View Full Version : Rear view mirror "replacement" reverse camera screen

2nd March 2019, 02:42 PM
Curious, does anybody here have a reverse camera screen on the rear view mirror?? If so, is it a complete mirror replacement, or does it just "clip onto" the original mirror???
Ive seen the clip on variety and it just ends up looking bulky I hate it.
Today I saw one on a GU Ute and it was a complete mirror replacement .it looked like it bolted right up to the original 2 bolts... I asked the bloke and he said he bought the car like that, so he dont know where it came from.

I really liked it !!!

2nd March 2019, 03:08 PM
I have a version that clips ontpo the existing mirror. Its not much larger than the mirror, however you would appreciate a bigger screen anyway, and is on the whole time so I get a view out the back. Couple of issue though. It is not great when someone is driving with their lights on behind you. I have two cameras, one a colour that has a low light threshold and another that is IR. The camera is essentially useless in the dark - the colour one. I have not tried the IR unit as yet. My camera in use now is one of the factory units supplied with the GPS - HEMA - bloody dear at the time, but I am sure better ones are avail now at 1/10th the cost. I find it is useful for general daylight hours, works well for backing up with the big reverse lights I have. It was a cheapie - Cuppa actually put me onto it - sorry, at the mine right now so can't check which make/model it is. There is also a work around with the config to get the image on the right side of the screen - it comes out configured to reverse the image - weird when you are driving along in the LH lane and a car looks like it is overtaking you on a lane that does not exist. Mine can be wireless or hard wired - I went hard wired, its been ok but do an excellent job with the cables from the start or you will have issues with comms - took me a while a couple of times to sort mine out. I think the unit was about $100, maybe less and that was 3 yrs ago.

2nd March 2019, 03:48 PM
Thanks PeeBee
"Always on" is what I'm after. Which is why i dont want to hook up the rev. cam. to my radio screen. I'm just used to always on cams from driving large trucks and trailers at work as I like to "see" as much as possible.
This is something I'd like to invest into properly. I'm not after a cheapo / ebay unit this time around.

My Pioneer camera died not long ago, and I had to re-position it anyway due to adding the swing away arms to my rear bar so, while at it i might as well do it properly.
Wireless i wont even look at. Wired or nothing. I already have power wires going up to the mirror area so i wont have ugly ciggie lighter cables anywhere. This unit i go for will be hard wired power and camera. Nice and neat. I'm struggling to find a nice unit though. "Most" are clip on variety.

2nd March 2019, 03:57 PM
Once its clipped on you hardly notice it - its not like you are hanging a 26" CRT TV from the windscreen!!! Anyway, keep looking, I am sure you will find something, and no doubt if you are looking at a high end device - even better I am sure. I know the cameras come in different field of angle. I have the 160 deg unit and its not great for depth of field I found. I think I read somewhere the smaller angled units, like 35 deg are better - really Cuppa has all this nailed - just have to wait until he comes in from polishing his coconuts!

I have something like this, but see there are slim line units for sale also - which were not on the market at the time.


2nd March 2019, 04:14 PM
Once its clipped on you hardly notice it - its not like you are hanging a 26" CRT TV from the windscreen!!! Anyway, keep looking, I am sure you will find something, and no doubt if you are looking at a high end device - even better I am sure. I know the cameras come in different field of angle. I have the 160 deg unit and its not great for depth of field I found. I think I read somewhere the smaller angled units, like 35 deg are better - really @Cuppa (http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/member.php?u=1597) has all this nailed - just have to wait until he comes in from polishing his coconuts!

I have something like this, but see there are slim line units for sale also - which were not on the market at the time.

https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/7-TFT-LCD-Monitor-Night-Vision-Reverse-Camera-Mirror-Wireless-Car-Rear-View-Kit/272707394449?epid=4026935340&hash=item3f7ea09b91:g:pA0AAOSwA~VaCl2m:rk:11:pf:0 (http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/705-53470-19255-0/1?campid=5336709507&toolid=10001&mpre=http%3A%2F%2Frover.ebay.com%2Frover%2F1%2F705-53470-19255-0%2F1%3Fcampid%3D5336709507%26amp%3Btoolid%3D10001 %26amp%3Bmpre%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fwww.ebay.com.a u%252Fitm%252F7-TFT-LCD-Monitor-Night-Vision-Reverse-Camera-Mirror-Wireless-Car-Rear-View-Kit%252F272707394449%253Fepid%253D4026935340%2526a mp%253Bhash%253Ditem3f7ea09b91%253Ag%253ApA0AAOSwA %257EVaCl2m%253Ark%253A11%253Apf%253A0)

Thanks again Phil.

I should have elaborated a bit more. Clip on variations, don't bother me with screen size as such. Larger screen view the better. What bothers me is the thickness of the whole camera coupled with the mirror its clipped on, brings the while unit closer to the driver.
I tested a Kogan unit at work, and once clipped on, it all becomes right in your face! I know it doesnt sound like much... But im not a fan of it. To me it feels a little too close and distracting.
Hence why I am after a complete replacement unit.
As a last resort I might have to get a clip on camera and somehow frankenstein it to the original mirror bracket or bolt holes.

The unit you posted (eBay) is identical to the Kogan version.

Love the screen size, its just super thick coupled with the mirror.

2nd March 2019, 04:18 PM
Hodgey, when I get home, could be a while though, I will take a photo, from memory it does stick out very far at all, however maybe the windscreen slope and seating positions on the GQ are greatly different to the GU?

2nd March 2019, 04:41 PM
Had one hated it especially on corrigated roads, I do have a camera hooked up but yet to use it
as pretty good judging the front and back of the patrol. I did however fit an extended rearview mirrow. about 10" x 3", I think
love it. if you want to come for a drive its just sitting here with a pile of other failed ideas. Could post?? Mine is the clip on version

2nd March 2019, 04:59 PM
Interesting, I dont recall this with mine, but I guess its happening, probably more focused on whats in front than behind to be bothered looking!!!

2nd March 2019, 08:23 PM
I had one that clipped on and everytime I drove off road the weight would tilt the mirror down. I tried to tighten the ball pivot but that did not work.

I ended up getting a complete replacement with a camera built in that looks forward (crash cam). It also has another input that normally hooks up to a reversing camera but I wired it to the camera on the rear of the caravan, and via a switch I can turn this camera permanently on. Its a bit weired sometimes when towing because you look in the mirror - see straight out the back - and for an instant think you have lost the caravan! It really works very well.

I could not get one that fitted to the GU mirror attachment so I bought one that has a "foot" that glues onto the windscreen and the mirror attaches to it.

2nd March 2019, 09:07 PM
I had one that clipped on and everytime I drove off road the weight would tilt the mirror down. I tried to tighten the ball pivot but that did not work.

I ended up getting a complete replacement with a camera built in that looks forward (crash cam). It also has another input that normally hooks up to a reversing camera but I wired it to the camera on the rear of the caravan, and via a switch I can turn this camera permanently on. Its a bit weired sometimes when towing because you look in the mirror - see straight out the back - and for an instant think you have lost the caravan! It really works very well.

I could not get one that fitted to the GU mirror attachment so I bought one that has a "foot" that glues onto the windscreen and the mirror attaches to it.

mate, useful info, but i want to congratulate you, almost 9 years on the forum and only 1K posts. i havent bee around that long but that is awesome your here mate. i believe i have read your posts occasionally but think it was on tappa, so i dont see the important deets!!!

2nd March 2019, 10:29 PM
I have one on my mirror like PeeBee linked to, & have zero problems with it. Stays in place, doesn't droop, doesn't move around on corrugations. Without going out to check, I'm pretty sure I removed mirror glass from my mirror (what use is a mirror in a ute with a canopy?) to reduce the weight, & may have tightened up the ball joint a little. Just seems like a normal mirror to me these days.

Important thing for always on is to get the right camera. Narrow angle of view gives best depth of field - use a standard 90 degree+ reversing camera & vehicles approaching from behind will scare the crap out of you when they suddenly appear right up your klacker 'out of nowhere.

I have a 60 degree camera but when it needs replacing will get a 30 degree. 60 degree is a reasonable compromise for rear vision & reversing, but best to have dual cameras - separate for reversing if you need one.

Do not get a CMOS camera, get a CCD - the image you will see in the monitor is chalk & cheese between these two types of sensor. Also the bigger the sensor the better.

For 'always on' rear vision - this is the camera to get https://www.nassecurity.com.au/30-viewing-angle-sharp-ccd-caravan-rear-view-camera.html (& what I will purchase next time).

4th March 2019, 12:40 PM
@Cuppa (http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/member.php?u=1597) I think we spoke about 30 degree cameras some time ago. I have had one on the back of the caravan/s for many years and the depth perception is just like looking in an actual mirror and the view out of the rear of the caravan is excellent.

At the time the only reasonably priced camera I could find (it was still relatively expensive - but high quality) was from a security company in WA. I guess they are more readilly available now.

PS. Didn't see your link first off Cuppa - but yep - that is the place.