am was i doing this for? Not very many bosses out there will give you a pat and thank you for carrying on. I certainly never met one.
Small example...
My industry is renowned for people having rooted lower backs, much of it early on in the career, due to hanging of harnesses and climbing all day. It hits 90% of us. Much of those just carried on not looking after their sore back . Now the "older" and retired are all rich with $$$ and time, but can't take their much deserved caravan trip around Aus, because they cant drive for more than half an hour without being in severe pain. I don't wanna be a part of that statistic.

Where i work we have big numbers so, a no show here and there just gets absorbed. So due to this there is a lot "taking the piss" sickies almost daily. And the management aren't whipping hard enough to weed this attitude out. Lot of them have no idea of grass condition over the fence (small businesses as an example like MB said).
I reckon there should be a strike system. 2 go's and you're out! There's the gate...

So personally, if i'm genuinely debilitated, you won't see me bowing to anyone.

6th September 2022, 08:42 AM
It seems like illness and work absences are hitting everyone extremely hard as late.
I've got 2 off today, which means the 3 of us left are just going to have to swim like f**k just to be able to do the bare minimum to survive the day, then hopefully catch up another time. However those 2 that are off are genuinely sick.
Is this all the aftermath of forcing everybody to stay home, wear face masks and sanitise like crazy for the last 2 and a half years? Everybody's immune system is shot to shit. We never really bothered too much with mask wearing or hand sanitising, and there has been bugger all illness in our house lately.

Eat well, drink water, and get some fresh air folks!

6th September 2022, 07:08 PM
Is this all the aftermath of forcing everybody to stay home, wear face masks and sanitise like crazy for the last 2 and a half years? Everybody's immune system is shot to shit. We never really bothered too much with mask wearing or hand sanitising, and there has been bugger all illness in our house lately.

Spot on mate.
I strongly believe all those lockdowns and masking introduced a side culprit. Few years of humans not being introduced to various bugs, colds flus etc... Thats why its hitting everyone harder than ever.

10th September 2022, 10:54 PM
Garlic, Adrenaline, Powerful Natural Stuff, IF we give an Honest FUCK……[emoji23]
Personally giving away FREE 20kg bags of Cement for anyone who wants to harden the FUCK up [emoji120][emoji120][emoji123][emoji106]
EDIT:……….& work to save OUR country
EDIT 2…….. I’m personally disgusted that Australians are NOW renowned Globally as being LAZY [emoji35]
Shame on us, get OFF our arses before we get Fucked in them [emoji35][emoji35]

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11th September 2022, 12:12 AM
Up till i got back from holidays this year and got sick I don't know the last time I had a day off sick,I did get covid but just did shit once I got better on weekends n made up for the rime....but I'm glad I got sick days oweing as I'm off n maybe won't be back for months employed as I have enough sick days n personal leave...I've worked my arse off for years and glad to be able to be financially covered by my work and insurances while I'm off work....I was told 6 to 12 months recovery,I've told them 3 months n atm I'm on track for that to be right I reckon....writing this while relaxing on sick pay. MB ...lol

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11th September 2022, 05:31 PM
Garlic, Adrenaline, Powerful Natural Stuff, IF we give an Honest FUCK……[emoji23]
Personally giving away FREE 20kg bags of Cement for anyone who wants to harden the FUCK up [emoji120][emoji120][emoji123][emoji106]
EDIT:……….& work to save OUR country
EDIT 2…….. I’m personally disgusted that Australians are NOW renowned Globally as being LAZY [emoji35]
Shame on us, get OFF our arses before we get Fucked in them [emoji35][emoji35]

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The unemployment rate is 3.4% and there is a considerable labour shortage in some sectors. A large chunk of people who have to look hard for employment are bottom of the barrel knuckledraggers and/or the dim-witted. If, in this climate you are any good at your job or chosen field you will be offered jobs. If you want good workers you need to pay up.

There are work sites up north offering $5k recruitment bonus' other projects in the west offering huge completion bonus' if you stay until the job is done. A bag of cement dont cut it as a bonus there country.

11th September 2022, 05:41 PM
Currently in FNQ and every restaurant in Cairns has positions vacant signs. Same in Port Douglas and several places are closed unexpectedly due to staff shortages. Plenty of jobs around but also several unemployable people around that will never be employable.
I’m even being offered jobs back home at my age 😀

11th September 2022, 06:04 PM
If you are the greedy boss, your employees sickies are gonna mean theres one less lobster tail on your golden dinner plate. If youre a worker who has full time employment with sick leave entitlements, take them. When your boss makes you redundant for whatever reason he aint gonna say “hey mate thanks for your support here is your accrued sick leave “
Or be a suck hole and go to work with covid or flu and take out the whole workforce.
Harden up greedy boss people.

11th September 2022, 06:09 PM
Also, at my work (like most places I'm guessing), it's use 'em or lose 'em scenario. Sick leave is all forfeit if you get sacked or get made redundant.
Some people with 1000s of hours of accrued sick leave.
I wonder if, like long service leave, you carry-on your sick leave is a "thing", I imagine NOT that many sickies would be pulled...

11th September 2022, 07:30 PM
Quite simply, pulling a fake sickie is flat out stealing from your employer, end of story in my books!

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11th September 2022, 08:27 PM
Quite simply, pulling a fake sickie is flat out stealing from your employer, end of story in my books!

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It technically is a theft Mr. MB. Illegally misleading, lying through your throat. Hence why I mentioned above there should be a strike system , once, twice and after that off you go to centrelink queue.
The farkin state dec is a rort as a certificate as well. You can walk into a cop shop and a young blonde fresh out of Uni cop stamps whatever horse shit youve written on the state dec, no questions asked...

11th September 2022, 08:59 PM
Interesting to think about how 'young blonde fresh out of Uni' got my attention amidst so many words...

11th September 2022, 09:50 PM
Interesting to think about how 'young blonde fresh out of Uni' got my attention amidst so many words...

Local constabulary powers have been heavily recruiting last few years, most being of above mentioned type.

12th September 2022, 10:06 AM
The difference is that a Stat Dec is a legal document and wrong or misleading statements do carry a significant penalty, including gaol potentially. But only if proven of course.
Part of the declaration process carries a warning to this effect.

12th September 2022, 06:28 PM
Quite simply, pulling a fake sickie is flat out stealing from your employer, end of story in my books!

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Bulldust. An employee is entitled to sick leave. More often that not its the employer stealing from the workers.
Eg. Minimum wage, maximum hours, no shift rates on top of overtime rates etc.
And another nasty one if boss man employs less than 15 people, no redundancy payouts. Also if you happen to hurt yourself at work and claim work cover you are the worst person in the world, often regarded as a faker.

12th September 2022, 07:28 PM
Incorrect sorry Mick Mate.
Sick leave is there only if you or your loved ones are truly sick and employers must legally set aside 7 days per employee PA.
Good employers like I believe we are will go the extra mile for our best team members like we did for 6 months full pay for a Trojan worker with stage 3 cancer. He fought the good fight and won thankfully whilst keeping a roof over his families head and food in their tummy’s.

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12th September 2022, 07:45 PM
All I’m trying to say Folks as that an SME (Small to Medium Enterprise) we are down to 35 strong and trying to rebuild out of the depths of Covid etc…
Unneeded sick days (not all but up to 35x7) sounds like a good mud cutting tyre size [emoji23] starts to hurt.
Why did the Queen have to selfishly go and die, next Thursday is a memorial day off that private enterprise will pay for again during shutdown and guess what, AFL grand final day off on the very next day in Victoria. (35 x 2 when we only budgeted for 1 day off this month)

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12th September 2022, 10:05 PM
Come ON Mick Mate, NOT even the slightest Rebuttal….Disappointing EFFORT again Young Son [emoji22][emoji23]

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14th September 2022, 06:37 PM
Come ON Mick Mate, NOT even the slightest Rebuttal….Disappointing EFFORT again Young Son [emoji22][emoji23]

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Think its more like 10 days per year for a full time worker. The Trojan worker you mentioned is a good call, but it sounds like you are being a bit selective, extra mile for the best team workers. Should be same treatment for all.
Do not begrudge a worker for a “sickie” that you might think is not necessary. I happily take a day off when I am not ill, to take a sick pet to the vet for example. Or to extend a weekend after a stressful week at work.SICKIES ARE THERE TO BE TAKEN.you lose them if you leave your job,. and at the end of the day the boss is getting rich from his workers, so no guilt. FWIW I have about 3 months of sickies in reserve 🤪🤪🤪
Rebuttal done Mr Mark 😂

14th September 2022, 07:35 PM
That’ll do Mick Mate, Appreciated [emoji106][emoji106]

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14th September 2022, 08:13 PM
Together, You & I will get this Country Chearing [emoji322][emoji322][emoji106][emoji106]


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14th September 2022, 08:20 PM
https://www.google.com.au/search?q=pig+meaning&source=lmns&bih=439&biw=320&client=safari&prmd=inv&hl=en-GB&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjyxqfogJT6AhWIzqACHcoiDm4Q_AUoAHoECAAQA w

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19th September 2022, 08:14 PM
FWIW: Slacking OFF mid this week and taking a true calculated/hours earned day OFF my Annual Leave to watch the jumping/swimming Piggies [emoji200] at the Royal Melbourne Show [emoji120][emoji23]

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19th September 2022, 10:36 PM
Mickhead Mate, want me to grab a Showbag or two for You Brother? [emoji123][emoji123][emoji736][emoji736]

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20th September 2022, 02:32 AM
I may have missed another post, why are you off work?

20th September 2022, 02:45 AM
I think the majority of people take sickies as thier right and will always make sure they use them up, over the years I have only taken days off when I am unable to work and have built up a lot of accumulated sick leave. Back in 2015 my son had to have several operations in Sydney for removal of cancer tumours and ended up in a comer. I went to Sydney and stayed with him and assisted with his recovery for 3 1/2 months all covered by my sick leave as I hadn't wasted it and didn't even use half my entitlement. You never know what is around the corner so don't waste it.