View Full Version : Things kids say and do.

7th November 2017, 01:53 PM
The house is quiet. Too quiet!

After a fantastic four day stay, our eldest has just left for home, with our four grand kids.

It was a delight to have them here for more than a short stay and I am still chuckling about their antics.

This morning, the fly wire screen door handle broke off as Mrs mudsane carried out a basket of washing.

I had a look at the damage and went inside, exclaiming, "Wow, Grandma broke the door handle, clean off!"

Our grandson ran out and looked at Mrs mudsane, who was grimacing in a comical way.

"Woah!" he gasped, " I'm not angry at you, Grandma. I'm impressed!"

7th November 2017, 02:01 PM
"Woah!" he gasped, " I'm not angry at you, Grandma. I'm impressed!"

Lol. That's epic.
My sons 4 and a bit now, and hes at that very age where anything can and does happen. As well as the can say and do anything that'll blow our minds...

The greatest one so far is, when we went to the tip. As I'm unloading the junk out of the trailer, the Cat loader scooping everything up in my sons mind "narrowly" missed our Patrol. Even though he was good 4-5m away. My son turns around and randomly screams, "Did you get you license from a fruit loops box???!"
Yes, he was quoting some of the stuff I say... But the fact he selected it at a perfect time on his own is just priceless !!!

7th November 2017, 02:06 PM
When I read that out, Mrs mudsane choked on her apple juice!!!

7th November 2017, 02:11 PM
I was playing and helping our 7 Y.O. play a game of cards called Phase 10. She didn't like the advice I was giving her, so she selected a "miss-a-turn" card, put it on the table and said, "Gramps, you have to miss the whole game!'

DX grunt
7th November 2017, 04:50 PM
Many, many years ago, number 3 son locked himself in our car. As I ran around to all the doors, he would 'pre lock' them before I got there.

As I banged my hand on one of the windows, my young bloke stuck his face on it, and I accidentally knocked his front tooth out.

I took him to the dentist, but they were unable to stick it back in properly and it absesed , so it was off to the hospital, juiced up and the tooth was removed and the area was cleaned up.

For about 5 or so years, I had to watch him smile with one missing front tooth until his second tooth came through. Talk about a guilt trip for me for 5 years!
I think he was somewhat embarrassed, because none of his school photos showed him smiling properly. lol

He had trouble pronouncing "things" and "thongs". He used to say fings and fongs - due to too much air flow not holding the 'th".

8th November 2017, 04:12 PM
When I took all of grand kids in the Old Trol to the Mt Richmond National park, They asked me to "Put the Bumpy things on," as we neared the tracks.

"What 'Bumpy things?"

'You know, Gramps. The things that make the car go all wobbly and bumpy."

I stopped the car and locked the hubs in. They all loved the way the Patrol swayed to and fro over the rough tracks but there is no way I am going to tell them what's really going on!

8th November 2017, 05:57 PM
Mia just came up to me and asked if I can open the jerry can so she can smell it as she loves the smell...lol

She likes unleaded but diesel is her favourite...lol

Unleaded smell to her means quad bike, diesel smell is 4wd and camping!

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8th November 2017, 06:39 PM
Condoning petrol sniffing. . . parenting at its best [emoji28] . .

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