View Full Version : Wailing bonnet struts

7th October 2020, 04:54 PM
I was going to say 'squeaky' bonnet struts, but 'wailing is closer to the mark!

They have been doing it a long time, I put it down to all the dust we've been through, although cleaning them had made no difference. Squirting a bit of WD40 on them helped - for around 10 seconds.

The struts had become a bit lazy - still held up the bonnet, but needed a bit of help for the last 10%.

So today I fitted brand new struts & they still bl**dy wail! And I know not why!

Again WD 40 has silenced them, but I am not confident it will last & it will only collect more dust in the long run.

The struts are bolted on nice & tight. If I hold a strut as the bonnet is being lowered or raised I can feel the vibration of the strut in time with the noise. Both sides.

Why is it so?

7th October 2020, 05:17 PM
Are the struts aligned, ie, have no side loading - could be hard to tell, and even though they may be fitted with the ball joint ends, its possible the strut is loading up on the piston inside the tube. The tolerances are so fine it won't take much - maybe your mounts have deformed over time as well? The CRC would help for a short period as it will reduce the friction.

10th October 2020, 09:26 AM
I found that my hinges were the culprit when it started to make noises.......
pressure clean, and some graphite, worked well for about 2 weeks

the the struts went........... open the bonnet, lift it up, and down she comes
replaced the struts
all good now