View Full Version : 2008 gu NADS mods

24th July 2019, 01:05 PM
Currently looking at a 2005 guiv and 2008 gu6 was wondering if the 2008 still needs the nads mods to avoid a grenade issue? Or its just a safer bet all round? The 2005 already has the mods done so im unsure which to aim for after testing both with no problems i can see i cant decide between the two im new to 4wds and know not much about mechanics.
Thanks Simon

24th July 2019, 02:35 PM
The NADs wont avoid the grenade issue. It will help in preventing it but its not the silver bullet. Installing the NAD's to a CRD motor will certainly help with engine performance and it allows you to take full control of boost and turbo spool up rates. Its not a must thing to do. But there is good benefits from doing so.

24th July 2019, 04:30 PM
welcome to the forum mate

24th July 2019, 08:16 PM
Simon, NADS is good option for both DI and CRD as mudski stated. If you are able, suggest U choose the CRD if it is a good costed runner and consider installing NADS that suits in time.