View Full Version : GQ body weld and cut??

20th August 2019, 04:50 PM
Ive pulled apart pretty much the entire interior except for the dash board from my gq patrol 92, cleaned the carpet, new wires for the new sound system, removing any rust, rust proofing the floor/cavity etc etc.
when i removed the carpet i noticed a long mark across the body floor , not welding exactly but right near the spot welding marks. it runs on the floor near the pillar (pillar between front and rear door). its seems to be made from that weird chewing gum material. ive seen it on other sedans ive worked on but just became concerned as its across the body...im worried if its a cut and weld mark..... does anyone have the same mark on theirs.....im sure plenty of people have pulled apart their interiors...anyone notice anything like this.???????
my phones crap so its nearly possible to upload pics however i have uploaded this (picture was for progress not intended to show the weld mark
- but you can see it on the top left)
ill appreciate any help on this.
thanks in advance
kind regards

20th August 2019, 05:29 PM
Hi Phil, I assume you are talking about the Seem Sealer line? I assume it is just the join in teh floor sections? I cant remember if mine has it but it does not look out of place and looks factory. That floor pan looks sparkling clean too by the way. Time for some Sound Deadener.

20th August 2019, 06:02 PM
oh sweet thanks man
i actually hate sound deadener. ive used it before and pulled apart interiors that had them and the after math is this sticky disgusting .....well...vegemite stain. so i just put sound/heat insulation closed cell foam and stuck it right onto the back of the felt that way if i ever have to remove it again i wouldnt have to go through knee deep vegemite mud XD
i sprayed it with rust inhibitor btw....way after that pic was taken.

yea i thought it was factory but then i figured why would they do that right down the middle espiecally that theres a few splotches next to it like its been painted with that "sealer"...wouldn't they have 1 sheet available...hence my question.
thanks MudRunnerTD- i appreciate it