View Full Version : First 4WD

Biased Opinion
15th February 2021, 11:48 AM
Hi all

Managed to snag a chopped and extended GQ for a steal. Quite the rig for my first 4wd


15th February 2021, 01:00 PM
Nice unit. Welcome to the forum.

15th February 2021, 01:45 PM
Hi Mate, as Mudnut states...nice rig...welcome tonnes of great knowledge and experience here from what I have seen so far.

So first 4x4..my advice, join a club and maybe takes some 4x4 courses before going it alone...safety first..as there is so much that one needs to consider and be aware of when off road. Different ball game completely.

15th February 2021, 02:45 PM
G'day mate, welcome aboard

15th February 2021, 07:13 PM
Welcome to the forum mate.