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27th July 2010, 09:41 AM
What: New Mobile Speed Cameras
Where: Everywhere!
When: Effective July 19 2010.
How: New cars will have a mobile camera on top of it with the latest technology and software that can fine 6 drivers every SECOND!!
Why: Coz they can!!

Check out the pictures.... Send it to everyone

Note: No matter what weather conditions, or time of day or how busy the road is, if you are speeding, you will be caught!

PS: For the first month of operation with the new cameras, your first offense is waived and you will only receive a warning letter (July 19 to August 19 2010) — Watch people abuse this rule!

Source: http://www.news.com.au/national/new-speed-cameras-deliver-a-fast-buck/story-e6frfkwi-1225890292548


27th July 2010, 10:16 AM
Yep, its all in the name of SAFETY and nothing to do with revenue raising.

We've had these things in ACT for a few years but not this advanced where they can take photos of few cars at once.
We also have mobile rego check where take a photo of rego plate and if unregistered you get pulled over 500 meters up the road.
..and this other system where they take a photo on one end of the road and then another photo on the other end and if you traveled that distance too quick then you get fined

Great town Canberra

27th July 2010, 10:17 AM
Thanks for the heads up Muzza I expect we will see a lot of these up my way.


DX grunt
27th July 2010, 11:20 AM
Here's my personal story.

To many, the road toll is just a news item you watch on TV or read in the newspapers.

To others.....I can't explain it, because I've never been there.

My now 16yo, was involved in an off road motor bike accident last year. He broke one of the golden rules
of off road motorcycling - he went out by himself. So did the other rider.

To cut a long story short, they both collided head on, because they didn't know each other was there
and both were flown by air ambulance (Royal Flying Doctor Service) to hospital.

I sat by my 15 year old son's bedside for 9 days in the Intensive Care Unit, whilst he was put into an induced coma,
with tubes coming out of every thing that opens and closes, not knowing whether he was going to live or die,
whether he would walk again or be fully or partially paralized or whether he would have a bit or a lot of brain damage.
I prayed and cried myself to sleep many times over.

I took a few photos of him in ICU and have shown him. He's over it and hasn't asked to see the photos again.
He doesn't fully understand what he and his loved ones went through coz he was medically 'juiced up' and
doesn't remember a thing - thank goodness.

I was also there for him during his rehabilitation when he had to learn how to walk and gain muscle strength again.
He'd just finished his footy season and was bulked up and lost 13kg in 2 weeks because of the crash.

I firmly believed his helmet saved him, because as he came off the bike, his head hit the back wheel of the other bike.

Thankfully everything worked out ok and he's back at work and continuing his diesel mechanic apprenticeship.

He's not a bad kid. He's a good kid, that made a big mistake.

Same principles apply on the road. The faster you go, the harder you hit, the more severe the injury.

As the adds say: "Choose your speed, choose your consequences"

This one's a 'no brainer' for me.

Take care out there.

DX grunt

27th July 2010, 06:47 PM
Mate, those would have been tough times which I would not wish that on anybody and certainly would not have any idea how it feels.
Hope things worked out well in the end.

As far as speed cameras I have to say that statistics have shown that they have not reduced the amount of accidents and deaths. We have more cameras here in ACT then any other state(per capita) and we still managed to have the highest fatality rate since 1995..

Figures have also shown higher speeds do not increase accident/incident and in some cases reduced them. Look at Germany and the autobahn for example.

It is also unfair to judge a 30 year old car and a modern vehicle as far as handling goes at a certain speed so this just opens another can of worms

Big corporate giants are investing in the camera systems because they know the government will be spending lots on them because they know it is guaranteed income.

I do agree speed kills but revenue raising cameras are not an answer.