View Full Version : Turbo wastegate buzzing noise.

27th January 2018, 12:19 PM
Hey guys,

Full disclosure: I've only owned my GQ for 2 months, so I'm very green and learning as I go.

Lately I have been noticing a buzzing noise from the engine bay while driving (usually under medium load, doesn't happen when taking off or at higher load). Today I decided to check it out more thoroughly. So I pulled the injector throttle link to see if I could locate the source. It seems to be coming from the turbo wastegate. The sound is like a hollow metallic rattling.

I also noticed that the wastegate hose is disconnected, and has a bolt blocking it off, so it seems to have been done on purpose. Is that a problem?

27th January 2018, 01:28 PM
Injector throttle link?? Whst do you mean by that?

If the noise is definatly coming from the turbo pull the intake piping and dump pipe off and check it shaft play, up/down and front to back. Rub marks on the housing will also indicte shaft play.

27th January 2018, 02:57 PM
Sorry mate, I don't know the right term for it. The equivalent of a throttle link on a petrol engine. You twist it to increase the revs. I will pull apart the turbo inlet and dump tomorrow and check the housing.

In regards to that disconnected hose, do you have any idea why it has been done? It was like that when I bought the car.


27th January 2018, 03:23 PM
Sorry mate, I don't know the right term for it. The equivalent of a throttle link on a petrol engine. You twist it to increase the revs. I will pull apart the turbo inlet and dump tomorrow and check the housing.

In regards to that disconnected hose, do you have any idea why it has been done? It was like that when I bought the car.


Blocking the boost reference to the wastegate is just the idiots way to make more boost.

I still have no idea why you would pull the throttle linkage off the pump to find a noise

27th January 2018, 04:10 PM
Well, I knew the noise was coming from the engine bay, and was happening at a certain rev range. So I figured that revving the car while looking at the engine bay would help me find the source of the rattling.

Thanks for the heads up, I'll reattach the hose.