View Full Version : Exercise - what do you do? Get inspired!

6th June 2011, 11:11 PM
Seeing as though there is a weight loss thread I thought it'd be cool to see what everyone does for exercise around here.

What do you guys/girls do for exercise? Is there something you'd like to do but think you can't?

You could even use this thread as a bit of an exercise diary to go along with your weight loss program.

Post up each time you exercise.. what you did, how many you did and how long for?

When you write things down, it gives you an actual figure to go by and when you write down better figures a week later, it's inspiring and you progress!

A bit about my exercise story...

My job consists of me sitting on my butt all day staring at a screen, moving the mouse around and getting some serious RSI.

The middle of last year, I started going to the gym after work with a couple of mates. I started putting on some muscle and getting some definition but it was becoming a chore. Seeing my mates was good but they were lifting a lot more than me and I always felt weak compared to them and not progressing. I'm pretty competitive so in the end I was just trying to lift weight I shouldn't have been and none of the form was right. I stopped before I hurt myself but more importantly, It wasn't fulfilling at all.

I had done some Wing Chun Kung Fu back in 2004 for about 3 months and I really enjoyed it. I wasn't in the best frame of mind back in those years and as fate would have it, I moved to QLD for 6 months to do some schooling.

Well in May of this year, I decided to re-start Wing Chun again.. and I'm loving it. I really had to take the plunge this time because some things have changed. I now wear glasses, and I hate them and I'm awfully conscience about them. Not for vanity's sake (although I hate how I look in them lol) but more to the point of, the fog up, they get in the way, the slip off when I sweat or am jumping around.. they are just a pain in the arse. Also, I have some arthritis in my hip and I had some doubts as to whether I'd be able to do the moves.

But I took the plunge and I'm loving it. Tonight I just worked out I did 1248 punches in the punching drill alone and that's not counting any punches in the other drills. My shoulders are burning. We also did a longer stance in our Shil Nim Tao form which is relevant to the Kata in Karate. The Wing Chun stance makes your quads BURN! And the Sifu (master) will come and stand on the back of your calves to see if it's strong enough. If not? Lower your stance which equals burn!

I'm hoping to Grade at the end of the month which would be really quick for me as there are other students who have been doing it for 7 months who are just grading. So I'm really working hard towards that goal.

6th June 2011, 11:18 PM
I do a bit of Thong Kwan Do and Pluggy Du Kai ... but only when I'm wearing the double bungers!!!! lmao

When I'm into it (not yet, but once the weight is down again a bit further) I do a bit of weights - more power and isolated styles for stabilizing strength - and boxing for fitness ... don't mind the weights, but does get boring if you're not into checking yourself out in the mirror (I'm definitely not), but love the boxing training (except skipping - two knees and an ankle reconstructions put that off the list anyway!!). Boxing training strips fat like nothing I've seen nor done (for me anyway).

7th June 2011, 04:17 AM
Well the mandatory labrahore walk at his pace for starters. Then out the back room for 20 mins treadmill and 40 mins gym! Not always together but at least twice a week. Hate running! So do weights minimum 4 times a week. Can definitely see a change just not that much on the scales! My belts got 2 extra holes and am wearing it with strides I wasn't before

7th June 2011, 07:00 PM
Exercise, beer fridge and back about 8 times after work, kick the ball for the Blue Heeler, walk to the other side of Wagin and back with the Blue Heller (2 blocks) and last but definitely not the least.....recover Landcrabs whenever I get the chance.

7th June 2011, 07:19 PM
Well I have to admit, my day is full of walking around a school all day. However it does not stop there. I then get home and have to walk to the beer fridge quite a few times to grab more fluids. But my trouble unlike you lads/ladettes that are on the weight loss plan I am on the weight gain plan and finding it tough. I am eating incorrectly and drinking far to much according to my missus, but still can't put it on. As Scotty has stated on numerous occasions, I am only a little man.

Sir Roofy
7th June 2011, 07:54 PM
planning on going bush walking for a few days
stalking then drop in a line for a fish
challange;getting mrs roofy to walk around
the block with me

the godfather
7th June 2011, 08:23 PM
I work on the tools all day when I am not at the farm. When I get home I have a 26 year old fiancee to keep me fit.....

Finly Owner
7th June 2011, 08:57 PM
The Wii Fit is more of a work out than you might think! If you strive to do all exercises properly, they all stretch you and burn calories.
4 catorgories: Yoga, Muscle, Aerobics and Balance.
I,m down from 105kgs to 97.6. Dia is down from 109 to 102 in approx 6-8 weeks.


DX grunt
7th June 2011, 09:40 PM
80% nutrition, 20% exercise. That's what I'm sticking to.

Treadmill, pushbike, cardio and concentrated short bursts of exercises and the odd game of golf.

I gave up a lot of exercise and extreme sports when I turned 50. lol

I fit these in between my shifts and middle of the night call outs.

It's bluddy hard work, but I just keep plugging away. Some days I slip, others I excell. lol

Hang in there peeps.

DX grunt

8th June 2011, 12:15 PM
Currently I try to do 5km walk twice a week, plus Wii fit 4-5nights a week (at least half an hour).
I used to do Karate for 8-9 hours a week, and when I stopped that, i gained alot of weight.
So 2 things i want to get into - back into karate or martial arts, and also bike riding.

8th June 2011, 12:27 PM
I do martial arts 4-5 nights a week with some training on weekends. Walk the dog around the block on the weekends and throw the ball, run around with him etc. That's pretty much all the exercise I do. Now I just need to work out a diet that suits me but somehow I don't think that's going to happen while I'm living with my parents still. Mum cooks heaps of food and I feel compelled to eat it all lol! Mind you, it's all good healthy food but sometimes you can have too much of a good thing.

I'd like to drop about 10kg's and get back to my ideal weight and then tone up but I also don't want to lose the muscle mass I have either so it's a double edged sword :/

8th June 2011, 12:31 PM
I play cricket on a saturday, oztag on a monday cricket training on a thursday and also try to get to the gym 2 nights a week. The problem with my weight has been because mother nature cannot hold her bladder in recent times and cricket and oztag have been washed out more weeks than they have been on and I have not changed what I was eating from when I was exercising alot.

8th June 2011, 12:35 PM
I try to be good every week :) , trying to reduce my 86kg down to 80kg. Not much success getting down, but no trouble maintaining, so it's not too bad. I'm 178cm.

Monday it's off to the gym for a 1.5 hour session with a target of 1000 calories, rower, treadmill, x-trainer, stairmaster, and cycle class, in variuos mixes.

Tuesday it's back to the gym, 20mins X-trainer to warm up for 30 min Bar class, currently oading up with 20kg but have been as good as 25kg.

Wednesday it's back again for a 60 min hill walk on the treadmill, speed 6kph.

Thursday it's weights, last week I did
- Lat pull down wide grip 20 @ 75kg
- Seated chest press - 24 @75kg
- Squat with 15kg - 20
- 45 degree leg press - 23 @ 360kg
- Seated Row - 15 @ 57kg
- Lat pulldown narrow grip - 15@ 59kg
- Horizontal leg press - 11 @ 239kg
- Tricep dips with 7kg assist - 12

Not too bad for a 60yo.

Why do I do this? I hated needing blood pressure medication 4 years ago, so decided to get off it. Started training and got off the tabs after 2 years, and dropped about 20kg fat and put on about 20kg muscle.

8th June 2011, 02:06 PM
I try to be good every week :) , trying to reduce my 86kg down to 80kg. Not much success getting down, but no trouble maintaining, so it's not too bad. I'm 178cm.

Monday it's off to the gym for a 1.5 hour session with a target of 1000 calories, rower, treadmill, x-trainer, stairmaster, and cycle class, in variuos mixes.

Tuesday it's back to the gym, 20mins X-trainer to warm up for 30 min Bar class, currently oading up with 20kg but have been as good as 25kg.

Wednesday it's back again for a 60 min hill walk on the treadmill, speed 6kph.

Thursday it's weights, last week I did
- Lat pull down wide grip 20 @ 75kg
- Seated chest press - 24 @75kg
- Squat with 15kg - 20
- 45 degree leg press - 23 @ 360kg
- Seated Row - 15 @ 57kg
- Lat pulldown narrow grip - 15@ 59kg
- Horizontal leg press - 11 @ 239kg
- Tricep dips with 7kg assist - 12

Not too bad for a 60yo.

Why do I do this? I hated needing blood pressure medication 4 years ago, so decided to get off it. Started training and got off the tabs after 2 years, and dropped about 20kg fat and put on about 20kg muscle.

Mate, that is bloody awesome in my books. Well done! A true inspiration for us younger blokes.

My parents bought the Wii Personal Trainer game. So I took my Wii console out into the lounge room and set it up there for them. We ran through the disk, I picked exercise programs for them.. but that's about where it stopped lol. They haven't looked at it. Then I get the excuses of "but we don'tknow how to work it".. but I've told them. Then the old man says his calf muscle keeps cramping up and he has torn it.. but there's nothing wrong with your arms buddy! Do some punches!

Well they are going to get a work out on the weekend because I'm making them help me train for my first grading. Muhahahaha!

8th June 2011, 06:09 PM
5 flights of stairs @ 12 steps each, 5-6 times a night, when we're quiet.. triple that when we're busy..
6km round trip to school and back, when I can be bothered, when there's no stairs.

8th June 2011, 07:34 PM
Mountain biking is great exercise you get to go off road and it's low impact (unless you fall off) plus some road biking when I don't have much time. Been doing both for years and still enjoy.

10th December 2013, 09:43 PM
I do cardio exercises for the weight control and fitness purposes.
My routine workout plan include jogging, running, swimming, cycling, push ups, pull ups, crunches, and squats.
I daily spend at least 30 minutes in my this routine workout, and I think it is a proper fitness workout plan.

adamprowse personal trainer (http://www.pinterest.com/adambootcamp/)

10th December 2013, 10:26 PM
I casually walk to the fridge and back to get my beer. I dont wanna strain anything if I run...

11th December 2013, 07:30 AM
About the same as Mudski ,cant seem to put weight on stay at a constant 83kg.
Love running and cricket, but ATM amongst my other problems I have an under
active Thyroid gland, so CBF doing anything, there are 2 home gyms here and a stationary stepper/bike
Will need to get back into it soon should be no excuses

11th December 2013, 01:32 PM
I casually walk to the fridge and back to get my beer. I dont wanna strain anything if I run...

Don't understate your level of exercise mate - you also have the controlled motion in the arm lift of the beer tot he mouth not to mention the rotation of the bottle cap!!

11th December 2013, 03:24 PM
I have a resting heart rate of 50-55 BPM no one knows why