View Full Version : Hi all

20th December 2017, 12:44 AM
Driving a gu 1998 td45 went Petrol this time on my second patrol first was 1988 gq td42 I got back in 96 and regreatfully sold in 2015. As with the previous patrol will be building it up to do hard bush work. Look forward to picking your brains in the future and hopefully can add some value with gq builds

20th December 2017, 06:01 AM
Welcome to the forum mate and feel free to ask any questions.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

20th December 2017, 07:17 AM
Welcome to the forum mate

20th December 2017, 10:08 AM
G'day mate and welcome to the forum.

20th December 2017, 02:33 PM
Hello and welcome to the forum, plenty of brains to pick here.
so ask away nothing is out of bounds and most of all enjoy yourself