View Full Version : Damn you Recirc Aircon Switch Bulb! lol

2nd April 2018, 08:52 PM
The green recirc light button is gone.

It still works but no light.

I know its a t3 bulb that you have to twist. to remove

Now i have to take out double din audio unit and bottom fascia etc just to get to it.

I have incandescent and LED t3 so will try both.

Hopefully wont take long on the weekend.

When I pull the button off I can see the t3 wedge bulb but unfortunately you cant use long nose tweezers to twist and undo.

Anyone done these bulbs lately?

7th April 2018, 04:14 PM
Done this today. So easy

1) Remove the main panel that surrounds the Double Din. Its just two screws pointing downwards on an angle.
2) Then pull the main panel off as it just clips in
3)Pull the double Din Audio unit out and push to the side or totall disconnect and remove (up to you)
4)Pull off knobs on the aircon control unit.
5)Pull off the two buttons. Recirc and aircon button. (Yes Just pull off gently and they come out)
6)Pull off the Aircon Unit knob cover off
7)Now push the Aircon control unit back up into the double din area on and angle. Disconnect the plugs behind the Aircon and Recirc button
8) Push them from the back towards you. Its tight but it will pop out.
9) Use a small flathead screw driver and take the t3 bulb out and replace with LED ones which will last much longer

Note - I had to keep trying and turning the new LED bulb until I got a good contact point and then it lighted up

Ebay Link

https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/2pcs-T3-T4-T5-Neo-Wedge-Blue-White-Dash-SMD-LED-Bulbs/202276030218?hash=item2f1897470a:g:BBYAAOSwawpXwVM W