View Full Version : Anyone heard from Bidja?

22nd July 2020, 10:00 PM
Last Activity was 18th of April. Bidja mate I hope everything is ok?

23rd July 2020, 10:50 AM
looks ljke he has been active on the other forum and busy with a project . trialling dawes/tillix and two needle valve and just 2 needle valves own their own . very interesting thread .

24th July 2020, 12:28 AM
Last Activity was 18th of April. Bidja mate I hope everything is ok?


Thanks for the shout out there Mark. Do drop in at different times to look around, must make more of a habit of it mate.

24th July 2020, 07:58 AM
Good to read from you mate. With all this crazy shit happening in the world I was beginning to wonder. Keep safe mate. And to everyone really...

24th July 2020, 10:01 AM
Reasonable good health this way certainly trying to avoid the droplets. Trust you and all are doing well-certainly a different way of life.

Fishing up the mountains has taken a big hit this year. A month or so back, rang Cooma police to check if would be OK to wet a fly up that way and answer was "best that I find somewhere more local to fish"(yabbies on a nymph fly???).
Right thing to do though under the circumstances.

Must say that the farm gate is locked most days. Have just had three 20,000 gal concrete tank put in and all leak to some degree (not happy). Couple of days ago, without my knowledge, my friend(not), the contractor decided to send this bloke around to check it out. I had been up on the hill working, drove back down to house and these two blokes were just wandering around. After they told me what they were up to, one says that we are from the coast (Batemans Bay) _ was certain that they would hang out at the soldiers club (travels around). Respect needed.

The best to you mate.