View Full Version : Need suggestions on how to clean up the mess I've made.

16th January 2020, 03:42 PM
We went shopping & among all the usual stuff we bought was a block of butter. Carried back to where we are staying in the car fridge. Unloaded the fridge but somehow left the block of butter sitting on some carpet alongside the fridge. 4 hot days later my wife discovers my mistake. The block of butter had well & truly melted inside our Patrol's rear canopy, & the smell was basically that of rancid cheese! What had once been a paper wrapped block, was now flat paper with just a thin covering of 'ghee' on it

Most of the melted butter has soaked into the carpet, which is glued permanently to the canopy's aluminium floor. As you might expect, just touching the carpet resulted in greasy, stinky hands.

So far we have spent several days laying multi thicknesses of paper towels onto the carpet & sat heat packs & saucepans of hot water on top of the towels. After 3 days & multiple changes of heat & paper towels the amount of the yellow oil/fat that the towels are absorbing has diminished quite a lot, but nevertheless the carpet still smells like rancid cheese, albeit not quite as badly as it had done. Touching the carpet still feels a bit greasy, but nowhere near as much as it had done.

The question is 'what next'? Hot water & detergent, followed by more absorbent paper towels with weights on them? Scrubbing with the hot water & detergent? Sprinkling sodium bicarb onto the carpet when dry? Or just leave the whole thing alone & hope the smell dissipates with time? (I don't have much faith in that latter option however).

Appearance is a non issue, it's removing the smell which is the priority.

The carpet is a thin short pile marine type carpet. Last resort may be to somehow cut the affected area out, although it is well & truly stuck down.

Helpful suggestions sought please.

16th January 2020, 04:29 PM
Hire one of those carpet shampooers from Woolies next time your there and go to town. Other than that you could try steam clean then a wet vac.

16th January 2020, 04:56 PM
My pootrol was putrid when I got it 3 months ago. Even used a hose on the door trims to clean it.
Search WURTH INDUSTRY CLEANER. Excellent stuff in a spray can. Smells like oranges. This will kill the greasy stuff, even better if you can give it a quick blast with a gerni afterwards,

16th January 2020, 05:15 PM
Have you tried baking soda on it? Sprinkle a shit load on, rub it in, rinse and repeat.
Can you heat the affected section of carpet with a hairdryer to try and help release the glue if you want to cut a square out?

16th January 2020, 06:14 PM
I was going to say steam but Matty beat me to it.
As above, soda and maybe spray vinegar on it.
Glen 20 ?
New truck?

Sorry mate

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16th January 2020, 07:22 PM
Leave it open in the rainforest, the jungle creatures will clean it up for you. Or you can borrow our dog, he’ll eat anything that stinks, including the carpet.

Sorry Cuppa, couldn’t resist.

17th January 2020, 09:59 AM
Vanilla will cover the stinks
Thought to self velcro carpet to alluminium floor
in case there is "Buttergate 2020" lol

17th January 2020, 12:34 PM
You could lay an old towel down or paper towel and iron it... I got dried up crystallized cough mixture out of my passenger seat this way

the evil twin
17th January 2020, 02:19 PM
If it is marine carpet then spray the area liberally with windex (glass cleaner) and give it a scrub with a nail brush or short bristle brush to get the windex right into the carpet.
Mop up with paper towel
Give the area a rinse with clean water
Mop up again with paper towel
Spray with Carpet deodouriser (pet grade if you have it) vanilla, orange oil or what have you.

Works a treat on the carpet in the boats at work and is fun to watch people gag as they clean up the left overs from their chunder.

17th January 2020, 08:28 PM
You could lay an old towel down or paper towel and iron it... I got dried up crystallized cough mixture out of my passenger seat this way

I agree with this method, have used it to mobilise oil and grease from carpet before, change the scott towel frequently but use just heat, not steam -

19th January 2020, 12:08 AM
Thanks folks we are getting there..... a big improvement using heat & paper towels. Now using sodium bicarbonate sprinkled on which also seems to work well. Vacuuming it up was not such a good idea though. Butter infused sodium bicarbonate does a great job of clagging up a vacuum cleaner!