View Full Version : 2009 ZD30 CRD Intake Manifold Removal and Re-Torque?

28th October 2019, 10:36 AM
Hi All,
Hoping to find more information on the CRD intake manifold (CRD with black top cover). I'm doing a manifold,egr and throttle valve clean out. Sorry if this has previously been posted but I have searched extensively. The Nissan Learning Academy pdf only covers service tasks not workshop related tasks. The hard cover manuals [ Ellery etc] are also no use. This is a fairly technical pull down so I was hoping someone may have specific info. I.E, Fastener Torque settings, Gasket part numbers??

Looking forward to someone shedding some light on this as it should be a common task for those wanting to clean the carbon gunk out of their intake system.

Thanks from a forum Newb...

28th October 2019, 08:59 PM
There is spray that you can buy which you spray into the intake which supposedly de carbons the intake. Apparently works pretty well. Can't help you on torque settings sorry. It is a big job I know what you want to do. Just take plenty of pics as you go so you have something to refer back too during the reassemble.
Use https://partsouq.com/ for your part numbers.

11th July 2023, 02:02 AM


9nm on throttle body, 22nm on everything else :)