View Full Version : 92 GQ Y60 passenger side sliding window water leak

25th July 2020, 09:34 PM
So with the wet weather around ive noticed that my passenger side sliding window has a small leak which seams to be coming from where the window latch is located, im not sure if its due to the type of seal thats in place or if its because I parked facing down hill?

I have tried searching the forum plus google to see if it was a comon problem but to no prevale. I did find a seal on ebay called Window Frame Bailey Channel but not sure if that would fix the issue.

I did notice that the seal around the window seems like its a carpet kinda material and was thinking maybe its not creating a good enough seal to stop the water making its way around the glass and into the inside?

When comparing the window to the drivers side i noticed that water was sitting in the window frame at a hieght above the seal but wasnt leaking inside. Allso i noticed that the gap between the seal and the window latch was a little bigger on the passenger side(see pics below)

Any help is appreciated.

Inside of passenger sliding window.

Outside of passenger side window

Outside of drivers side sliding window.

Pics of inside the tracks of both sides for comparison.

Passenger side

Drivers side.

The Survivalists
26th July 2020, 03:45 PM
I know it may seem trivial. But have you checked all the drain slots in the bottom rail aren’t blocked with dirt, leaves etc?
I had issues with mine leaking when i bought it. Usually in the corners. Ended up permanently sealing the shit things with Sikaflex 223/227!
Priced a new frame up for each window and were around $290 just for the new frame (each). Ended up going with new solid windows which cost $400 for both windows fitted by a window tech.

The Survivalists
26th July 2020, 03:46 PM
This was on a 1991 GQ btw

27th July 2020, 01:23 PM
Hi and thanks for the reply. Yeah ive checked all the drainage holes and they are clear, it just seems like the drainage holes are angled inwards instead of out and down away from the glass. I have booked in to a glass shop tomorrow morning to have them check it and reseal it if need be. Luckily for me i am coverd under insurance so i dont have to pay to get it fixed. However i will ask them once the issue is fixed on how much it would have cost if i wasnt insured.

Yeah man the solid window option is defs one im looking at as i dont really need access via the side windows into the cargo area atm.

28th July 2020, 12:11 PM
Soo i was able to take my forbie in to get the windows checked and the outcome was that when the windows were installed there was no silicon placed around the seal and so there for the water was able to work its way thru, allso the water was pooling up in the seal around the glass which was making its way in.

So ive been advised to keep an eye on them and see if they leak again and to drill a couple holes in the metal frame that holds the glass inplace as to let the water escape instead of pooling at the cornes of the frame.

In the pics you can see a bit of rust which id say was from the window fram that was replaced before i purchased the vehicle as it was sitting under the rubber frame seal against the body and was easily removed.

28th July 2020, 12:13 PM