View Full Version : How do I archive my important messages?

12th November 2017, 02:55 PM
My inbox is saying I have 441 stored messages. How do I get rid of the ones I have already deleted, but keep the important stuff?

12th November 2017, 04:20 PM
Hey mate, there's no archiving function or deleted items/rubbish bin feature on here, only inbox and sent.

You may have to set aside half hour and go back through pages in your inbox and delete them.

You can bulk delete the entire lot or bulk delete per day to make it easier too.

12th November 2017, 05:21 PM
But I sent them to file to clear the inbox and it comes up as messages. I tried deleting them there.

4th February 2018, 10:50 AM
Still having trouble deleting messages. I've tried multiple times emptying the folder and it still says I have 395 messages stored of a total of 222 allowed.

4th February 2018, 11:34 AM
Folder Controls
Inbox contains 237 messages. You have 491 messages stored, of a total 2,200 allowed. (Empty Folder)

Hey mudnut I have 2200 allowed as per above

Maybe you have been a naughty boy and they have limited your Messages LMAO


4th February 2018, 02:51 PM
Hey mate, there's no archiving function or deleted items/rubbish bin feature on here, only inbox and sent.

You can actually archive all your Pm's using this function: Download all Private Messages as: XML | CSV | Text

And there is Inbox and Sent but also any other folders you may have also created

4th February 2018, 02:53 PM
Still having trouble deleting messages. I've tried multiple times emptying the folder and it still says I have 395 messages stored of a total of 222 allowed.

Have you deleted your sent messages? Looks 2 me stored messages are not messages in your Inbox but in Sent and any other folders you may have

the evil twin
4th February 2018, 03:10 PM
Stored messages - total of messages in all Folders IE Inbox, Sent and any custom folders (such as Archive or ET is Amazing)

Deleting messages - as in delete them permanently and reduces message count
- highlight (use the tick box or filter) all messages you want deleted
- go to selected messages drop box at bottom of list
- select delete
- select proceed
they will all disappear and your message count will show new reduced total IE if you delete 50 messages your stored message total will drop by 50

Archive messages - either download as suggested or start an Archive Folder in your message settings
Message Settings
- edit folder
- name and add your new folder/s


highlight (use the tick box or filter) all messages you want kept but moved
- go to selected messages drop box at bottom of list
- select move
- select proceed
- select Archive/ET is amazing/destination Folder
- they will all move to the Archive Folder
After that your stored message total will be unchnaged but if you moved, say 50 messages from teh Inbox, the inbox count will drop 50 and the Archive count will increase 50

4th February 2018, 03:21 PM
Delegation at its best! ;)

4th February 2018, 05:46 PM
Whoo hoo. Only 12 important messages left. Thank y'all.