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View Full Version : Pine Forest Logan

12th June 2011, 06:14 PM
Hi all,
Does anyone know for sure if you can still legally go driving around the pine forest in Logan or has it been closed.

12th June 2011, 06:25 PM
Not sure Tim, but found this 4 you, if it is state forest better 2 ring the appropriate authority yourself and find out.




12th June 2011, 06:31 PM
I found this thread on here..... I hope it helps you out.


12th June 2011, 07:08 PM
By the reading i have come across on other forums, I would say Illegal

Cut out of another forum posting legal and illegal bike riding areas

Logan Village Pine Forest-Illegal
Great riding, Can get dusty if it hasn't rained for a couple of weeks/months. Lots of traffic, be careful of 4x4's & other bikes, keep to the left where possible & slowing down for an intersection is a must!
Police will blitz the area every now & then, usually giving out warnings(depending on attitude from yourself & other riders). I believe a rider has been killed in an accident with a 4x4 here.
Most people enter via the 'power lines' Which is off Waterford-Tambourine Road, just past Camp Cable Road.

Full article can be found here


12th June 2011, 09:19 PM
Hi all,
What a pity and thanks to all for the info.

12th June 2011, 09:29 PM
Hi all,
What a pity and thanks to all for the info.

No worries Tim, and yeh it is a pity they get closed down, we had a play area in Sydney, thay sounds pretty much the same. 4b's and dirtbikes just don't mix 2 well in the same playground, accidents happen and they get shut down eventually :(

13th June 2011, 10:30 AM
That's what I thought when you rang on saturday mate .. wasn't sure it was open slather down there and didn't want to give you wrong advice an you end up wearing a fine ... Pure luck that I was right about it, but always better to err on the side of caution with track access in populated areas etc.

Thanks to Todd for dragging out the information!!!

13th June 2011, 11:40 AM
when i lived in tamborine 100 years ago
if you were caught in there the old sarge would march me .....er other people straight back home for a floggin .......so i was told hahahahaha

14th June 2011, 03:52 PM
As far as im aware, Devine Homes own the Logan pine forest land in question, (not sure what this means with regard to the land/track under the powerlines ?) oh.....just for the record, the Bike rider deaths had nothing to do with 4x4s (see link/s below)



I doubt Devine care about ripping up the dirt, as they would surley be bulldozing most of it to make room for housing, but they would obviously need to refuse entry "everyone" to avoid liability claims against them.

Interesting, the link to boostloosing thread has Binnies road Ripley as illegal ,when it is mapped as a road, perhaps they are refering to the tracks further off this road, or the fact they have no registration on their dirt bikes, so are not allowed on "any" roads ?

Finly Owner
14th June 2011, 08:57 PM
OK as local resident, here is the law as often published in local papers.

"The Pine Forest is privately owned property, and anypersons found tresspassing will be charged."

It has been thought that the power line access was open to registered vehicles.

They have attempted to close the access to this area by building a dirt wall closing the entrance to power lines. It hasn't worked.

Now the Irony is that if you look at GOOGLE MAPS there is a gazetted continued rd from logan village to tamborine, but where where the bitumen stops, a road ends sign stands? What is the law in this case?

I was going down that track and looking for old sunraysia rims until thet built the wall. Not worht the hassle I reckon.


15th June 2011, 08:42 AM
So any tracks we can do a tambo Tim ?

You don't happen to own about 500 Acres there do you ? :wink:


28th March 2012, 11:14 PM
Does this also include all the tracks up behind Ormeo ??? Just wandering as we used to frequent here 1 year ago n never saw any police or authority trying to kick any1 out !!!!

Be great to know as am planing another trip up there soon
Cheers TonyD

29th March 2012, 10:52 AM
hmm, to follow on to the Logan Pine Forest, here are some images of 'gazetted' public roads through the area


note: im not saying that they are safe to use, or should be driven on, but they are in fact owned by the Department of Natural Resources and Water, not private.

Sorry Hammer, Ormeau is out of Logan so i cant check it out for you.


Finly Owner
30th March 2012, 10:35 PM
Gazetted roads can be used as long as there is not a road closed sign across it. It then classed as closed to public use. Unfortunately forus in 4wds it does not discriminate between capable an non capable vehicles. Closed means no entry. Secondly some of those Gazetted roads finish in the Pine forest and leave you with two alternatives: (a) go back the way you came, or travel the power line service track through the now private lands, some owned by Yarrabilba Developers the rest still own bty the original owners.


Finly Owner
30th March 2012, 10:39 PM
Duck Creek crossing sounds fun. Not much other legal stuff available. Some stuff(gazetted roads) through Ormeau are still accessible, but stick to legal parts to avoid the law. Also a short trip through Shaws Pocket road is worth the trip.


5th April 2012, 11:22 AM
Just followed friends into the Logan Powerlines area last weekend.....to be honest I don't think any of us knew about the legalities about entering the property at there were no obvious signs saying otherwise.
IMHO i don't see how they could fine anyone out there as it would be a case of the blind leading the blind and as long as no one is being stupid out there and speaks with respect to the authorities can't see why
they would/should fine anyone.....perhaps they might just nab the unregoed dirtbikes?

Finly Owner
12th April 2012, 12:11 AM
Just followed friends into the Logan Powerlines area last weekend.....to be honest I don't think any of us knew about the legalities about entering the property at there were no obvious signs saying otherwise.
IMHO i don't see how they could fine anyone out there as it would be a case of the blind leading the blind and as long as no one is being stupid out there and speaks with respect to the authorities can't see why
they would/should fine anyone.....perhaps they might just nab the unregoed dirtbikes?

Are you Kidding?

Those gateways have RED UPPER CASE LETTERING spelling it out that you are tresspassing and will be prosecuted when caught. Believe me, they did a crack down on Easter Mon arvo/evening,blocking the exit onto Waterford Tamborine Rd.


12th April 2012, 11:52 AM
I was thinking of heading in there until reading this! Glad I headed elsewhere over easter.

12th April 2012, 03:21 PM
Seriously never saw it! There we so many utes with dirtbikes out the front they may have been blocking the signage....Serious OOOOps!!! Cheers Tim. Won't be heading out there again in a hurry..any suggestions around Bris that are similar would be appreciated. :bananarock:

17th January 2013, 06:40 PM
No go zone

6th June 2013, 11:42 AM
I think that this is where the new development is going at the moment