View Full Version : Y62 warning lights

19th December 2021, 07:06 PM
Recently purchased a Y62 series 5 Ti 4 months ago. After having it for 2 months we had an engine warning light come up on the dash. Called Nissan roadside assist who cleared the codes the we took it to a Nissan dealer who checked all the faults and said the battery was low and trickle fed the battery for the day. Everything was OK until a few days ago. Started car up, ran it for a minute, engine fan started coming on and off and then all the warning lights came on. Turned the car off then it would not restart at all. Left it for an hour and went back. Tried to restart but it just wound over. Tried again and it started but the only warning light now showing was the engine warning light. Plugged in the engine scanner to check codes (101), unplugged scanner and warning light disappeared. Took it to another nissan dealer who check the faults and everything passed. They tried to blame the accessories on the vehicle but we only have a redarc brake controller. Has anyone else had the same issues? Is it possible it could be something to do with the smart altinator not putting enough charge into the battery. It seems to happen when the vehicle has been sitting for a few days.

19th December 2021, 07:34 PM
MudRunnerTD your all around the smart alternator crap on these aye?

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19th December 2021, 08:34 PM
MudRunnerTD your all around the smart alternator crap on these aye?

Sent from my SM-G780G using Tapatalk
Not quite sure what you mean mate I'm only asking a question

20th December 2021, 06:51 AM
Not quite sure what you mean mate I'm only asking a question
He's tagging another bloke (@MudrunnerTD ) who's a bit of a whiz and knows stuff. :)

20th December 2021, 10:07 AM
Who installed the brake controller mate? Did you buy the car new? Sounds Odd. Either your Alternator is faulty. Shunt is playing havoc or the brake controller has a fault maybe. Head back to the dealer for sure. Keep a note and record all fault codes.

20th December 2021, 10:35 AM
Bought the vehicle new, the dealer fitted brake controller, the dealer reckons if it was the alternator it'll be throwing codes all the time, car goes back to the dealer in the new year.

20th December 2021, 08:37 PM
Bought the vehicle new, the dealer fitted brake controller, the dealer reckons if it was the alternator it'll be throwing codes all the time, car goes back to the dealer in the new year.

Yeah OK. Well the good news is they cant blame an after market installer.

Assuming they used the Loom kit for the trailer plug its a plug and play. There is No Re-wiring for this fitments. It's a Plug and play loom which comes with a 20 page instruction manual on how to strip interior panels to find the relevant Loom plug. Child's play.

Keep pushing back mate, they will have to sort it. To be honest though it's not reasonable that you wait until the new year for a fault find on something that could leave you on the side of the road on Boxing Day! No Chance!! I'd be pushing hard direct to the Service Manager directly for action this week. Keep us in the loop.

20th December 2021, 08:46 PM
I just re read your 1st post.

If it sits a few days and the battery is low then there is a stray current draw somewhere and a dealer will always blame an after market accessory for this but you have nothing that THEY did not fit. Their problem

The Alternator runs a Negative Shunt to drop the output after initial starting. I have removed this shunt to allow a full 14.5v continuous charging as I have a Lithium Cranking battery under the bonnet that needs 14.5v. You could unplug the shunt but this might open a door for the dealer to knock you back given its a direct charging fault.

It really isn't your job to figure this out, it is theirs. And Before Christmas thanks!!! Or ask the Service manager to swap cars with you for the period over Christmas New year and he can get stranded on the side of the road with his family instead of yours. Seriously that's what they are asking you to accept. You spent upwards of $85K with them. Their problem.

20th December 2021, 09:09 PM
“The Squeaky Wheel Gets The Mostest Grease” [emoji23][emoji106][emoji106]

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22nd December 2021, 09:53 AM
Car has gone back to dealer who we bought from, working on the problem as I speak, the dealer is going to start a case with Nissan Australia, at the moment they can't find any new code they're not sure what's wrong, they have tested battery and alternator seems fine.

22nd December 2021, 10:04 PM
i hit a bit of battery going flat in hybrid cars if they sit, the start battery goes flat, takes about 2 weeks, i've run parasitic draw tests etc, never found anything out of spec, but new cars run some things even when off, so i did some digging as i had access to dealer info, yep 10 days sitting still was all they were designed to last ( not nissan but i doubt it would be very different ). they would throw codes but these turned into dead ends was a list of codes for flat battery. the best we could say was dont keep the key in range and drive it every few days or charge the battery. 0.2 of an amp is what we would see after the car had shut down. this probably isn't your problem but most new cars will flatten the battery quicker than the older cars