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View Full Version : Tanks Rear Bar/Step - Forum Decision

24th May 2011, 11:15 PM

As per my post in the build thread, I'm opening up suggestions as to what to do about removing and replacing the alloy step at the back. I've decided it's got to go, but if you're all up for it, I'd like you all to offer suggestions as to what the custom centre piece/step/whatever should look like. Detailed description, cross section pictures, Photoshop, whatever etc you think will give the idea of your design.

Everyone can nominate a design and at a date to be set, I'll number the designs up and we can take a vote as a forum as to which one wins. From there, I'll have a genuine lash at building the winning design, and once done, get a stainless plate mounted to it (in a very visible spot) and engraved that says something like "Dedicated to the NissanPatrol.com.au Forum". We can decide on this also.


My only requirement is the trailer plugs need to be mounted up and out of the way, but obviously still easily accessible.

Over to you!!! This could be interesting!! lmao

24th May 2011, 11:26 PM
your game mate
i couldn`t be much help
but way to go hahaha

24th May 2011, 11:28 PM
your game mate
i couldn`t be much help
but way to go hahaha

C'mon mate ... no ideas?? lol

Should be a bit of fun hopefully!!

24th May 2011, 11:41 PM
You know you can fill in those holes by just putting the rubber section of your rear bar ends back on. This might be easier.

Failing that, something simple with maximum departure angle is the way to go.

24th May 2011, 11:47 PM
You know you can fill in those holes by just putting the rubber section of your rear bar ends back on. This might be easier.

Failing that, something simple with maximum departure angle is the way to go.

Thanks mate - but they don't fill the space and look a bit odd (photos in the build thread with them on - good 2-2.5" gap ..).

Sooooo .... define "something simple with maximum departure angle" lol ... departure will be always limited by the tow assembly, but as you said, it needs to be tucked up!!

25th May 2011, 12:00 AM
Yeah this is true, I guess only you will be able to decide on what sort of rear bar you want. When I do mine I am to go for a setup sililar to yours. Cheap and easy me thinks. Then later I might lash out at a professionally made rear bar with swing aways and the like.

25th May 2011, 12:04 AM
Yeah this is true, I guess only you will be able to decide on what sort of rear bar you want. When I do mine I am to go for a setup sililar to yours. Cheap and easy me thinks. Then later I might lash out at a professionally made rear bar with swing aways and the like.

I'm hoping everyone else will decide for me!!! LOL

Just for sh!ts and giggles!!

25th May 2011, 12:12 AM
Fair enough, it will be funny to see what people come up with.

25th May 2011, 12:17 AM
Fair enough, it will be funny to see what people come up with.

Haha! Too right!!

25th May 2011, 02:30 AM
Hey Scotty

I used a length of "C" channel. Heavy duty and will take a big hit with easy. I also took advantage of good bolt up points and it mounts up well. the plug is fitted inside the channel and well protected, you can make out the wires hanging out just to the right of the centre, i have not fitted the plug back up in that pic


Note i had a piece of Checker plate Ali bent up to fit over the top and folded to follow the profile, looks a treat.


I also put a axle stub into the right side ready for a wheel carrier but have not got around to it yet.

Here is the bar without the Alli top on, you can see the "C" channel a bit better there. Note also that eh wings are tucked up and under within the lines of the car almost.


With the Axle stub



my 3 cents. ;)


25th May 2011, 02:33 AM
I don't know mate, I'm just rest me head in me hands......................... all that time I spent and all the work getting those pics for ya and now look what ya go and do!!!!!!!!! You go and change your ploppin mind again................. now I've gotta go trawling the net for new ideas, bloomin get photos, bloomin shrink em down then bloomin well post em up. Damn you and your fickle way!!!!!!!!!! ROFFLMFAO

25th May 2011, 02:53 AM
how much bar u got left ???

25th May 2011, 06:06 AM
I like MR's channel or similarly a structural gauge RHS was my initial thought and then infill with checkerplate or similar

25th May 2011, 06:12 AM
Actually this is what i'd do HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA

OH yeah I did hahahahahaha

25th May 2011, 07:25 AM
Thanks lads - love both (Timbar's and MR's) ... but alas ... it's not up to me to decide!!! LOL

25th May 2011, 07:30 AM
Do you want or need a rear step?


25th May 2011, 07:39 AM
Do you want or need a rear step?


No sir!! Not a requirement ...

Sir Roofy
25th May 2011, 08:48 AM
just wondering scotty if i could get a seedling from your money tree
i realy would like one pml

25th May 2011, 08:53 AM
just wondering scotty if i could get a seedling from your money tree
i realy would like one pml

I would too, while your handing them out

25th May 2011, 09:01 AM
how much bar u got left ???

That looks the goods

25th May 2011, 09:29 AM
just wondering scotty if i could get a seedling from your money tree
i realy would like one pml

Hahaha ... mate, those rears bars [apart from mine and dhuck's time] cost a grand total of $105.00 in materials ... and I still have stuff left over, so if measured up correctly to start with, you'd probably be looking more like $80-90 in total ...

No money tree brother - just the sweat from my brow!!!!!! lmfao

25th May 2011, 10:22 AM
Here is my design, I found paint harder to do this than freehand, so free hand it was.

http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/images/imported/2011/05/39.jpg (http://www.postimage.org/)
hosting images (http://www.postimage.org/)

25th May 2011, 10:24 AM
Here is my design, I found paint harder to do this than freehand, so free hand it was.

http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/images/imported/2011/05/39.jpg (http://www.postimage.org/)
hosting images (http://www.postimage.org/)

Haha - top effort mate ... aren't you supposed to be studying?? LOL

25th May 2011, 10:27 AM
Yeah I am but I had some spare time lol

25th May 2011, 10:28 AM
Shouldn't you be working also???

25th May 2011, 10:33 AM
see a towbar place and see if you can solve the departure angle problem with some sort of custom removable tow bar tongue mounted up high. That said, I can see a gas tank under there!! :-)

25th May 2011, 10:37 AM
Work with me here - but this is my thought ... mockup picture of the back end to work with ... eeeekkkk ... I'm worse on Paint than I am on a welder ... LOL

I was thinking a piece of 3mm L channel plate sitting across the top and down the face to cover the entire centre section, and another straight piece of tube across the bottom to join it to and finish it off neater. Finished off on top with checkerplate step on the top face of the L channel.

So on the picture, I have put the thicker grey line on top to represent the checkerplate, the large black section as the rear facing wall of the L channel, and because it was all black, I just put another small line across where the plate would join to the bottom tube to give you an idea of what I meant [there would be no gap - welded right across] ...

I would have the plugs coming through the rear facing wall of the L channel and mounted facing downwards for ease of access and to keep mud and such out of them ...


25th May 2011, 10:43 AM
Yeah that would work

25th May 2011, 11:26 AM
Hey guys, a call out to you all!

I posted my pics on the first page of this thread at 2am this morning and note that there are many comments on those pics throughout the next page or so of the thread.

I have come back to the forum this morning and viewed this thread and all my links are stuffed!! I have gone to my Build thread and they are all stuffed there too.

All my posts are corrupted!

If you guys have been able to see my pics this morning before i fixed the links in this thread then it is not something i did to my photobucket but rather something else???
This is a BIG DEAL to me guys! If all my posts are corrupted then it will do my head in....!

Can anyone comment on what they see at their end? I have fixed the links to the first page here but all other threads that i have contributed to are now knackered?


25th May 2011, 11:30 AM
Hey guys, a call out to you all!

I posted my pics on the first page of this thread at 2am this morning and note that there are many comments on those pics throughout the next page or so of the thread.

I have come back to the forum this morning and viewed this thread and all my links are stuffed!! I have gone to my Build thread and they are all stuffed there too.

All my posts are corrupted!

If you guys have been able to see my pics this morning before i fixed the links in this thread then it is not something i did to my photobucket but rather something else???
This is a BIG DEAL to me guys! If all my posts are corrupted then it will do my head in....!

Can anyone comment on what they see at their end? I have fixed the links to the first page here but all other threads that i have contributed to are now knackered?


No Pics on first page of this thread.

25th May 2011, 11:37 AM
No Pics on first page of this thread.

Hey bob, mine is the last post on page 1 of this thread! I have fixed the pics this morning but 1 is now down again?? Can you NOT see any of them?

25th May 2011, 11:38 AM
Hey bob, mine is the last post on page 1 of this thread! I have fixed the pics this morning but 1 is now down again?? Can you NOT see any of them?

No cannot see any of them

25th May 2011, 11:45 AM
BigRig, if you are going to put channel there, why not RHS and make it a water tank or similar? More weight at the rear, I know.

25th May 2011, 11:50 AM
I like MR's channel or similarly a structural gauge RHS was my initial thought and then infill with checkerplate or similar

Thanks lads - love both (Timbar's and MR's) ... but alas ... it's not up to me to decide!!! LOL

Hey guys,

It looks like you could see my pics as late as 6:30am today?? can you still see them? I have had a crash of some kind since then?

Cheers MR

25th May 2011, 12:23 PM
Hey guys,

It looks like you could see my pics as late as 6:30am today?? can you still see them? I have had a crash of some kind since then?

Cheers MR

I'm getting that "oops - link broken" thing that AB mentioned ...

25th May 2011, 12:30 PM
I got an idea, just bolt a winch on the back then fill the holes with steel on a GQ, or if gu then fill it with zipp ties and a soldering iron. :devilred:

25th May 2011, 12:59 PM
I remember years ago that Landrover (?) had a front mounted winch with a fairlead system underneath and at the rear to allow winching backwards - must have had some kind of pull through arrangement to get the hook and cable to the rear I guess.....

Dark 1
25th May 2011, 11:04 PM
MR the photos are not working on my end at this stage.