View Full Version : G'day

2.8 patrol
20th June 2011, 11:52 PM
Just thought i'd say howdy to everyone and let you know a bit about myself. My name is Luke and i'm a 4bhollic. I became a low range junkie in my mates hairdressers car ( I mean vitara ) about four years ago. It took me four long years of navi duties but managed to get a 4b of my own with coils on all corners. I have had her now for five months and other than a change of glow plugs have had no problems yet. My future mod list is long expensive and the same as everyones, 33s, lockers, bar work, chip ..... the list goes on forever. I have been out to toolangi a handful of times and thats about it for now. The fact I am running bald terrains will stop me through the winter a bit until I get some decent rubber. Anyway i've said g'day for now and I hope to see you on the tracks.

20th June 2011, 11:54 PM
g`day mate
welcome on board
heaps of laughs and bucket loads of info here enjoy
p:s piccies we luv piccies

21st June 2011, 04:56 AM
G'day mate welcome aboard they're a good mob here full if useful Info and advice

21st June 2011, 06:27 AM
Welcome to the forum Luke.


21st June 2011, 06:41 AM
G'Day and welcome to the forum Luke

21st June 2011, 06:45 AM
Welcome to the forum mate

21st June 2011, 06:52 AM
Welcome Luke. Join in and enjoy

21st June 2011, 07:19 AM
G'day mate - welcome aboard. Great people, information and laughs on here mate, so feel free to join in and make the most of it. Enjoy!!

21st June 2011, 09:11 AM
Welcome to the forum mate, your just around the corner from me...

We're having a day run up at Toolangi on the 9th of July if your interested. You can have a read about it here... http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/showthread.php?4688-Toolangi-Day-Trip-Expressions-of-Interest-9th-July&highlight=toolangi+july

Feel free to ask any questions mate and join in the conversations.

DX grunt
21st June 2011, 09:57 AM
G'day Luke

Welcome to the forum and great to have you here.

1st time I've ever heard anybody confess to being a 4bhollic. lol

Take care out there.

DX grunt

Sir Roofy
21st June 2011, 11:27 AM
welcome aboard luke hope you enjoy your stay
hope you can make toolangi im sure it wont be to hard
for a social day out come along and enjoy

21st June 2011, 03:53 PM
G'day Mate - Welcome aboard join in when you are ready and have fun mate plenty to do see and if u have any problems just ask and im sure u will get an answer !! Bucket loads of usefull information here plenty to read so join in meet the great bunch of guys and girls on our wonderful forum !!

You will not be disapointed !!



21st June 2011, 06:51 PM
hey luke welcome aboard ur in trouble if u can admit to ur addiction especially if u have only new to it lol

21st June 2011, 07:15 PM
Welcome to the forum Luke, enjoy mate

2.8 patrol
21st June 2011, 08:09 PM
Welcome to the forum mate, your just around the corner from me...

We're having a day run up at Toolangi on the 9th of July if your interested. You can have a read about it here... http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/showthread.php?4688-Toolangi-Day-Trip-Expressions-of-Interest-9th-July&highlight=toolangi+july

Feel free to ask any questions mate and join in the conversations.

Thanks for the invite. Wish I could but its my youngest sons 1st birthday party the same day. The misses said we could change it to sunday but I recon you blokes would get sick of recovering me with the tyres I am running ! Next trip let me know and I will hopfeully have tyres by then.

21st June 2011, 08:28 PM
Thanks for the invite. Wish I could but its my youngest sons 1st birthday party the same day. The misses said we could change it to sunday but I recon you blokes would get sick of recovering me with the tyres I am running ! Next trip let me know and I will hopfeully have tyres by then.

Ppffffttttt ... who needs tyres??!!!! lmao

These boys would happily assist all day mate - it's what we're all about!!!

21st June 2011, 08:59 PM
No problems mate but if you do decide to come along then you are more then welcome!

There will be other members there that wont have the flashest tyres either and will avoid the difficult tracks and meet up at the junctions, etc so no stress about the tyres mate.

GUtsy ute
21st June 2011, 10:16 PM
Hi Luke,
Welcome to the Forum.
Good to see you're keen for a wheel.
Have a look at the pics of the last day out and see what the guys got up to.
It looked a cracker of a day.
As said above, don't worry about your tyres, everyone is there to help each other
enjoy the day.

Cheers Gavin

Finly Owner
21st June 2011, 10:32 PM
Hi and welcome to Nissans Nut House


Dark 1
21st June 2011, 10:40 PM
Welcome mate, catcha round the traps.

22nd June 2011, 02:40 AM
g'day Luke and welcome aboard mate