View Full Version : Fuel delivery

27th March 2019, 08:25 PM
Hi folks, new here and first time owning a 4x4. Have also never owned a Nissan before.

Anyway, i recently bought a 1989 GQ Nissan Patrol Y60 TB42 7 seater.

The patrol runs on gas and petrol, not sure when the conversion was done. When i bought it the guy said that he had been running on gas the last 4 years, never petrol. Went to the fuel station only to have the fuel pour straight onto the ground. For whatever reason the fuel delivery pipe had been cut about 50mm away from the tank. Replaced the pipe and decided to pull the tank out to check the state of the tank and also the internal condition of the tank. I had spoken to someone who i thought was a mechanic and they advised that the fuel pump was also located in the tank and would probably need replacing.

Would you believe that there was no fuel pump in the tank!!!

I have cleaned out the tank and now just checking it for leaks before i put it back on the Patrol.

My question is; where is the fuel pump???

Sorry for the long post

27th March 2019, 08:30 PM
They are a mechanical fuel pump and from memory is mounted to the driver's side of the engine.

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28th March 2019, 10:33 AM
If you intend to run the vehicle on petrol, then I suggest you put a kit through the carby (if it hasn't got fuel injection). A lot of the components dry out if not used for long periods. It would be wise to run a cleaner though the system and replace the fuel filters.

I have also experienced fuel pump diaphragm failure on a Falcon after the system was not used for an extended time.