View Full Version : Pajero crash with 10 kids

6th August 2011, 07:39 AM
What was this drunk and unlicensed idiot thinking. Makes you wonder!!:furious:
Lucky no one was killed. The aresholes put the seat belts on themselves and not the kids:sterb003:


6th August 2011, 08:20 AM
Hard to believe, probably someone elses fault.
With 7 kids of her own she's been doing this for a while I reckon.
Like the thinking comment

6th August 2011, 08:32 AM
A lot stronger terminologies than Ar5eholes come to mind

6th August 2011, 08:42 AM
Seriously - this (apart from .. ahem .. many other reasons) is why I couldn't be a copper ... tell me that in reading the story if you were there that you wouldn't just want to do a bit of tag team pummeling of the adults ... then just list the injuries as a result of the crash! Scum, pure scum ...

6th August 2011, 08:44 AM
A lot stronger terminologies than Ar5eholes come to mind

x2. What are ppl like that breeding for!

the ferret
6th August 2011, 11:35 AM
I know of some people who would give anything, just to have ONE kid!

6th August 2011, 11:39 AM
I'm just gob smack by that, the mentality of some people just astounds me

6th August 2011, 02:39 PM
Lost for words all i can say is BL@@DY IDIOTS .........................Some people have no Brains im sure ...........:1062::driving2::sterb032::blowup:

6th August 2011, 03:13 PM
Seriously - this (apart from .. ahem .. many other reasons) is why I couldn't be a copper ... tell me that in reading the story if you were there that you wouldn't just want to do a bit of tag team pummeling of the adults ... then just list the injuries as a result of the crash! Scum, pure scum ...

What happened to the good old fashioned policing. Maybe not in this case but years ago if you misbehave you would get a good flogging, kick up the arse and sent home.
Coppers had a bit of size to them them days and people would have a bit of respect. These days its just a joke how police have to tip toe around issues in the field so they don't get sued.
Bring back the 6foot + , 15 stone coppers and teach these idiots a bit of RESPECT.

Bit of the subject I know.....

6th August 2011, 06:30 PM
What happened to the good old fashioned policing. Maybe not in this case but years ago if you misbehave you would get a good flogging, kick up the arse and sent home.
Coppers had a bit of size to them them days and people would have a bit of respect. These days its just a joke how police have to tip toe around issues in the field so they don't get sued.
Bring back the 6foot + , 15 stone coppers and teach these idiots a bit of RESPECT.

Bit of the subject I know.....

Same as the youth of 2day having no respect 4 anyone or anything, u can't smack you kids without docs turning up at the doorstep. I remember when i was a kid and got a floggin from both parents it i stepped outta line

6th August 2011, 08:42 PM
SCUM both of them..

Finly Owner
7th August 2011, 10:39 PM
Seriously - this (apart from .. ahem .. many other reasons) is why I couldn't be a copper ... tell me that in reading the story if you were there that you wouldn't just want to do a bit of tag team pummeling of the adults ... then just list the injuries as a result of the crash! Scum, pure scum ...X2 Scotty


7th August 2011, 10:43 PM
I'm glad the kids are ok, but tell me this... how the hell do you afford a 4x4 ( even if it is a poojabber) AND get blind on UDL's when you got 7 kids ???

And I agree with 'old skool' policing...

8th August 2011, 07:20 AM
I'm glad the kids are ok, but tell me this... how the hell do you afford a 4x4 ( even if it is a poojabber) AND get blind on UDL's when you got 7 kids ???

GOVERNMENT - the more kids you have the more they give you and these arseholes spend it all on themselves...

8th October 2011, 07:20 PM
i see the part about the male passenger abusing the firies and paramedics, i think that they should be able to carry tazors for people like that, they bloody deserve it, i was in the hospital the other week and i asked why they need bulletproof cubicales like you see at banks, and the woman told me its to stop drunk druged up centerlink mums spitting on them. Another case that could be solved with a tazor or two

9th October 2011, 02:37 AM
i see the part about the male passenger abusing the firies and paramedics, i think that they should be able to carry 44's for people like that, they bloody deserve it, i was in the hospital the other week and i asked why they need bulletproof cubicales like you see at banks, and the woman told me its to stop drunk druged up centerlink mums spitting on them. Another case that could be solved with a big 44 magnum or two
I totally agree with your post

9th October 2011, 03:02 AM
lost for words so....................:sterb003::blowup:

Gerrit Loubser
9th October 2011, 11:59 PM
Wow, shocking. I often watch cars in disbelief on the highways and byways around here, carrying buckled up parents and unrestrained kids. What are they thinking.

On another note, that NM/NP Paj looks like it has held up very well "after it rolled several times". Perhaps there would have been fatalities in a lesser vehicle?

12th October 2011, 09:50 PM
yeah, amended post is better,but i feel a .45 baller would put across the message better, they can take time to reflect while they bleedout