View Full Version : coupure moteur

12th November 2021, 08:59 PM
bonjour a tous voila je vous expose mon problème

sur mon Nissan patrouille 5.6 v8 de 2010, je démarre mon véhicule au ralenti impeccable je peux l accélérer dans les tours sans problème, mais des que je me met en position drive ou recul je laisse avancer ou reculer le véhicule sans accélérer et la au bout de 10 mètres le moteur ce coupe .
donc j essaye de redémarrer il démarre et s arrête tout de suite au bout de 3 démarrages il ne démarre plus ,mais si je coupe le contact et qu' ensuite je redémarre la ca fonctionne mais au bout de 10 mètres le moteur ce recoupe et ainsi de suite .
Quelqu un aurait il déjà rencontre ce problème
merci d avance


13th November 2021, 07:01 AM
Hello everyone, here I am exposing my problem to you

on my 2010 Nissan Patrol 5.6 v8, I start my vehicle at impeccable idle I can accelerate it in the laps without problem, but as soon as I put myself in drive or reverse position I let the vehicle move forward or back without accelerating and at the end of 10 meters the engine cuts.
So I try to restart it starts and stops immediately after 3 starts it does not start anymore, but if I switch off the ignition and then I restart it works but after 10 meters the engine cuts back and so right now .
Has anyone already encountered this problem
thanks in advance


13th November 2021, 07:23 PM
Thanks for translation:thumbup:

13th November 2021, 07:30 PM
Merci pour la traduction [emoji106][emoji106]
@ MudRunner#62 any ideas Old Mate?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

26th November 2021, 03:37 AM
Hello no one met this problem?

26th November 2021, 08:33 AM
HI mate, That seems very unusual. Have you had a Scan gauge put on it to see if there is a Code thrown? and confirming it is a 2010 build? Australia did not se the Y62 until 2013 as a Series 1. Are there any dash lights coming up? seems like a fault sensor for No Key? Immobiliser? Limp mode would let you drive. Have you had it back to a dealer?

26th November 2021, 07:35 PM
HI mate, That seems very unusual. Have you had a Scan gauge put on it to see if there is a Code thrown? and confirming it is a 2010 build? Australia did not se the Y62 until 2013 as a Series 1. Are there any dash lights coming up? seems like a fault sensor for No Key? Immobiliser? Limp mode would let you drive. Have you had it back to a dealer?

the only defect I have insisting c is fuel pump the immobilizeur is ok no light on the dashboard yes it is good from 2010 and it comes from russia unfortunately or I am not dealer