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View Full Version : ** Sub tank control unit...ripped wires out ...oooopppss

Pete's GU3
3rd August 2011, 06:03 PM
What a pain ,having trouble with the sub tank light staying on i tried to disconnect the sub tank control unit which is behind the heater switches, after removing the radio and heater i spot the unit tried to disconnect it to reset it as i have read in the forum , anyhow must of pulled too hard and now all the wires have come out of there position , fuel gauge is reading empty ,,,
I dont think i will find the correct spots for the wires theres about 12 wires .F#@k it

looks like a trip to nissan .....:mad:

Pete's GU3
9th August 2011, 08:00 PM
Following up .....I took the vehicle into Nissan for a service and also showed the Forman the control unit with all the wires ripped out, after a few raised eyebrows i said mate just fix the thing i want the sub tank to work .....!!!!...........as i walked away with my wallet burning a hole in my ass...lol
I picked up the vehicle today all was fixed ...they said they had to put all the wires back in the right spot, reset the computer, they also reckon they found some faulty fuses, which i thought i checked..that cost me $350 on top of the service just to get the sub tank going again , they said if i did not butcher the wires probably looking at $150 fix up . so not too bad in the end ...they also said you should always keep some fuel in the sub tank at all times as whenever you start the car if pumps some fuel over to the main just to keep the pump lubed??...so the outcome wasn't too bad..............

28th April 2012, 09:40 AM
Good fix in the long run.
Cheers Andrew