View Full Version : Pc driven ego analyser kit

11th February 2019, 06:51 PM
Hey guys and gals

would anyone be interested if i could start making these unit's again, Dicksmith use to sell these unit's in kit form and hook up to a live computer/laptop to see what your exhaust gas mixture was, i remember i had a 7 inch screen built into my dash that constantly displayed the EGO mixture on the screen, i have still the software for this unit as well,looked pretty impressive when it was on with like a heart rate monitor and large display digits for read outs,,when you revved the engine the mixture line would constantly scroll and rise and fall like a heart rate,,unit ran of a 9v battery,but i used a relay and switch on the dash so i could turn the unit on/off.,,,,if you guys/girls are interested i can post of what the display looks like as well


11th February 2019, 07:19 PM
Excuse my ignorance. So this thing measures the AFR's? Or is that different?

11th February 2019, 07:33 PM
It hooks inline with your sensor on your exhaust to measure fuel mixture/air mixture :)

25th June 2022, 09:20 PM
Found this photo of what the screen used to show if the car was running rich or lean :)

25th June 2022, 09:23 PM
here is another pic of what i found